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While writing nodejs code, it is not uncommon to have to do something like this:

  • get database connection
  • count records for user
  • if count is 0, insert record for user
  • create user game descriptor
  • return JSON with user data

Another use case would be:

  • get facebook credentials
  • make a post to your REST
  • make a get to another REST
  • increment REDIS for API call track

these use cases translated into plain node code, are a callback nightmare.

Not to mention error control flow.

Not to mention timeout constraints (you really don't want this to take more than 200 milliseconds)

What if you need to know when all this code ends execution.

And then:

  • how about having both use cases running at the same time ?
  • how about not having more than 4 of these (remember scarce database connection number ?) running at the same time ?


AsyncHelper is a general purpose library to handle asynchronous processing in nodejs.

The goal is to expose a clean interface, not only for code readability, but to keep under control all the synchronous operations that could eventually span in the lifecycle of a node js application, and to keep scarce resources under fine control.

The library relies on the concept of a Condition for signaling asynchronous code activity and a Future returned to the developer, so she can be notified about computation results.

The Condition allows to choreograph complex operations and have a fast short-circuit mechanism to allow your code to progress whenever the conditions are met or not. A Condition is hence a super-powered boolean events broadcaster.

Conditions are defined to fail-fast because it met its criteria, or because of built-in timeout control.

Dispatching asynchronous code

The main object to interact with is a Dispatcher object.

Since sometimes is important to handle different scarce resources at a time, as much as needed Dispatcher objects can be created. It makes sense to interact with different pieces of software separately like dealing with your database or an exposed REST API.

The creation of a Dispatcher, relies on objects instead of calling AsyncHelper.waterfall( [], callback ) for well reasons:

  • concurrency purposes. A dispatcher can set a maximum number of concurrent operations, so that you can keep under fine control the scarce resources of your application, like for example, database connections.
  • keep track of running operations, and pending running operations.

A dispatcher is hence a Queue, served as a first-in first-out, with interesting control flow capabilities. How you get notified about dispatched tasks status is by means of Future objects.

Future objects

For each element submitted for execution to a Dispatcher, a Future object will be returned in exchange. A Future object offers a more formal and complete notification scheme than a callback:

  • a future can be checked for its value. Either not set (still pending execution), and if set, whether is an Error.
  • multiple observers can be listening to the future's value change.
  • it is latched by a Condition, so its value can only be set once. And the future's observers will only be notified once.
    const future = _dispatcher.waterfall( [...] );

Future objects expose three different callback notification mechanisms (in fact they are the same, but with some sugar icing):


    future.onValueset( (f:Future<number>) => {
        // check future's value.
        // it will be either a number or Error. 


Promisify a future object:

        (v:number) => {
            // waterfall returned v
        (e:Error) => {
            // waterfall errored


notify on a nodejs standard callback:

        (err:Error, v:number) => {
            // waterfall returned v or Error

But what can be actually be submitted to a Dispatcher. There are three operations a Dispatcher can execute:

  • waterfall of nodejs-style functions.
  • ParallelCondition objects.
  • arbitrary functions with time control.


waterfall-ing is the most common scenario for the AsyncHelper. It allows to have fine timing control for the whole function waterfall, and pass-through error control. A thrown Error in any of the functions can be catch and propagated to the Future as an error value.

Bonus points: if an Error is thrown, you can get a detailed string representation of the waterfall status at the moment of throw, and all parameters passed to each waterfall function by accessing sequenceStackTrace on the error object.

    const _d = new Dispatcher(4);   // 4 concurrent elements. 
                                    // so up to 4 submitted elements will be executing concurrently. 
                                    // all others will be queued until another element ends execution. 
            function f1() {
            function f2( err:Error, ret_from_prev_function : any ) {
        2000,   // 2 seconds to execute the waterfall
        true    // if a function of the waterfall throws an error, halt execution  
    .onValueSet( (f:Future) {
        // the future has value set.

waterfall function gotchas

  • Functions must comply with nodejs's callback convention: (e:Error, args:any).
  • Functions return value will be propagated to the next function. The latest waterfall function return value will be propagated as the Future object's value.
  • Functions can't be fat arrow functions. Internally, the Dispatcher sets this as the waterfall control function itself, otherwise, it won't be able to propagate returned values from function to function.
  • Functions must return a value. If no the function has no return value it is expected that the next waterfall function will be invoked as a callback from something invoked in the current waterfall's function.
  • You can set properties on this. The execution context will be a per-waterfall submission function which handles the control flow.

