
0.1.10 • Public • Published

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A simple, lightweight module for carousel in your AngularJS app, Inspired from No Jquery required.

ui.carousel Demo

IE9+ (AngularJS v1.3.x no longer supports IE8) and the latest versions of Chrome, FireFox and Safari have been tested and are supported. If you do run across any issues, please submit a new issue and I'll take a look - or better yet - submit a PR with the bug fix and I'll merge it in.

You can check out basic options and demo here:

First version

With first version, we provide a directive ui-carousel. Basic support like slick carousel

  • arrows
  • autoplay
  • autoplaySpeed
  • cssEase
  • dots
  • fade
  • infinite
  • initialSlide
  • slidesToShow
  • slidesToScroll
  • speed
  • onBeforeChange
  • onAfterChange
  • onInit

And with angularjs it also contain

  • Filtering

Comming soon

With next version we will provide:

  • Lazy loading
  • Vertical
  • Mouse swipe event
  • Touch swipe event
  • Responsive config
  • Variable width
  • Adaptive height
  • rtl



AngularJS is the only dependency. Animation is achieved with pure JS, jQuery not necessary.


You can install ui-carousel with Bower.

bower install angular-ui-carousel --save

You can also install ui-carousel with npm.

npm install angular-ui-carousel --save

And as always, you can download the source files straight from this repo - they're located in the dist dir. Be sure to include the minified version of both js and css files.


Inject module

angular.module('App', ['ui.carousel']);

Directive configuration.

    <h3>{{ item + 1 }}</h3>

Provide Configuration: You can also using global configuration on angular setup like this:['Carousel', (Carousel) => {
    arrows: true,
    autoplay: false,
    autoplaySpeed: 3000,
    cssEase: 'ease',
    dots: false,
    easing: 'linear',
    fade: false,
    infinite: true,
    initialSlide: 0,
    slidesToShow: 1,
    slidesToScroll: 1,
    speed: 500,

Advanced customize

  <!-- For slider render -->
    <!-- placed your item content here -->
    <img src="{{ item.image }}" alt="{{ item.title }}" />
    <h3> {{ }} </h3>
    <p> {{ item.description }} </h3>
    <!-- end -->
  <!-- For customize carousel next, previous button -->
    <!-- placed your previous button here -->
    <!-- end -->
    <!-- placed your next button here -->
    <!-- end -->



Option Type Default Description
autoplay boolean false Enables auto play of slides
autoplaySpeed int 3000 Auto play change interval
cssEase string 'ease' CSS3 easing
dots boolean false Current slide indicator dots
easing string 'linear' animate() fallback easing
fade boolean false Enables fade
arrows boolean true Enable Next/Prev arrows
infinite boolean true Infinite looping
initialSlide integer 0 Slide to start on
slidesToShow int 1 # of slides to show at a time
slidesToScroll int 1 # of slides to scroll at a time
speed int 300 Transition speed



On carousel initialized

onBeforeChange(currentSlide, nextSlide)

Fires before slide change


Fires after slide change

    <h3>{{ item + 1 }}</h3>


If you've forked or cloned the project and would like to make any sort of adjustments, there are few items to make note of. First, your system will need to have the following bits in place:

  • Node & NPM
  • gulp
  • karma
  • Scss

Second, there are a few gulp tasks that you'll be able to leverage to help validate and prepare your changes for use.

You can fire off a gulp or gulp build command manually at any time to lint, minify, and setup your demo (built in the _gh-pages dir) for testing.

gulp (or gulp build)

Also, you can run gulp dev to lint, minify, and prep your demo for testing. Once the build is complete, it'll also fire off a watch so that any changes that are made to the the sass, js, and demo files will automatically trigger the build script to update your project.


To run through the configured unit tests, you can run gulp test. This will fire off a series of tests that check that all default options are set correctly, all configurable options are able to be set correctly, and that all methods carry out the functionality that they're supposed to. These tests should let you know if any of the updates that you've made have negatively effected any preexisting functionality. Also, when the tests complete, there will be a test coverage report generated and stored in the coverage directory.

gulp test

To public gh-pages you can using command bellow. A folder with name _gh-pages contain all file in your gh-pages repo will be generated. Read here to config your gh-pages:

gulp gh-pages

Next, you'll want to do all of your development within three locations. If you add changes anywhere else, they're likely to be overwritten during the build process. These locations are:

src/ui-carousel/*.js - for any script modifications.

src/ui-carousel/scss/*.scss - for any style modifications.

src/demo/* - for any modifications to the demo.

Lastly, once you've made your changes and run through the appropriate gulp tasks, your changes should be baked and ready for you to consume - located in the dist directory as minified js and css files.


Minh Nguyen


UI-Carousel by mihnsen inspired by


Copyright © 2016


UI-Carousel is under MIT license -

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  • mihnsen