
2.0.0 • Public • Published

AtomThemeSwitch library for React.js

Seamless Theme Switching

Easily toggle between light and dark modes or any custom themes with minimal setup. The library provides a simple API to switch themes dynamically, ensuring a smooth user experience.

Persistent Theme Preferences

Automatically save and load user theme preferences using local storage mechanism. This ensures that users' theme choices are remembered across sessions.

Responsive Design

Ensure your themes look great on any device. The library is designed with responsive design principles in mind, providing a consistent experience across desktops, tablets, and mobile devices.

Easy Integration

Integrate the theme switch functionality into your existing React project with minimal effort. The library is designed to be easy to set up and use, with comprehensive documentation and examples.

Theming Context API

Leverage the power of React's Context API to manage theme state globally across your application. The library provides a robust context implementation for managing and accessing theme data.


Enjoy a developer-friendly experience with TypeScript support, detailed documentation, and an active community. The library is designed to be intuitive and easy to use, with helpful resources available to get you started quickly.

Customizable Themes

Define your own themes with full control over colors, fonts, and styles. The library supports a wide range of customization options, allowing you to create a unique look and feel for your application.


Compatible with major React frameworks and libraries such as Next.js, Gatsby, and Create React App. The library works seamlessly with popular tools and frameworks, ensuring broad compatibility.

Browser support

Our theme switch library is designed to work seamlessly across all major web browsers, ensuring a consistent and reliable user experience for all your site visitors. We continuously test and optimize our library to support the following browsers:

  • Google Chrome: Latest 2 versions
  • Mozilla Firefox: Latest 2 versions
  • Safari: Latest 2 versions
  • Microsoft Edge: Latest 2 versions
  • Opera: Latest 2 versions

Testing and Maintenance

We rigorously test our library against these browsers to ensure compatibility and performance. As new browser versions are released, we update our testing process to maintain support and address any emerging issues promptly.


To install the package via npm, run the following command:

npm install atom-theme-switch


yarn add atom-theme-switch

Inital setup

Import package at the top of your component

import { AtomThemeSwitch, AtomThemeProvider } from 'atom-theme-switch'
import 'atom-theme-switch/dist/style.css'

Set initial values for property objects.

  const customMatTheme = {
    checked: {
      trackColor: 'blue', 
      thumbColor: 'white'
    unchecked: {
      trackColor: '', 
      thumbColor: ''
  const getSwitchValues = (type: ThemeType) => console.log(type);

Then place the code snippet written below in the of needed component to render AtomThemeSwitch library:


Options available

Argument Type Values
designType String material | space
shape String round | square
switchHeight String '32px'
selectedTheme String 'selectedTheme'
fixedPosition Object { position: 'fixed', left: '0', bottom: '0', right: '0', margin: 'unset',transform: 'none'}
customMatTheme Object { checked: { trackColor: 'blue', thumbColor: 'white'}, unchecked: {trackColor: '', thumbColor: ''}}
onChanged Event (type: 'light' | 'dark') => void
handleBrowserMode Event (type: mode: {system: string}) => void

Design Customization - Toggle Between Different Modes

The AtomThemeSwitch component provides an intuitive way for users to toggle between different visual themes in a React.js application. Hence, the switch button allows users to choose between two distinct design types: Material and Space by setting corresponding value to designTypeproperty.

Material design offers a clean and modern look, following the principles of Material Design.


Space design provides a more futuristic and open layout, perfect for applications needing a unique visual identity.


With this component, you can easily switch between different visual themes, offering a more personalized user experience.

Flexible Design Customization

Enhance user experience with our switch button's design customization options. Seamlessly toggle between different shapes - square and round to perfectly complement your application's visual style.


Adjustable Switch Button Height

AtomThemeSwitch component offers dynamic height adjustment capabilities using modern CSS features such as calc() and var(). These functions provide flexibility and ease in customizing the appearance of the switch button to fit your design needs. Thus, by setting values in pixels for switchHeight property will adjust the size of entire component on the fly.


Dynamic variable name for a local storage key

By default AtomThemeSwitch sets 'theme' key name in local storage. Meanwhile there might be cases you would like to set anohter name. Thus, user allowed to choose a key name that best fits the context and naming conventions of your project. Feel free to set a custom string value based on your needs by updating selectedTheme property.

    <AtomThemeProvider selectedTheme='your-preferred-name'>

Fixed Positioning

In CSS, the fixed position property is used to position an element relative to the viewport, which means it stays in the same place even if the page is scrolled. In order to make switch button fixed positioned add fixedPosotion object provide corresponding entry in component snippet.

Note: If you are going to enable fixed positioning then position: 'fixed' porperty is required, without that the rest of properties in fixedPosition object will not work.

  const fixedPosition = {
    position: 'fixed', 
    top: '0', 
    left: '0', 
    bottom: '0', 
    right: '0', 
    margin: 'auto',
    transform: 'translate(-50%, -50%)',

Next, include object in the proeprties list of component.

  • position: fixed;: This positions the element relative to the browser window (viewport).
  • top: 0;: This positions the element 0 pixels from the top of the viewport.
  • left: 0;: This positions the element 0 pixels from the left of the viewport.
  • right: 0;: This positions the element 0 pixels from the right of the viewport.
  • bottom: 0;: This positions the element 0 pixels from the bottom of the viewport.
  • margin: auto;: offset the element within mentioned amount.
  • transform: translate(X, Y);: This moves the element within its own width and height.

Detect browser's current mode or theme

This function retrieves the browser's current mode or theme (e.g., light or dark mode) and sends it to the parent component. It is typically used in a React component to communicate the current theme setting to its parent component, enabling the parent component to update its state or perform other actions based on the theme.

Add handleBrowserMode property to AtomThemeSwitch component.


Then define function that will handle result object.

  const getBrowserMode = (mode: {system: string}) => console.log(mode);

SVG icons used

SVG icons taken from

  • SVG Repo - fast node.js network app framework

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  • johannesmatevosyan