With all this, a real life use case for the waterfall could be:

            function() {
                // set the next waterfall function as postgres' connect callback. 
                pg.connect( DU.PG_CONN_STRING, this );
            function (err:Error, client:pg.Client, done:()=>void) {
                if (DU.HandleError(err, client, done)) {
                    // stop waterfall, and propagate error to the Future value.
                    throw err;
                // pass postgres specific objects to next waterfall functions 
                this.props = {
                    client : client,
                    done   : done
                    "update client_created_games " +
                    "set" +
                    " context= $1," +
                    " status= $2," +
                    " ...",
            function( err:Error /*, result:pg.ResultBuilder*/) {
                if (DU.HandleError(err, this.props.client, this.props.done)) {
                    throw err;
                    "select  " +
                    " id," +
                    " client_id, ...",
            function(err:Error, result:pg.ResultBuilder) {
                if (DU.HandleError(err, this.props.client, this.props.done)) {
                    throw err;
                // return postgres connection to the pool
                if ( result.rows.length===1 ) {
                    // future's value
                    return 12345;
                } else {
                    // future's value
                    throw new Error("An error.");
        1000,   // take a second as much to execute waterfall functions. 0 for no timeout. optional
        true    // error pass-through enabled ?
        // check future.getValue() for an error.
        (future:Future) => ...

submitCondition (ParallelCondition)

A ParallelCondition can be scheduled for execution. The future's value will be a boolean, indicating Condition met or not. Remember, the Condition might have short-circuited early, and does not mean all Condition operations are done, only the Condition value has been set.

    const pc = new ParallelCondition( ... );
    _dispatcher.submitCondition( pc ).then(
        (condition_result:boolean) => {
            // the condition result was successful or not 
        (err:Error) => {
            // an error ocurred


This Dispatcher function submits an arbitrary function for execution. It also exposes timeout control. Since a dispatcher does not have any knowledge of the execution context, the function has to be bound with its parameters.

        function() {
        0   // no timeout
    function fn( a,b,c ) {
    // execute fn with a maximum time of 100 milliseconds.
    _dispatcher.submit( fn.bind(null,3,4,5), 100 );

Signaling Dispatcher activity

The method Dispatcher.addIsEmptyListener( (d:Dispatcher)=>void ) will be invoked whenever a dispatcher has drained all its scheduled tasks.

Exposed Objects

Though the most interesting object in AsyncHelper is the Dispatcher, it exposes some really useful objects as well.

Internally, Dispatcher relies on choreographing these objects, but they could also be used directly


Conditions are the basic building blocks. A condition is a simple object wrapping a boolean variable, and exposing events based on its changes.

export type SignalObserver = (...args:any[])=>void;
const c = new Condition()
    .onTrue( (c:Condition) => {
    .onFalse( (c:Condition) => {
    .onStateChange( (c:Condition) => {

Initially, a Condition has no internal state. It is nor true, nor false. When it has its values set, the onXXX callbacks will be invoked. Internally, a Condition uses a Signal object, which is useful to register multiple function callbacks for each event.

    .onTrue( (c:Condition) => {...} )
    .onTrue( (c:Condition) => {...} );
c.setTrue();    // will notify to both callbacks.

