
1.5.3 • Public • Published


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node.anitomy.js is a Node.js binding for Anitomy a C++ library for parsing anime video filenames.


You can install node.anitomy.js as a dependency of your project using NPM like so, provided you have met the dependencies listed below.

> npm install --save anitomyjs


Example Usage

const anitomy = require('anitomyjs');
const filename = '[TaigaSubs]_Toradora!_(2008)_-_01v2_-_Tiger_and_Dragon_[1280x720_H.264_FLAC][1234ABCD].mkv';
const elems = anitomy.parseSync(filename);
console.log(elems.AnimeTitle + ' #' + elems.EpisodeNumber + 
            ' by ' + elems.ReleaseGroup);

Would output:

Toradora! #01 by TaigaSubs


parse(filenames[, options], callback)

Parses the filenames asynchronously.

  • filenames must be either a string, or an array of strings.
  • options is optional, if provided it must be an object, as set out here.
  • callback must be a function, will be called passing the resulting elements as the first parameter.
    • If filenames was an array, then the passed value will be an array of AnitomyElements, with the same ordering as filenames.
    • If filenames was a string, then the passed value will be an AnitomyElements.
const filename = '[TaigaSubs]_Toradora!_(2008)_-_01v2_-_Tiger_and_Dragon_[1280x720_H.264_FLAC][1234ABCD].mkv';
anitomy.parse(filename, function (elems) {
  console.log(elems.AnimeTitle + ' #' + elems.EpisodeNumber + 
              ' by ' + elems.ReleaseGroup);

Would output:

Toradora! #01 by TaigaSubs

parseSync(filenames[, options])

Parses the filenames synchronously.

  • filenames must be either a string, or an array of strings.
  • options is optional, if provided it must be an object, as set out here.
  • Returns:
    • If filenames was an array, then the returned value will be an array of AnitomyElements, with the same ordering as filenames.
    • If filenames was a string, then the returned value will be an AnitomyElements.
const filename = '[TaigaSubs]_Toradora!_(2008)_-_01v2_-_Tiger_and_Dragon_[1280x720_H.264_FLAC][1234ABCD].mkv';
const elems = anitomy.parseSync(filename);
console.log(elems.AnimeTitle + ' #' + elems.EpisodeNumber + 
            ' by ' + elems.ReleaseGroup);

Would output:

Toradora! #01 by TaigaSubs

parseEach(filenames[, options], callback)

Parses each of the individual filenames asynchronously, as opposed to parse which parses them all in bulk. As it is asynchronous there is no ordering ensured.

  • filenames must be either a string, or an array of strings.
  • options is optional, if provided it must be an object, as set out here.
  • callback must be a function, will be called when each filename is parsed, passing the filename and the resulting AnitomyElements as the first and second parameters respectively.
const filenames = [
anitomy.parseEach(filenames, function (filename, elems) {
  console.log(filename + '\n\t=> ' + elems.AnimeTitle + ' #' + elems.EpisodeNumber + 
              ' by ' + elems.ReleaseGroup);

Would output (though not necessarily in this order):

  => Princess Lover! #01 by ANBU
  => Canaan #01 by ANBU-Menclave
  => Haiyoru! Nyaru-Ani #undefined by ANBU-umai
  => Toradora! #01 by TaigaSubs

parseEachSync(filenames[, options], callback)

Same as parseEach but synchronous, i.e. calls callback for each parsed filename, then returns. callback is ensured to be called in the same order as filenames.

  • filenames must be either a string, or an array of strings.
  • options is optional, if provided it must be an object, as set out here.
  • callback must be a function, will be called when each filename is parsed, passing the filename and the resulting AnitomyElements as the first and second parameters respectively.
const filenames = [
anitomy.parseEachSync(filenames, function (filename, elems) {
  console.log(filename + '\n\t=> ' + elems.AnimeTitle + ' #' + elems.EpisodeNumber + 
              ' by ' + elems.ReleaseGroup);
console.log('parseEachSync completed');

Would output:

  => Toradora! #01 by TaigaSubs
  => Princess Lover! #01 by ANBU
  => Canaan #01 by ANBU-Menclave
  => Haiyoru! Nyaru-Ani #undefined by ANBU-umai
parseEachSync completed

Parse Options

Options are given in the form of an object, with any or all of the following properties set, if unset they default to these values (Anitomy's defaults):

  allowedDelimiters: ' _.&+,|',
  ignoredStrings: [],
  parseEpisodeNumber: true,
  parseEpisodeTitle: true,
  parseFileExtension: true,
  parseReleaseGroup: true


This object represents the parsed elements of the filename. With a property for each ElementCategory that it has a value for, the properties are immutable. In cases where there are multiple elements in a category the property's value will be an array.

