A responsive jquery calendar scheduler built with bootstrap 4 and moment.js
Switch to bootstrap 3
This plugins was originally made for bootstrap 3. Here it is
Screenshots are made using the example/example.html
. There is events on one week only, so some parts of calendar are emtpy.
Desktop user
Mobile user
Using NPM
npm install arrobefr-jquery-calendar-bs4
Using a CDN
use of the latest version on cdn.jsdelivr.net
Simple example
Full documentation
Add a div somewhere that is unique, with an id for example
Argument | Type | Default value | Link / Description |
locale |
string | 'fr' | See Moment.js docs |
enableKeyboard |
boolean | true | Enables or disables the keyboard shortcuts |
defaultView.largeScreen |
string | 'week' | Defines the default view to load for large screen, value must be 'day', 'week', 'month' |
defaultView.smallScreen |
string | 'day' | Defines the default view to load for small screen, value must be 'day', 'week', 'month' |
defaultView.smallScreenThreshold |
integer | 1000 | Defines the threshold to consider a screen small. The value is in pixels |
weekday.timeline.fromHour |
integer | 7 | Start hour of timeline |
weekday.timeline.toHour |
integer | 20 | End hour of timeline |
weekday.timeline.intervalMinutes |
integer | 60 | The time interval of timeline ; each 5, 15, 30, 60, 120, ... minutes |
weekday.timeline.format |
string | 'HH:mm' | The time format in timeline and modal ; see Moment.js docs |
weekday.timeline.heightPx |
integer | 50 | The height in pixels of timeline, it must not be under the bootstrap font-size |
weekday.timeline.autoResize |
boolean | true | If true, it resizes the timeline if events are out of interval [fromHour;toHour]. It will only extend time interval, it will not reduce ! |
weekday.dayline.weekdays |
array | [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] | The days to display ; 0 is first day of week depending of the locale ; see Moment.js docs |
weekday.dayline.format |
string | 'dddd DD/MM' | The time format of days ; see Moment.js docs |
weekday.dayline.heightPx |
integer | 30 | The height in pixels of dayline, it must not be under the bootstrap font-size |
weekday.dayline.month.format |
string | 'MMMM YYYY' | The time format of month header ; see Moment.js docs |
weekday.dayline.month.heightPx |
integer | 30 | The height in pixels of month header |
weekday.dayline.month.weekFormat |
string | 'w' | The format of week number ; see Moment.js docs |
unixTimestamp |
integer | moment().format('X') | Any timestamp in the week to display, defaults to current week |
event.hover.delay |
integer | 500 | Time to wait hover before display full event |
colors.events |
array | [some colors from materialui] | A set of colors used as background of events in hexadecimal format; example : ['#283593'] ; (Source colors using 800)[https://www.materialui.co/colors] |
colors.daynotes |
array | [some colors from materialui] | A set of colors used as background of day notes in hexadecimal format; example : ['#283593'] ; (Source colors using 200)[https://www.materialui.co/colors] |
colors.random |
boolean | true | Randomize the color order |
categories.enable |
boolean | true | Enable or disable the categories header |
categories.hover.delay |
integer | 500 | Milliseconds to wait before animation |
now.enable |
boolean | false | Enable or disable a <hr> that represents the current time (now) |
now.refresh |
boolean | false | Enable or disable the refresh of this <hr> , it follows the time |
now.heightPx |
integer | 1 | The <hr> 's weight |
now.style |
string | 'solid' | The <hr> 's style, see CSS border style docs |
now.color |
string | '#03A9F4' | The <hr> 's color |
events |
array | [] | An array of events object, see the docs of Events array below |
daynotes |
array | [] | An array of object, see the docs of DayNotes array below |
Events array
The array of events contains objects that have these attributes :
Attribute | Type | Description |
start |
integer | The start timestamp of event |
end |
integer | The end timestamp of event |
title |
string | Any text |
content |
string | HTML content |
category |
string | Optionnal if you want different colors grouped by a category or something else |
DayNotes array
The array of events contains objects that have these attributes :
Attribute | Type | Description |
time |
integer | Any timestamp in the day |
title |
string | Any text |
content |
string | HTML content |
category |
string | Optionnal if you want different colors grouped by a category or something else |
var calendar = ;var result = calendar; // It is just an example, replace "function" by one of the list below
Functions list
Function | Arguments | Return | Note |
init |
