AudioGiber is a JavaScript library that allows you to easily create an audio player context. It provides a simple and convenient way to manage and play audio tracks within your application.
You can install AudioGiber using npm:
npm install audio-giber
To use AudioGiber, follow the steps below:
- Import the library into your JavaScript file:
import AudioGiber from 'audio-giber'
- Create an instance of the AudioGiber class, providing the required options:
const Player = new AudioGiber({
name: 'My Audio Player', // Optional: The name of the audio player
nameId: 'audio-player', // Optional: The ID of the audio player element
arrayTracks: [
// Optional: An array of audio track objects
{ id: 1, title: 'Track 1', src: 'path/to/track1.mp3' },
{ id: 2, title: 'Track 2', src: 'path/to/track2.mp3' },
// Add more tracks as needed
onEndContinueTrack: true, // Optional: Continue playing the next track when the audio ends
startInTrackIndex: 0, // Optional: Start playing the audio at the specified track index
DEV: false, // Optional: Enable development mode
preload: true, // Optional: Preload the audio
onEndTrack: (event) => {
// Optional: Callback function when a track ends
console.log('Track ended', event)
ready: (event) => {
// Optional: Callback function when the audio is ready
console.log('Audio ready', event)
src: 'path/to/audio.mp3', // Optional: Set the source audio
Audio Track Object
The audio tracks are represented as objects with the following properties:
(number): The unique identifier for the track. -
(string): The title of the track. -
(string): The path to the audio file. -
(string, optional): The path to an image associated with the track. -
(string, optional): The subtitle of the track. -
(string, optional): The album name of the track.
Player methods
import { AudioGiber, type AudioTrack } from 'audio-giber'
import tracks from 'tracks'
const Player: AudioGiber = new AudioGiber({
name: 'My player',
arrayTracks: tracks as AudioTrack[],
preload: true,
onEndContinueTrack: true,
// Get duration
const durationTrack1 = player.getDuration()
// --- or ---
const durationTrack2 = player.getCurrenTrack().duration
// Play or pause
// --- or ---
player.togglePlay((event: boolean) => {
// if is playing so, audio is paused
console.log(event) // this callback is optional
// If the callback event is true, so audio is paused
// Set current track
src: 'src/my-audio.mp3',
title: 'My Audio',
subtitle: 'By Erickgiber',
imageTrack: 'my-audio-image.png',
description: 'This is my favorite music!',
author: 'Erickgiber',
bitsVelocity: 320,
copyright: false,
isDownloadable: true,
}) // Now you audio track change
This methods and more
The official documentation is being built 🚀
This library is open source.Contributing
Contributions to AudioGiber are welcome! If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvement, please open an issue on the GitHub repository. Pull requests are also appreciated.