AnitomyElements {
  AnimeTitle: 'Toradora!',
  AnimeYear: '2008',
  AudioTerm: 'FLAC',
  EpisodeNumber: '01',
  EpisodeTitle: 'Tiger and Dragon',
  FileChecksum: '1234ABCD',
  FileExtension: 'mkv',
  FileName: '[TaigaSubs]_Toradora!_(2008)_-_01v2_-_Tiger_and_Dragon_[1280x720_H.264_FLAC][1234ABCD]',
  ReleaseGroup: 'TaigaSubs',
  ReleaseVersion: '2',
  VideoResolution: '1280x720',
  VideoTerm: 'H.264' }


Returns true if the AnitomyElements has no category-value pairs.

  • category is optional, if provided must be a string representing an ElementCategory, return value will then be true if the AnitomyElements has no values for that category.
const filename = '[TaigaSubs]_Toradora!_(2008)_-_01v2_-_Tiger_and_Dragon_[1280x720_H.264_FLAC][1234ABCD].mkv';
const elems = anitomy.parseSync(filename);
/* -> AnitomyElements {
  AnimeTitle: 'Toradora!',
  AnimeYear: '2008',
  AudioTerm: 'FLAC',
  EpisodeNumber: '01',
  EpisodeTitle: 'Tiger and Dragon',
  FileChecksum: '1234ABCD',
  FileExtension: 'mkv',
  FileName: '[TaigaSubs]_Toradora!_(2008)_-_01v2_-_Tiger_and_Dragon_[1280x720_H.264_FLAC][1234ABCD]',
  ReleaseGroup: 'TaigaSubs',
  ReleaseVersion: '2',
  VideoResolution: '1280x720',
  VideoTerm: 'H.264' } */
const isEmpty = elems.empty();
// -> false
const hasNoVolumeNumber = elems.empty('VolumeNumber');
// -> true


Returns the number of values associated with the category in this AnitomyElements.

const filename = 'Detective Conan - 316-317 [DCTP][2411959B].mkv';
const elems = anitomy.parseSync(filename);
/* -> AnitomyElements {
  AnimeTitle: 'Detective Conan',
  EpisodeNumber: [ '316', '317' ],
  FileChecksum: '2411959B',
  FileExtension: 'mkv',
  FileName: 'Detective Conan - 316-317 [DCTP][2411959B]',
  ReleaseGroup: 'DCTP' } */
const numOfEpNumbers = elems.count('EpisodeNumber');
// -> 2


Returns the number of category-value pairs this AnitomyElements has.

const filename = '[TaigaSubs]_Toradora!_(2008)_-_01v2_-_Tiger_and_Dragon_[1280x720_H.264_FLAC][1234ABCD].mkv';
const elems = anitomy.parseSync(filename);
/* -> AnitomyElements {
  AnimeTitle: 'Toradora!',
  AnimeYear: '2008',
  AudioTerm: 'FLAC',
  EpisodeNumber: '01',
  EpisodeTitle: 'Tiger and Dragon',
  FileChecksum: '1234ABCD',
  FileExtension: 'mkv',
  FileName: '[TaigaSubs]_Toradora!_(2008)_-_01v2_-_Tiger_and_Dragon_[1280x720_H.264_FLAC][1234ABCD]',
  ReleaseGroup: 'TaigaSubs',
  ReleaseVersion: '2',
  VideoResolution: '1280x720',
  VideoTerm: 'H.264' } */
const size = elems.size();
// -> 12


Returns the first value associated with the category in this AnitomyElements, or an empty string if none.

const filename = 'Detective Conan - 316-317 [DCTP][2411959B].mkv';
const elems = anitomy.parseSync(filename);
/* -> AnitomyElements {
  AnimeTitle: 'Detective Conan',
  EpisodeNumber: [ '316', '317' ],
  FileChecksum: '2411959B',
  FileExtension: 'mkv',
  FileName: 'Detective Conan - 316-317 [DCTP][2411959B]',
  ReleaseGroup: 'DCTP' } */
const firstEpNum = elems.get('EpisodeNumber');
// -> '316'


Returns an array of all the values associated with the category in this AnitomyElements, or an empty array if none.

const filename = 'Detective Conan - 316-317 [DCTP][2411959B].mkv';
const elems = anitomy.parseSync(filename);
/* -> AnitomyElements {
  AnimeTitle: 'Detective Conan',
  EpisodeNumber: [ '316', '317' ],
  FileChecksum: '2411959B',
  FileExtension: 'mkv',
  FileName: 'Detective Conan - 316-317 [DCTP][2411959B]',
  ReleaseGroup: 'DCTP' } */
const epNums = elems.getAll('EpisodeNumber');
// -> [ '316', '317' ]

Element Categories

The element category names are the same as in anitomy::ElementCategory, without the anitomy::kElement prefix:



node.anitomy.js is licensed under Mozilla Public License 2.0.


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