axios-merge is an axios helper library for merging identical requests. The library provides the following features:
- merge identical requests; subsequent requests will be merged into the preceding request, preserving the result of the preceding request.
- identical-requests-cancel; the preceding request will be cancelled and the result of the subsequent request will be kept.
Packaged build
npm run build
npm pack
// node
npm install axios-merge --save
// browser
<script src="axios-merge/dist/index.min.js">
parameter signature
* Create merge helper function example
* @params { axiosinstance } axiosInstance axios instance
* @params { function } [customerAdaptar] axios custom adapter
const axiosmerge = new AxiosMerge(axiosInstance, customerAdaptar)
* @params { object } config request configuration, same as axios native configuration
* @params { boolean } config.checkParams checks if the same request checks for parameters default true
* @params { string } config.strategy set the processing strategy when this request is repeated. USE_FIRST keep the first result, USE_LAST keep the last result, USE_TUNNEL use the current result, default is USE_TUNNEL
* @params { boolean } config.distributionResponse Distribute the final response to all identical requests, default is true
* @params { function } config.cancelFn Optional parameters. function to cancel the request Note: This parameter only takes effect when strategy=USE_LAST
* @params { AxiosCancenToken } config.cancelToken Optional parameters. The beacon to cancel the request Note: This parameter only takes effect when strategy=USE_LAST
instance.get(url[, config])
instance.delete(url[, config])
instance.head(url[, config])
instance.options(url[, config])[, data[, config]])
instance.put(url[, data[, config]])
instance.patch(url[, data[, config]])
Create an instance
import axios from "axios";
import AXiosMerge, { strategy } from "axios-merge";
const instance = axios.create({ baseURL: "/" });
const axiosmerge = new AxiosMerge(instance);
// const axiosmerge = new AxiosMerge(axios)
Use within request interceptors
const CancelToken = axios;
function (config) {
let fn = null;
const cancelToken = new CancelToken((cancel) => {
fn = cancel;
config.cancelToken = cancelToken; // beacon to cancel the request
config.cancelFn = fn; // cancel function
config.strategy = strategy.USE_FIRST; // USE_LAST USE_TUNNEL
// do something before sending the request
return config;
function (error) {
// What to do about request errors
return Promise.reject(error);