
1.0.0 • Public • Published


Arkade (ak) is the tacklebox to React's fishing pole.

React isn't "batteries included", so Arkade is a pack of shiny new batteries.

Arkade is a collection of smallish useful components, each designed to not get-in-the-way of how you compose your apps.

Arkade includes...

  • arkade/common Reliable common components like <Icon>, <ProgressBar>, and <TabPanel>.
  • arkade/errors 3 custom error types for better DX
  • arkade/forms A suite of form components to make input a breeze
  • arkade/hooks 3 hooks: useModel, useSession, and useStorage.
  • arkade/layouts 3 flex-based layouts: <RowLayout>, <StackLayout>, and <CentralLayout>
  • arkade/media 2 media-related components, <Audio> (audio player with controls) and <CoverVideo> (dynamically sizes a video for use as a background)
  • arkade/tools 7 components for better DX and/or which have deeper functionality (such as <ScrollWatcher> and <ErrorBoundary>).
  • arkade/utils small, useful utility functions across 9 categories (browser-, download-, form-, object-, react-, social-, storage-, text-, and type-utils)
  • ...and an optional sass-based UI theme generated based on a color scheme you provide, including utility classes, stylized HTML defaults, animations, and automatic flavor classes for buttons, text, borders, and backgrounds.

Installation & setup

npm install arkade

Arkade is offered in non-transpiled, native ES6 module format, containing JSX and SCSS markup.

Being a React toolkit, Arkade requires a sibling dependency react of at least version 16.0.

To use the icons, you'll need to make sure FontAwesome CSS is included in your app bundle (or better yet, loaded on the page via a CDN).

Arkade also includes SASS, which should be transpiled to CSS at some point by your application (usually during your build step).

Crash course

Here are some example of how Arkade can get things done. Try them out!

Simple show/hide modal toggle (persists to session!)

import React from 'react'

import { useSession } from 'arkade/hooks'
import { ModalWrapper, ModalBody } from 'arkade/tools'

export const MyModalTrigger = () => {
	const [isModalShown, setIsModalShown] = useSession('myModalVisibility', false);
	const showModal = () => setIsModalShown(true)
	const hideModal = () => setIsModalShown(false)

	return (
			<button className="btn btn-primary" onClick={showModal}>
				Open modal
			<ModalWrapper visible={isModalShown}>
				<ModalBody onClose={hideModal}>
					Modal Content Baby

A sleek background video header

import React from 'react';

import { Icon } from 'arkade/common';
import { CoverVideo } from 'arkade/media';
import { CentralLayout } from 'arkade/layouts';

export const MyComponent = ({ someProp }) => {
    const videoSources = [
        { src: '/assets/splash-video.mp4', type: 'video/mp4' },
        { src: '/assets/splash-video.ogv', type: 'video/ogg' },
        { src: '/assets/splash-video.webm', type: 'video/webm' }

    return (
        <CoverVideo sources={videoSources} aspectRatio={1.66}>
            <Icon fa="plane" style={{ fontSize: '3em' }} />
            <h1>Plan your dream vacation.</h1>
            <button>Let’s Go!</button>

A simple form with validation

import React, { useState } from 'react';

import { Fieldset } from 'arkade/forms';
import { AppError, ValidationError } from 'arkade/errors';
import { isNonEmptyString } from 'arkade/utils/type-utils';

const isValidMessage = (givenMessage, formModel) => {
	if (!isNonEmptyString(givenMessage) || givenMessage.length < 10)
		throw new ValidationError('Message must a string at least 10 characters long.', givenMessage);
	if (givenMessage.toLowerCase().contains('dallas cowboys'))
		throw new ValidationError('This is an eagles town.', givenMessage);
	if ( === '')
		throw new ValidationError(`We don't wanna hear it, Peeves.`, givenMessage);
	return true;

const isValidEmail = (email) => {
	const EMAIL_PATTERN = /^[^\s@]*@[^\s_@]+[\s]*\.[a-zA-Z]{2,}$/;
	if (!isNonEmptyString(givenMessage) || !EMAIL_PATTERN.test(email))
		throw new ValidationError('Please enter a valid email.', email);
	return true;

export const MyComponent = ({ someProp }) => {
	const [model, setModel] = useState({ message: null, email: null });
	const fields = [
			modelKey: 'message',
			label: 'Your Message',
			icon: 'pencil',
			type: 'text',
			validate: isValidMessage
			modelKey: 'email',
			label: 'Your Email',
			type: 'email',
			icon: 'envelope',
			validate: isValidEmail
	return (

What's In The Box


from arkade/common

  • <ProgressBar />
  • <Icon />
  • <FontAwesomeIcon />
  • <ImageIcon />

from arkade/media

  • <Audio />
  • <CoverVideo />

from arkade/tools

  • <ModalBody />
  • <ModalWrapper />
  • <ErrorBoundary />
  • <Inspector />
  • <Portal />
  • <Specimen />


Custom error types for better DX

new AppError(message, contextData,

  • Attaches .contextData to resulting error

new NetworkError(statusCode, message,

  • Attaches .statusCode to resulting error
  • Adds .contextData string combining message and statusCode

new ValidationError(message, invalidGivenValue,

  • Attaches .invalidGivenValue to resulting error
  • Adds .contextData string combining message with value


A few sets of utilities

Exported from arkade/utils/type-utils

  • isDefined (value)
  • isString (value)
  • isNonEmptyString (value)
  • isFunction (value)
  • isArray (value)
  • isNonEmptyArray (value)
  • isNumber (value)
  • isNumberList (value)
  • isNaN (value)
  • isNull (value)
  • isRegex (value)
  • isBoolean (value)
  • isObject (value)
  • isPrimitive (value)

Exported from arkade/utils/text-utils

  • reindent (text)
  • trim (value)
  • splitByFirst (value, splitByChar = '')
  • splitBy (value, splitByChar = '')
  • prettyPrint (content, singleLine = false)
  • lcFirst (text)
  • ucFirst (text)
  • forceCamelCase (value)
  • forceSnakeCase (value)
  • cleanTagList (tagList)
  • stripHtmlTags (html, allowTags = [], keepAttributes = false)

Exported from arkade/utils/object-utils

  • getDeep (object, path, pathSeparator = '.')
  • setDeep (object, path, replacement, pathSeparator = '.')
  • anonymizeObject(data, fields, preserveFields)
  • sortBy (list, accessor)
  • sortObjectKeys (obj)
  • sortObjectArrayValues (obj, sortAccessor)
  • memoize (func, resolver = null)
  • pick (obj = {}, keys = [])
  • getKeys (object)
  • clone (object)
  • mergeDeep (...objects)
  • equals (a, b)
  • unique (array)

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npm i arkade

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  • austinbillings