API written for retrieving student data from AzTU's Electronic Education Management System (KOICA) using student ID and password.
aztu.login() // Logging in to the system
aztu.getStudentInfo() // Return information about the student
aztu.getTranscript() // Return transcript
aztu.getCurrentLectures() // Return information about the subjects of the current semester
import AzTU from "./aztu-api.js";
const user = { UserId: "Username", Password: "Password" }; // The student's information is entered
const aztu = new AzTU(user);
.then(() => aztu.getStudentInfo().then(res => console.log(res)))
// Response:
student: {
typeOfEdu: 'Dövlət sifarişli',
formOfEdu: 'Əyani',
section: 'Azərbaycan dili',
faculty: 'İnformasiya və telekommunikasiya texnologiyaları',
department: 'Mühəndis riyaziyyatı və süni intelekt',
specialty: 'Kompüter elmləri',
year: 'II kurs',
status: 'təhsil alir',
admission: '20220915',
graduation: ''
personal: {
name: 'AMİN',
surname: 'BAĞIYEV',
fatherName: 'İSLAM',
gender: 'Kişi',
mobile: '994*********'
exam: {
studentID: '*********',
verbalPassword: '*********',
testPassword: '*********'
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