
0.6.0 • Public • Published


Awesomplete wrapper for Vue and webpack

Awesomplete Vue webpack Component (AVWC) is an Awesomplete VueJS wrapper component that assumes webpack bundling. AVWC accepts comma-separated strings, arrays, or Promise-returning functions as its data source allowing developer flexibility for source implementation, and supports setting/overriding Awesomplete properties via VueJS component structure. AVWC also has a few additional features over core Awesomplete.

Getting Started


npm install awesomplete-vue-webpack-component

Configure usage of the component with VueJS

import AVWC from "awesomplete-vue-webpack-component";
Vue.component("avwc", AVWC);

Use in VueJS .vue SFC file

    <avwc :fill-list="DataSourcePromise" @selectcomplete="ItemSelected"></avwc>
    export default {
        methods: {
            DataSourcePromise(userInputText) {
                return Promise.resolve([ "Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3" ]);
            ItemSelected(awesompleteEvent) {

Webpack configuration must include vue-, style-, and css- loaders

AVWC uses single-file component (.vue) design, and automatically imports the Awesomplete CSS.

    module: {
        rules: [
            { test: /\.css$/, use: [`style-loader`, `css-loader`] },
            { test: /\.vue$/, use: `vue-loader` },

For webpack 4+/compatiable vue-loader, VueLoaderPlugin usage is assumed to be configured correctly

Supported Props

The following props are recognized by AVWC.


Prop Type Notes
  • Comma-separated String list
  • Array
  • Function that returns a Promise
Awesomplete-compatible set of options


Awesomplete properties

Prop Type Notes
auto-first Boolean Awesomplete's autoFirst property
max-items Number
  • Awesomplete's maxItems property
  • default: 10
min-chars Number
  • A re-implementation of Awesomplete's minChars property
  • The implementation ensures that a function passed to fill-list will not be called unless the minimum character length has been met
  • default: 2

Awesomplete functions

Prop Type Notes
container Function Override Awesomplete's container function
filter Function Override Awesomplete's filter function
item Function Override Awesomplete's item function
replace Function
  • Override Awesomplete's replace function
  • The AVWC clear-on-close option will override replace behavior
  • Function
  • false
Override Awesomplete's sort function

AVWC properties

Prop Type Notes
clear-on-close Boolean
  • Clear the search term automatically when the selectcomplete event fires
  • This flag is the equivalent of setting :replace-selection-with="null"
  • Ignored if a replace function is defined
css-class String One or more CSS classes to add to the Awesomplete block
dropdown Boolean
  • Include a dropdown button to the right of the input box
  • AVWC will wire the fill-list function to fire on an empty search term box (i.e. min-chars == 0)
    • An empty search case must be handled for a reasonable combobox UX
  • By default, the button content is a down arrow ▾ (&#x25BE;) character
drop-down-css-class String One or more CSS classes to add to the drop-down button
initial-text String
  • Set the initial text to display in the text input box
  • If the value isn't available at mount, but is set before the user enters text in the field, the value will still be displayed
initial-text-evaluate Boolean
  • When setting initial-text, evaluate the string against the data source, and display Awesomplete results
  • default: false
  • Boolean
  • [String]
  • Select the first element from the list that matches the passed in text
  • Useful for label-value lists to pre-select Awesomplete selection
  • Automatically sets initial-text-evaluate to true
  • Passing in a string value is a shorthand for setting initial-text as well
input-css-class String One or more CSS classes to add to the text input element
ms-throttle Number
  • Adds an active-typing delay - in milliseconds - to the data source evaluation
  • default: 200 milliseconds
  • String
  • Boolean
  • Set placeholder text for the text input element
  • Using the token {minChars} in the string will replace it with min-chars value + "characters"
  • false, an empty string, or leaving this unset with min-chars == 0 will hide the placeholder
  • true will show the default placeholder even if min-chars == 0
  • default: Enter at least {minChars} to search
replace-selection-with String
  • Specify a property to use on the selected suggestion to replace the typed search term when the selectcomplete event fires
    • Awesomplete default is to use the value property
  • Using an empty string (or just setting replace-selection-with as a value-less attribute) will assign the "label" property
    • I.e. using a { label, value } object for the suggestions as in the Awesomplete documentation
  • null is the equivalent of setting the clear-on-close flag
  • Setting clear-on-close will take precedence over any value for replace-selection-with
  • Ignored if a replace function is defined
striped Boolean Add a .striped CSS class to Awesomplete with a default striping color scheme applied

Emitted events

Awesomplete events

All five currently existing Awesomplete events are mapped to the VueJS event emitter without the awesomplete- prefix

Awesomplete Event AVWC Emitted Event
awesomplete-close close
awesomplete-highlight highlight
awesomplete-open open
awesomplete-select select
awesomplete-selectcomplete selectcomplete

Object references

AVWC emits objects as events after initialization

Emitted Event Description
awesomplete-object The Awesomplete object
ref-input The text input element
ref-dropdown-button The dropdown button (only when dropdown is enabled)


AVWC provides CSS classes on its UI elements

  • AVWC is wrapped in a <span /> with an .avwc-container class
  • The input element has an .avwc-entry class
  • The drop-down button has an .avwc-dropdown class

Additionally, as noted above, the following props can be used to set additional CSS classes on each UI element

  • css-class
  • drop-down-css-class
  • input-css-class


Awesomplete Vue webpack Component is released under the MIT License. See License file for more details.


Pull requests will be considered provided they follow existing code's styling, and are well commented.

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npm i awesomplete-vue-webpack-component

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28.9 kB

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Last publish


  • davehermann