Analytics Storage Utils
Note: This package has moved to @analytics/storage-utils
Storage utilities for analytics
Storage tries to use localStorage
then cookies
then defaults to global
It's also possible to specify exactly where to set, get, and remove data from with the options
import { getItem } from '@analytics/storage-utils'
// Default lookup, will try resolve value from `localStorage` -> `cookies` -> `global`
const value = getItem('key')
// Get value from specifically localStorage
const getLSValue = getItem('key', 'localStorage')
// Get value from specifically a cookie
const getLSValue = getItem('key', 'cookie')
// Get value from specifically the global window (or global this in Node)
const getLSValue = getItem('key', 'global')
// Get value from all locations
const valueObj = getItem('otherKey', 'all')
// {cookie: undefined, localStorage: "hahaha", global: null}
import { setItem } from '@analytics/storage-utils'
// Will try save value to `localStorage` -> `cookies` -> `global`
setItem('key', 'value')
// -> { value: "value", oldValue: "old", location: "localStorage" }
// Set value to specifically localStorage
setItem('key', 'otherValue', 'localStorage')
// -> { value: "otherValue", oldValue: "value", location: "localStorage" }
// Set value from specifically a cookie
setItem('keyTwo', 'cookieVal', 'cookie')
// -> { value: "cookieVal", oldValue: "null", location: "cookie" }
// Set value from specifically the global window (or global this in Node)
setItem('keyThree', 'xyz', 'global')
// -> { value: "xyz", oldValue: "foobar", location: "global" }
import { removeItem } from '@analytics/storage-utils'
// Will try save value to `localStorage` -> `cookies` -> `global`
// -> { location: "localStorage" }
// Set value to specifically localStorage
setItem('key', 'otherValue', 'localStorage')
// -> { location: "localStorage" }
// Set value from specifically a cookie
setItem('keyTwo', 'cookieVal', 'cookie')
// -> { value: "cookieVal", oldValue: "null", location: "cookie" }
// Set value from specifically the global window (or global this in Node)
setItem('keyThree', 'xyz', 'global')
// -> { value: "xyz", oldValue: "foobar", location: "global" }