Why do I need an Apollo hook logger?
When testing an application that uses Apollo's useQuery
and useMutation
hooks it's useful to know when a particular component rerenders with new data
from the cache. This becomes particularly important when writing tests that
mount the entire component tree since an unexpected query response in one
component may cause a cache change in the component you are interested in.
This library allows you to create drop-in replacements for useQuery
that pretty-prints all the information needed to track what a
particular hook is doing: the component the hook is used in, the response and
the variables, loading and error states.
Task.tsx query GetTask($id: ObjectId!) {
variables: { id: '5d28a0751e99e53560577cd2' },
loading: true,
error: undefined,
data: undefined
Task.tsx query GetTask($id: ObjectId!) {
variables: { id: '5d28a0751e99e53560577cd2' },
loading: false,
error: undefined,
data: {
task: {
__typename: 'Task',
id: '5d28a0751e99e53560577cd2',
title: 'Fake Task',
In the case of useMutation
it also keeps track of the variables used even
when they are passed directly to the mutation:
const [addTask] = useMutation(ADD_TASK);
addTask({ variables: { title: 'New Task' } });
Results in
AddTask.tsx mutation AddTask($title: String) {
variables: { title: 'New Task' },
loading: true,
error: undefined,
data: undefined
AddTask.tsx mutation AddTask($title: String) {
variables: { title: 'New Task' },
loading: false,
error: undefined,
data: {
addTask: {
__typename: 'Task',
id: '5d28a0151e99e53560577ca3',
title: 'New Task'
Table of Contents
This module is distributed via npm which is bundled with node and
should be installed as one of your project's devDependencies
npm install --save-dev apollo-hook-logger
When using Jest you can easily log every query and mutation by using the
exported @apollo/client
() => jest.requireActual('apollo-hook-logger/dist/jest').default
I recommend using an environment variable to switch the logging on and off:
if (process.env.DEBUG_APOLLO) {
() => jest.requireActual('apollo-hook-logger/dist/jest').default
If you want to be able to log to a file, which is useful for when tests are run
concurrently, you can use the createApolloLogger
jest.mock('@apollo/client', () => {
const { createApolloLogger } = jest.requireActual(
return createApolloLogger({ logToFile: true });
Or using environment variables:
if (process.env.DEBUG_APOLLO) {
jest.mock('@apollo/client', () => {
const { createApolloLogger } = jest.requireActual(
return createApolloLogger({
logToFile: process.env.DEBUG_APOLLO.toLowerCase() === 'file',
Other Solutions
I'm not aware of any, if you are please make a pull request and add it here!