Library to support HTTP file uploads for Angular 2
Add file upload service to your project
// app.module.ts
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { Uploader } from 'angular2-http-file-upload';
// your module meta data here...
providers: [ Uploader ]
export class AppModule { }
Set up a file upload item
// my-upload-item.ts
import { UploadItem } from 'angular2-http-file-upload';
export class MyUploadItem extends UploadItem {
constructor(file: any) {
this.url = '';
this.headers = { HeaderName: 'Header Value', AnotherHeaderName: 'Another Header Value' };
this.file = file;
Use the file upload service in a component
// example.component.ts
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { Uploader } from 'angular2-http-file-upload';
import { MyUploadItem } from './my-upload-item';
// your component meta data here...
export class ExampleComponent {
constructor(public uploaderService: Uploader) { }
submit() {
let uploadFile = (<HTMLInputElement>window.document.getElementById('myFileInputField')).files[0];
let myUploadItem = new MyUploadItem(uploadFile);
myUploadItem.formData = { FormDataKey: 'Form Data Value' }; // (optional) form data can be sent with file
this.uploaderService.onSuccessUpload = (item, response, status, headers) => {
// success callback
this.uploaderService.onErrorUpload = (item, response, status, headers) => {
// error callback
this.uploaderService.onCompleteUpload = (item, response, status, headers) => {
// complete callback, called regardless of success or failure
An upload progress callback is also available:
this.uploaderService.onProgressUpload = (item, percentComplete) => {
// progress callback