
0.3.8 • Public • Published


Node module to automatically build a styleguide/developer guide/whatever from comments in sass files.

By default, the template is built for an Atomic design workflow. Mine, specifically.

If you find a bug or just unexpected behavior, please submit an issue on GitHub. Pull requests are also welcome.

Comment Format

Note the 3 *'s to start the comment block, which tells Autoguide to include the comment.

 * Item Title
 * Item Description
 * this can be any number of lines until a variable
 * definition is found.
 * Can also contain _markdown_.
 * variable: value (see below for things the template
 *   listens for, but can be any key/value pair)
 * @attribute {type} name - description
$sass-variables: 'will also be passed as an object: sassVars';


Once included in your file, you can simply call it as a function. You may pass it a few parameters:

  • settings - optional object of settings to use. Defaults are in place for each of these.
    • src - directories to parse for comments. Default: ['./dev/scss/','./dev/js/']
    • template - template file to use for nunjucks rendering. There's one built into the module.
    • dest - directory to place a new index.html file into. Default: './dist/styleguide'
    • templateVars - an object of extra variables to pass to the template
      • showDev - boolean for if sections with only code components should show by default. Default: true.
      • footerMessage - string to put in the footer, parsed with markdown. I appreciate attribution...
      • title - Contents of <title> tag and header.
    • order - array with the order to sort elements into. Default works for my startup-library
    • assetPath - server path to autoguide specific assets, with the path relative to the value of dest. Default: assets
    • assetDest - file path to autoguide specific assets (will contain css, js, and images folders). Default: assetPath from dest
    • styles - array of path(s) to css file(s) for the elements. These are the stylesheets that will be included within the iframes that the html samples are placed in. The paths need to be what you'd put in the href attibute of your link tag. Default: ['assets/css/autoguide.css'].
    • scripts - array of path(s) to javascript file(s) for the elements. These are the scripts that will be included within the iframes that the html samples are placed in. The paths need to be what you'd put in the src attibute of your script tag. Default: ['assets/js/autoguide.js'].
    • sassPrepend - string or array of file(s) to import into the guide's css. Useful for variable overrides or custom component templating. To see the variables available, cd into the module's directory (usually node_modules/autoguide) and run npm run sample, then open sample/index.html.
  • callback - callback function. Passed error and success as a boolean

Example Usage:

var autoguide = require('autoguide');

  src: [
  dest: 'public/styleguide',
  templateVars: {
    title: 'Super Awesome Styleguide'
}, function (err, success) {
  if (!err)
    console.log ('Super Awesome Styleguide created!');

Builtin Components

These components will output to the styleguide when using the default template.


  • html: - code to use in creating a sample iframe.
  • code: - code to output in a code block. Good for examples of scripts or mixin usage.
  • scss:, js:, css: - code to output in a code block, but also tells language for syntax highlighting.
  • wrap: - element(s) to wrap the html content in. Written similar to Emmet, but significantly less robust. Really just handles tags, classes, and ids. Example: wrap: div.outer>section.inner would wrap the html content so that it outputs <div class="outer"><section class="inner">{{ content }}</section></div>. This is useful for elements that inherit styles or when javascript only inits components within certain other elements.
  • limitHeight: - optionally define the maximum height for the sample iframe. Useful for elements where scrolling is a key piece of it. This value is placed directly into the max-height property, so should include a unit. Example: limitHeight: 60vh.
  • path: - define a path for where to place this within the styleguide. This overrides the default of placing a component based on it's file location. Use . or ./ to make it top level.
  • order: - integer of order this component should appear compared to others in the same relative location. If order is defined, it will always be before components without it defined.
  • fullWidth: - true if you want this html sample to be full width to the iframe (instead of padded a bit).


  • @modifier .class - description - description is optional. Each of these adds another html sample to the element's section with the modifier added to the outermost element. Additionally, can write a sass style nest. For example: @modifier .parent &.
  • @default name - description - description is optional. If modifiers are present, changes the title 'Default' to name and adds the description before the first, unmodified sample.
  • @param {type} name - description - type and description are optional. Used to describe parameters/arguments for functions or mixins.
  • @method {return type} name - description - type and description are optional. Used to describe methods of an object.
  • @prop {type} name - description - type and description are optional. Used to describe properties of an object.
  • @returns {type} name - description - all components optional, but should probably have at least one.

Change Log


New template, which is much more thorough and exposes many more options. New features include:

  • path override
  • some variable documentation (color palettes and fonts, more to come)
  • nested modifiers
  • sass prepend include, to override colors and styles

This also includes some breaking changes:

  • vars is no longer an option. Instead, comment the areas with your sass variables as you would a component. For example:
     * Colors
     * Stick only to these approved colors.
     * template: color
    $red: #e01033;
    $blue: #00129a;
  • New template. Hopefully still handles existing comments well, but the entire nunjucks code was rewritten.


Basic usable version. MVP. Adequate for internal use.


Added \r to regex in parser in order to better support Windows.


More cleanup.


Bugfix: iframes for html samples can now shrink as well as grow when their contents' size changes.


Client side js cleanup.


Console call cleanup.


Added support for wrap variable to wrap samples.


Proof of concept and basic parsing.


Added support for defining variables with other variables. For example:

$black: #070707;
$text: $black;

will output a swatch with $text showing the value '#070707'. Only looks within same file.


Added icons to predicted atomic nav items. Added buttons to automatically copy the value or variable of color swatches.


First public release.

Eventual Updates

  • path override
  • component status
  • arbitrary variable documentation (color palettes, sizing, etc.)
  • styleguide branding overrides
  • arbitrary templating
    • additional component templates via including
    • if not defined, system should guess
  • documentation variable, meant for dev-focused information
  • arbitrary iframe resizing
  • search
  • nesting as modifier @modifier &
  • arbitrary ordering of components

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  • jhereg00