
1.3.0 • Public • Published

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CLI to launch apps that use an express main server and an optional restif api server.

Servers are super stable with the help of domains and the cluster module. This means in practice that when a request causes an unhandled error a 500 response is sent, the server shut down gracefully and a new one spun up.

Two servers are spun up originally for each port, so that while one is restarted, the other one keeps servicing incoming requests.


npm install appup


appup [options] file

  --pages      port to start pages server on
  --watchdir   directory to watch for client side JavaScript changes in order to automatically refresh
  --dedupe     if set it will [dynamically dedupe] (
                 all modules as they are being required to work around the fact that symlinks break `npm dedupe`
  --api        port to start api server on
  --apihost    address at which api server is hosted [default: "localhost"]
  --tunnel     sets up local tunnel pointing to pages port and logs url to connect to from remote client
  --config     point to a config file to override routes, etc. for the pages and api server
  --nocluster  if set, single servers are launched instead of a cluster of them, which maybe preferred during development



Creates browserify bundle and starts up pages server and/or api server according to the supplied options.

If no api port is given, the api server is not started up. If no pages port is given, the pages server is not started up. If neither port is given, an error is thrown.

Name Type Description
opts Object
Name Type Argument Description
pagesPort number <optional>

port at which to start up pages server

apiPort number <optional>

port at which to start up api server

apiHost string <optional>

specifies where api server is hosted (default: 'localhost')

config string

full path configuration provided to override browserify specific options and/or custom API/Pages servers init functions

entry string

entry file to add to browserify

watchdir string <optional>

turns on live reload for the given directory

dedupe boolean <optional>

turns on dynamic-dedupe

tunnel boolean <optional>

sets up local tunnel pointing to @see opts.pagesPort and logs url to connect to from remote client

nocluster boolean <optional>

(default: false) if set to true single servers are launched instead of a cluster of them


generated with docme


The config needs to provide either or all of the following properties on the module exports object:

  • bundleOpts: {Object} options passed to browserify().bundle(options)
  • initBrowserify: {Function} invoked with browserify that needs to return a browserify instance that can be initialized according to our needs
  • initPages {Function} invoked with (pagesApp, express, apiServerInfo) where apiServerInfo is { host: {string}, port: {number} }
  • postInitPages {Function} invoked with (pagesApp, pagesServer, express) where pagesServer is the result of pagesApp.listen()
  • pagesSend500 {Function} invoked with (req, res, err) to allow responding with a 500 error before worker gets taken offline and another one is launched
  • initApi {Function} invoked with (apiApp, restify)
  • postInitApi {Function} invoked with (apiApp, apiServer, restify) where apiServer is the result of apiApp.listen()
  • apiSend500 {Function} invoked with (req, res, err) to allow responding with a 500 error before worker gets taken offline and another one is launched
  • events {EventEmitter} used to emit info and error events, if not provided messages are logged to the console instead

Example config

// Bundle options
exports.bundleOpts = { debug: true, insertGlobals: false };
exports.initBrowserify = function (browserify) {
  return browserify().transform('hbsfy');
// Server options
// Pages
exports.initPages = function (pagesApp, express, apiServerInfo) {
  pagesApp.use(core.renderViewMiddleware(viewPath, { title: 'core' }));
exports.postInitPages = function (pagesApp, pagesServer, express) {
// API 
exports.initApi = function (apiApp, restify) {
exports.postInitApi = function (apiApp, apiServer, restify) {



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  • thlorenz