
1.1.3 • Public • Published


node.js request library wrapper and configuration management


Needed a driver for the request library that clearly separated configuration of web service API endpoints from the code that consumed them.


npm install api-client


api-client manages configuration and creation of a set of named api endpoints. Endpoint configuration can be achieved in one of three ways:

  1. The configuration can be supplied explicitly to the library by clients
  2. The library can load a configuration using the node_config (See https://github.com/lorenwest/node-config) module.
  3. Configuration can be added piecemeal by registering endpoint objects and corresponding configuration by calling a function

In the first two cases, the api-client library expects the config object to have a single attribute, 'endpoints', pointing at a object. The object in turn contains any number endpoint configuration objects as attributes:

    type: 'TwitterClient'
    host: 'api.twitter.com'
      protocol: 'https'
    host: 'other.com'

The above configuration object defines configuration of two named endpoints, 'twitter' and 'other_api'. The configurations can be referred to by name when creating instances of ApiClient for sending requests to the web service api. The configuration may specify a 'type' attribute, whose value is the name of a registered or pre-configured api client object.


Each endpoint configuration object has the following layout:

host: 'some.host.com'       # The only required attribute 
port: '232'                 # Defaults to 80 or 443, depending on the 
                            #   options.protocol attribute 
type: 'StringClassName'     # Defaults to 'ApiClient' 
  protocol: 'http|https'    # Either 'http' or 'https', defaults to 'http' 
  base_path: '/apibase'     # The base of all url paths for the service, defaults to '' 
  username: 'user'          # Defaults to null, use to configure HTTP basic auth 
  password: 'pass'          # Defaults to null, use to configure HTTP basic auth 
  version: 'API_VERSION'    # Defaults to null, appended to base_path to form url, only 
  timeout:                # Defaults to 2000, request fails if it takes longer than this 

The request_options object can be used to specify any option allowed by the node.js request library. See https://github.com/mikeal/request.

The url formed by the api-client will therefore be:


Using the default configuration

{ApiClient} = require 'api-client'
ApiClient.load null
console.log "Loaded API Client"
# Create an instance of TwitterClient. 
twitter = ApiClient.create 'twitter'
twitter.user_info(1'TwitterAPI'{include_entities: true}(err, response, body) ->
  console.log "Got Twitter JSON data: " + body

Client supplied configuration

{ApiClient} = require 'api-client'
my_config =
      host: 'foo.com'
ApiClient.load my_config
console.log "Loaded API Client"
foo_client = ApiClient.create('foo_client')

Registering client created ApiClient subclasses

{ApiClient} = require 'api-client'
class FooClient extends ApiClient
  test: ->
    console.log "Foo request: " + @url()
  host: 'foo.com',
  type: 'FooClient',
    base_path: '/fooapi'
console.log "Registered FooClient, config = " + util.inspect(ApiClient.config)
fc = ApiClient.create('foo')

Versioned Api Client

The library also exports a subclass of ApiClient called VersionedApiClient that allows automatic handling of an API version in the request path. This is of limited use, because the base_path configuration option can just as well handle it. To use it, provide endpoint config like the following:

    type: 'VersionedApiClient'
    host: 'somehost.com'
      base_path: '/api'
      version: 'v2'

Stubbing and Testing

The api-client library is written to support testing against it by stubbing requests by url regex. Stubs can be set using the configuration mechanism or set explicitly on an instance of the ApiClient class.

Via configuration:

    type: 'ApiClient'
    host: 'somehost.com'
      base_path: '/foo'
    stubs: [
      [ /.*/nullnull'stub body' ]

or programatically:

myClient = ApiClient.create 'myclient'
myClient.stub_request [ /.*/nullnull'stub body' ]

The stub definition consists of an array of four objects:

  1. A regex that will test the url. If the test is true, this stub will be used
  2. An error object to return if the stub is used
  3. A response object to return if the stub is used
  4. A body object to return if the stub is used.

In either of the above cases, any @get call against the client would result in 'stub body' being returned as the body because the regex would match any url.

The stub body can be either a static string, or an object with a 'file' attribute. In the latter case, the file attribute is the path name of a file whose contents are used as the stub body.


MIT Licensed

Copyright (c) 2013-14 Douglas A. Seifert

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