An Angular treeview component with checkbox
This component is currently supporting Bootstrap 4. If you are using Bootstrap 4 alpha 6, please downgrade to the older version 1.0.10.
You can customize CSS yourself to break down dependencies to Bootstrap & Font Awesome.
- Unlimited tree level
- State: disabled / collapse, expand
- Filtering
- Internationalization (i18n) support
- Template
- Checkbox with tri-state
After install the above dependencies, install ngx-treeview
npm install ngx-treeview --save
Once installed you need to import our main module in your application module:
import { TreeviewModule } from 'ngx-treeview';
declarations: [AppComponent, ...],
imports: [TreeviewModule.forRoot(), ...],
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule {
Treeview with dropdown:
is optional. This is the default configuration:
hasAllCheckBox: true,
hasFilter: false,
hasCollapseExpand: false,
decoupleChildFromParent: false,
maxHeight: 500
You can change default configuration easily because TreeviewConfig is injectable.
Pipe To map your JSON objects to TreeItem objects.
[items]="items | ngxTreeview:'textField'"
Create a TreeviewItem:
const itCategory = new TreeviewItem({
text: 'IT', value: 9, children: [
text: 'Programming', value: 91, children: [{
text: 'Frontend', value: 911, children: [
{ text: 'Angular 1', value: 9111 },
{ text: 'Angular 2', value: 9112 },
{ text: 'ReactJS', value: 9113 }
}, {
text: 'Backend', value: 912, children: [
{ text: 'C#', value: 9121 },
{ text: 'Java', value: 9122 },
{ text: 'Python', value: 9123, checked: false }
text: 'Networking', value: 92, children: [
{ text: 'Internet', value: 921 },
{ text: 'Security', value: 922 }
Extract data from list of checked TreeviewItem and send it in parameter of event selectedChange. Some built-in TreeviewEventParser:
- DefaultTreeviewEventParser: return values of checked items.
- OrderDownlineTreeviewEventParser: return list of checked items in checked order with their ancestors. Note that: value of a leaf must be different from value of other leaves.
See example 4 & 5.
I am very appreciate for your ideas, proposals and found bugs which you can leave in github issues. Thanks in advance!