
1.6.2 • Public • Published


Angular validation directive with many validation rules and custom error messages. Validation rules are simmilar to mongoose validation rules!

1. Installation

npm install angular-form-validator

2. Description

This is angular module which gives you angular directive for HTML form validation.

  • easy to integrate in your existing angular 1.4+ project
  • many default validation rules inspired by mongoose validation
  • validation on almost all jQuery events: 'change', 'keyup', 'click', 'blur' ...etc
  • developer can create custom validation rules
  • developer can define custom error messages
  • not dependant on any CSS framework (Bootstrap, Foundation, Material, ...etc) or any JS library like jQuery
  • 100% native angular

It's not only validator but corrector. For example date will be automatically converted to Sat Dec 01 2001 00:00:00 GMT+0100 (CET) format.


3. Integration

If you use browserify in your angular project

var clientApp = angular.module('clientApp', [

If you use compiled version (/dist/ folder) include it in HTML file

<script src="... /angular-form-validator/dist/js/ngFormValidator.js"></script>
Also don't forget to include CSS file.
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./dist/css/ngFormValidator.css">

4. Angular Directive

Directive is ngformValidator and must be applied as a tag attribute. Config (rules and error messages) are defined inside config object.

<input type="text" list="countrylist" class="form-control"
    ngform-validator="{type: 'number', min: ['Number must be min 45', 45]}"
    ngform-validator-options="{validateOn: 'keyup'}">
<p class="help-block" ng-cloak>{{errMsg.firstName}}</p> <!-- error output -->

5. Validation rules


  • string - accepts any string value
  • number - accepts integer or float numbers (12 , 12.23, 1.2e-21)
  • date - accept valid date formats mm/dd/yy , mm/d/yyy hh:mm:ss , m.d.yy , mm.dd.hh and converts it automatically
  • boolean - Any string or 'true' converts to boolean true. String 'false' converts to boolean false. (This is corrector, not validator!)


  • min - If type:'number' then it will compare two numbers (input >= number). If type:'string' will validate number of characters.
  • max - If type:'number' then it will compare two numbers (input <= number). If type:'string' will validate number of characters.
  • between - If type:'number' (number1 <= input <= number2). If type:'string' will validate number of characters.


  • alpha - letters only
  • alphanumeric - letters with numbers only (special characters are not allowed)
  • lowercase - letters must be lowercase, if not it will be converted automatically
  • uppercase - letters must be uppercase, if not it will be converted automatically
  • ucfirst - capitalize first letter


  • int - check if number is integer (52) and if not it will make correction
  • float - check if number is float (52.123) and if not it will make correction


  • email - Validate inserted email (
  • url - check if input is valid URL (http://... or https://...)
  • tel - check if input is valid phone number ((123) 456-7890, +(123) 456-7890, 123-456-7890, 123.456.7890, 1234567890, +31636363634, 075-63546725)
  • sameAs - compare two input fields (for example 'Password' and 'Repeat password')
  • emptySpaces - clear empty spaces in a string (validator and corrector)
  • regex - test input against regular expression
  • enum - limit input string to offered values
  • price - must be Number (type:'Number'), round number to 2 decimals. This is corrector, not validator.

(You are wellcome to make pull request and add extra validator functions.)

6. Custom validator

Beside built-in validators you can use custom validators. Use attribute ngform-validator-custom and define function inside it.

<div ng-class="{'form-group': true, 'has-error': errMsg.cstm}">
    <label for="cstm" class="col-sm-5 control-label">3+ chars <small>(string, validate onKeyup)</small></label>
        <div class="col-sm-5">
            <input type="text" id="cstm" class="form-control"
                    ngform-validator="{type: 'string'}"
                    ngform-validator-custom="function (input) {
                        var err = (input.length >= 3) ? '' : 'Insert 3+ characters!';
                        return err;
                    ngform-validator-options="{validateOn: 'keyup'}">
            <p class="help-block" ng-cloak>{{errMsg.cstm}}</p>

7. Options

ngform-validator-options="{validateOn: 'keyup'}"
  • validateOn: 'change' | 'keyup' (or any other jQuery event ) defines on which JS event field validation will take effect

Notice: 'required' validation is onBlur by default and can't be changed.

8. Disabling form fields and buttons

Submit button or input field can be disable on specific form field errors.

//submit button is disable only when 'eml' or 'maxstr' have bad validations. Use ng-disabled dirctive.
<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" ng-click="mySubmit()" ng-disabled="errMsg.eml || errMsg.maxstr">Submit</button>

9. Reseting form

To reset whole form and clear all errors use ngform-validator-reset directive. Reset will be activted on click.

<button type="button" class="btn btn-warning" ngform-validator-reset>Reset</button>

10. Multilevel scope objects

Scope object can have up to 5 levels, like ng-model="" .


//code example
<input type="text" size="21"
    ngform-validator="{type: 'string', email: 'Email is not valid.'}"
    ngform-validator-options="{validateOn: 'keyup'}">
<span style="color:Maroon;font-size:smaller" ng-cloak>{{}}</span>

11. Licence

Copyright (c) 2016 Saša Mikodanić

Licensed under MIT .

(Freely you received, freely give. , Mt10:8)

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