Module created to make available a quick way to update all the aviation related information from wikipedia.
Using the package aviation-scraper to download all the information regarding airports, airlines and their destinations from wikipedia exposes the following files:
- airline_destinations.json (an object where the key is the airline url and an array of destination airport urls)
- airlines.json (an array with all the airlines data)
- airport_airlines.json (an object with all the airports including the airlines that fly to this airport grouped into an array)
- airport_cities.json (an object where the key is the primary key of the airport that includes the name and the url of the city it belongs to.)
- airport_runways.json (an object with the runways for each airport.)
- airports.json (an object with all the airports and their data)
- city_airports.json (an object that includes all the airports into one city.)
install via npm:
npm install aviation-json --save
var aviationJson = ;// then you will have available all the information. var airlineDestinations = aviationJsonairline_destinations;var airlines = aviationJsonairlines;var airportAirlines = aviationJsonairport_airlines;var airportsCities = aviationJsonairport_cities;var airportRunways = aviationJsonairport_runways;var airports = aviationJsonairports;var cityAirports = aviationJsoncity_airports;
Updating the information:
Go to the node_modules/aviation-json directory and run 'make sync'
This is going to take a while and depending on your internet connection you may have troubles, after the 5 time trying to reach the wikipedia page to scrape the information, it will throw and err.
All the code is properly tested. To run the test:
# this command lint all the files and runs the tests. make test
if you want to be in watch mode:
# this command run the test in watch mode. make dev
If you want to contribute, create your branch and place a PR or open an issue.