Simple class to calculate warmup weights for barbell exercises such as squats, deadlift and presses.
npm install barbellweights
var results = new BarbellWeight(300, 'squats').getResults();
This uses the default Starting Strength calculations of empty bar, 40%, 60%, 80%, and working weight
var results = new BarbellWeight(300, 'squats', {program: 'QUARTERS'}).getResults();
This uses calculations of empty bar, 25%, 50%, 75%, and working weight. The Percentages remove the bar weight when making the calculations.
var results = new BarbellWeight(300, 'deadlift', {program: 'QUARTERS'}).getResults();
This uses calculations of empty bar, 25%, 50%, 75%, and working weight. The Percentages remove the bar and 45lb plates when making the calculations.
npm test