A value is set by externally calling:


can also be reseted


A Condition can also have value set based on a Timer

    const _condition : Condition = new Condition()
        .onTrue( (c:Condition) => {
        .onFalse( (c:Condition) => {
                // invoked in 200ms unless _condition.setTrue() is called before.
        .setTimeout( 200 );

ConditionTree (extends Condition)

A simple boolean variable can be leveraged with a whole tree of Condition objects, which will be represented by a ConditionTree. A tree is defined by one or more Condition and a boolean operator. ConditionTree objects short circuit, and notify onXXX methods as fast as possible. The evaluation is totally lazy, and may eventually happen when any of the Conditions inside the tree fire.

    const c0 = new Condition();
    const c1 = new Condition();
    const c2 = new Condition();
    const ct : ConditionTree = new ConditionTree( BOOLEAN_OPERATOR.AND )
        .onFalse( (ct : Condition) => {
        .addCondition( c0 )
        .addCondition( c1 )
        .addCondition( c2 );
    // ct still has no value.
    c1.setFalse();  // short circuit, ct evaluates to false now, 
                    // regardless c1 and c2 have values set later.
    c1.setTrue();   // it does not change ct's value.

Condition trees can be nested:

    const c0 = new Condition();
    const c1 = new Condition();
    const c2 = new Condition();
    const c3 = new Condition();
    const ct0 : ConditionTree = new ConditionTree( BOOLEAN_OPERATOR.OR )
        .addCondition( c0 )
        .addCondition( c1 );
    const ct1 : ConditionTree = new ConditionTree( BOOLEAN_OPERATOR.OR )
        .addCondition( c2 )
        .addCondition( c3 );
    const ctct : ConditionTree = new ConditionTree( BOOLEAN_OPERATOR.OR )
        .addCondition( ct0 )
        .addCondition( ct1 )
        .onTrue( ( c : Condition ) {
            console.log( c.getCurrentValue() )// BOOL_OPERATOR.TRUE | BOOL_OPERATOR.FALSE |BOOL_OPERATOR.NOT_SET 
    c2.setTrue();   // ctct invoked onTrue();

ParallelCondition (extends ConditionTree)

ParallelCondition objects are asynchronous ConditionTrees. It is initialized from a collection of ParallelCondition and or callbacks of the form: (c:Condition, index:number)=>void.

The idea with this object is each of the elements supplied at construction time will be executed on the next tick. Elements supplied are either other ParallelCondition objects, or worker functions which will notify their activity result on the Condition object supplied as parameter.

The ParallelCondition evaluates as an AND ConditionTree, so it expects every action to notify back with setTrue(). It will shot-circuit fast, so any action notifying in its parameter Condition with setFalse() will make the ParallelCondition evaluate as false, and notify immediately onFalse() regardless all parallel operations have ended.

A real use case for this object is:

  • write some activity to the database
    • get postgres connection
    • insert
    • check result
    • notify on the parameter condition
  • (and) send some content to redis
  • (and) get some XHR content
// Wait for **all** these things to happen, with a 3 second limit.
function do_postgres_stuff( _condition:Condition, index:number ) {
    // more on the `Dispatcher` beast later 
    // Execute the sequence of functions, 
    //   + take a maximum of 2 seconds to execute, otherwise set an error as result
    //   + if an error is thrown in any function, halt sequence execution.
            function getConnection() {
            function insertContent( e:Error, ...) {
            function checkResult( e:Error, ...) {
        true,   // error fall through
        2000    // max timeout
        ( f : Future ) => {
            const f : any = future.getValue();
            if (f instanceof Error) {
                // you can read f.sequenceStacktrace to get detailed info of what went wrong
                console.log( f.sequenceStackTrace );
            } else {
function do_redis_stuff( _condition:Condition, index:number ) {
function do_xhr_stuff( _condition:Condition, index:number ) {
const pc = new ParallelCondition([
    ]).onTrue( (c : Condition) => {
        // all operations ended correctly
    }).onFalse( (c : Condition) => {
        // something went wrong.    
        // condition short-circuited, some operations may not have ended yet.
    setTimeout( 3000 ); // take 3 secs as much to process the condition, othewise, onFalse will be invoked.

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