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2.1.1 • Public • Published

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Autosuggest Trie

Minimalistic trie implementation for autosuggest and autocomplete components.


npm install autosuggest-trie --save

Basic Usage

import createTrie from 'autosuggest-trie';
const locations = [
    id: 1,
    name: 'East Richmond 1234 VIC',
    population: 10000
    id: 2,
    name: 'East Eagle 1235 VIC',
    population: 5000
    id: 3,
    name: 'Richmond West 5678 VIC',
    population: 4000
    id: 4,
    name: 'Cheltenham 3192 Melbourne VIC',
    population: 7000
    id: 5,
    name: 'Richmond 6776 VIC',
    population: 3000
const trie = createTrie(locations, 'name');
console.log(trie.getMatches('richmond e'));
  [ { id: 1, name: 'East Richmond 1234 VIC', population: 10000 } ]
console.log(trie.getMatches('ri', { limit: 2 }));
  [ { id: 3, name: 'Richmond West 5678 VIC', population: 4000 },
    { id: 5, name: 'Richmond 6776 VIC', population: 3000 } ]


Function Description
createTrie(items, textKey, options) Creates a trie containing the given items.
getMatches(query, options) Returns items that match the given query.

createTrie(items, textKey, options)

Creates a trie containing the given items.

Parameter Type Required Description
items Array Array of items. Every item must be an object.
textKey String Key that every item in items must have.
item will be inserted to the trie based on item[textKey].
options Object Additional options

Possible options:

Option Type Default Description
comparator Function none Items comparator, similar to Array#sort's compareFunction.
It gets two items, and should return a number.

Note: Matches in the first word (let's call it "group 1") are prioritized over matches in the second word ("group 2"), which are prioritized over matches in the third word ("group 3"), and so on.
comparator will only sort the matches within each group.

When comparator is not specified, items within each group will preserve their order in items.
splitRegex RegExp /\s+/ Used to split items' textKey into words.

getMatches(query, options)

Returns items that match the given query.

Parameter Type Required Description
query String Non-blank query string.

If query is blank, [] is returned.
options Object Additional query options.

Possible options:

Option Type Default Description
limit Number Infinity Integer >= 1

For example: getMatches('me', { limit: 3 }) will return no more than 3 items that match 'me'.
splitRegex RegExp /\s+/ Used to split the query into words.

Running Tests

npm test



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  • moroshko