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0.4.4 • Public • Published


This an Astro integration that allows you to auto-import components or other modules and access them in MDX files without importing them.


npm i astro-auto-import

If you aren’t already using MDX, you’ll need to add it too:

npx astro add mdx


Import the integration and add it to your astro.config.* file:

import { defineConfig } from 'astro/config';
import AutoImport from 'astro-auto-import';
import mdx from '@astrojs/mdx';

export default defineConfig({
  integrations: [
      imports: [
        // Import a component’s default export
        // generates:
        // import A from './src/components/A.astro';

          // Explicitly alias a default export
          // generates:
          // import { default as B } from './src/components/B.astro';
          './src/components/B.astro': [['default', 'B']],

          // Import a module’s named exports
          // generates:
          // import { Tweet, YouTube } from 'astro-embed';
          'astro-embed': ['Tweet', 'YouTube'],

          // Import all named exports from a module as a namespace
          // generates:
          // import * as Components from './src/components';
          './src/components': 'Components',

    // Make sure the MDX integration is included AFTER astro-auto-import



Type: (string | Record<string, (string | [string, string])[]>)[]

An array of items that configure what files are imported and how.

Default exports

For Astro components or other files that have a default export, the easiest option is to provide their path and they will be imported with a name based on the file name.

imports: ['./src/components/A.astro', './src/components/react/ReactComponent.tsx'];

The above config will import A and ReactComponent respectively, so they could be used as <A /> or <ReactComponent />.

Equivalent to
import A from './src/components/A.astro';
import ReactComponent from './src/components/react/ReactComponent.tsx';
Named exports

For script modules or component frameworks that can use named exports, you can pass an object mapping the module to the names you want to import.

imports: [
    'astro-embed': ['Twitter', 'YouTube'],

This config will import both the Twitter and YouTube components from the astro-embed package.

Equivalent to
import { Twitter, YouTube } from 'astro-embed';

Import aliasing

In some cases you may want to alias a default or named export to a different name either for convenience or to avoid conflicts. In this case instead of passing strings, you can pass a tuple of ['original-name', 'alias'].

imports: [
    './src/components/B.astro': [['default', 'RenamedB']],

This config will import the Astro component in src/components/B.astro but make it available as <RenamedB />.

Equivalent to
import { default as RenamedB } from './src/components/B.astro';

Namespace import

If you want to import all the named exports in a file to a namespace, you can pass a string to set the namespace to import to:

imports: [
    './src/components/index': 'Components',

This config would import all the components in an index file, making them available as <Components.A />, <Components.B /> etc.

Equivalent to
import * as Components from './src/components/index';



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  • delucis