Calendar instance | It must be called after any modification to re-draw the calendar | |
getEvents |
Array of events objects | Returns events loaded in this instance of Calendar | |
setEvents |
Array of events objects | Calendar instance | It replaces events ! |
addEvents |
Array of events objects | Calendar instance | It just adds events (it not replaces events) |
getDaynotes |
Array of day notes objects | Returns day notes loaded in this instance of Calendar | |
setDaynotes |
Array of day notes objects | Calendar instance | It replaces day notes ! |
addDaynotes |
Array of day notes objects | Calendar instance | It just adds day notes (it not replaces day notes) |
getInitTime |
String : milliseconds | It returns the time with string "ms" | |
getViewInterval |
Array of 2 integers (unix timestamps) | It returns the from and to timestamp of current view | |
getNextViewInterval |
Array of 2 integers (unix timestamps) | It returns the from and to timestamp of the next view (if user click or swipe to right) | |
getPrevViewInterval |
Array of 2 integers (unix timestamps) | It returns the from and to timestamp of the previous view (if user click or swipe to left) | |
getTimestamp |
Integer : the current unix timestamp viewed | ||
setTimestamp |
Integer : a unix timestamp | Calendar instance | It not affects the view, you have to call init to display the update |
getView |
String : the current view | It returns 'day', 'week' or 'month' | |
setView |
String : 'day' or 'week' or 'month' | Calendar instance | It not affects the view, you have to call init to display the update |
getEventCategoryColor |
String : any category | String : a hexadecimal color prepended by # | It affects events only. Return example : '#C62828' |
getEventCategoriesColors |
Array of objects | It affects events only. Return example : [{category:"Personnal", color: "#FF8F00"}, {category:"Professionnal", color:"#AD1457"}] |
setEventCategoriesColors |
Array of objects | Calendar instance | It affects events only. See example of getEventCategoriesColors |
getDaynoteCategoryColor |
String : any category | String : a hexadecimal color prepended by # | It affects day notes only. Return example : '#EF9A9A' |
getDaynoteCategoriesColors |
Array of objects | It affects day notes only. Return example : [{category:"Public holiday", color: "#B39DDB"}] |
setDaynoteCategoriesColors |
Array of objects | Calendar instance | It affects day notes only. See example of getDaynoteCategoriesColors |
getEventColors |
Array of strings | It affects the events only. It returns an array of hexadecimal colors prepended by a #, example : ["#FF8F00", "#9E9D24", "#EF6C00"] |
setEventColors |
Array of strings | Calendar instance | It affects the events only. See example of getEventColors |
getDaynoteColors |
Array of strings | It affects the day notes only. It returns an array of hexadecimal colors prepended by a #, example : ["#FF8F00", "#9E9D24", "#EF6C00"] |
setDaynoteColors |
Array of strings | Calendar instance | It affects the day notes only. See example of getEventColors |
var calendar = ;;;
Cancel default event action
Example : deactivate the click on event or day note
var calendar = ;;
Events list
- When
- View changes (day, week or month)
- View moves (left or right)
- Manually called by you
- Arguments
- The jQuery event
- The Calendar instance
- An array of 2 unix timestamp of the previous view (on left)
- Example on a week
[1526248800, 1526853599]
- An array of 2 unix timestamp of the current view
- Example on a week
[1526853600, 1527458399]
- An array of 2 unix timestamp of the next view (on right)
- Example on a week
[1527458400, 1528063199]
- Example :
var calendar = ;;
Calendar.daynote-mouseenter and Calendar.event-mouseenter
- When
- The mouse is hover an event or a day note for a while (see
under configuration)
- The mouse is hover an event or a day note for a while (see
- Default
- Enlarge the event or day note over the others
- Arguments
- The jQuery event
- The Calendar instance
- The jQuery element which triggered the event
- Example :
var calendar = ;;
Calendar.daynote-mouseleave and Calendar.event-mouseleave
- It is the same as
but when the mouse leave the event - Default, restore the event or day note state before the default of
Calendar.daynote-click and Calendar.event-click
- When
- The user click or touch an event or a day note
- Default
- Opens a bootstrap modal to display the event
- Arguments
- The jQuery event
- The Calendar instance
- The jQuery element which triggered the event
- The event object you gived which triggered the event (so you have : start, end, title, content, category, anything else if you gived more attributes)
- Example :
var calendar = ;;
Feel free to report bugs or make a pull request ;-)