Remote configuration Library
Remote Configuration is Nodejs library approach for serving distributed configurations across multiple applications and environments.
This configuration store is ideally versioned under Git version control and can be modified at application runtime. While it fits very well in NodeJS applications using the supported configuration json file formats.
As you can see, the remote configuration lives in its own application. All this application does is request information to Git repositories, from client applications asking for configuration, and return the applicable configuration for those requests.
- Repository in azure devops
- Json file with configuration
The file must be versioned in the default branch of the repository.
Example : json file
"Test": "test value",
"List": [
"Test 1",
"Test 2"
"flag": true
npm i azure-devops-remote-config --save
the project depends on the azure devops node api library to query the azure api.
Setup and use
add a property to the class
import * as common from 'azure-devops-task-utils';
import * as AzureDevOpsApi from 'azure-devops-node-api';
import * as RemoteConfiguration from 'azure-devops-remote-config';
in the appropriate place refer to the configuration information
const project: string = 'project id';
const repository: string = 'repository name';
const path: string = 'config.json';
const webapi: AzureDevOpsApi.WebApi = common.getWebApi();
const configRemote: RemoteConfiguration.RemoteConfigApi = await RemoteConfiguration.getRemoteConfigApi(
const value :string = configRemote.getValueConfiguration<string>('Test');
console.log(`value : ${value}`)
Read a config file from your git repository. It is a json file with configuration, flags, etc.