Amplify Elemental Plugin
Welcome to the first 3rd party plugin for Amplify that supports setting up Elemental services.
Installation Guide
To get started with installing make sure you have installed the Amplify CLI.
Please refer to the getting started guide on their Github repo.
After installing the official CLI you now have to install this on your local machine. Their are two methods for doing this.
NPM Installation guide
Manually installing
- Clone this repo onto your local machine
- Open the terminal and navigate to the repo you just cloned
- Run this command:
npm install -g
To use this plugin you just need to configure a project using amplify init
Note: If you aren't developing a mobile/web app then it doesn't matter what language you choose.
amplify livestream add
Command to configure the params for setting up a livestream. Run amplify livestream push
or amplify push
to create the resources in the cloud.
amplify livestream update
Command to update your params for your livestream (Not working currently)
amplify livestream setup
Command to repush the CloudFormation dependancies to the S3.
amplify livestream push
Command to push a specific livestream project.
amplify livestream get-info
Command to return the CloudFormation outputs.
amplify livestream remove
Command to remove a livestream that you have made. To remove from the cloud you must run amplify livestream push
or amplify push
Current version: Beta
Using Cloudformation to deploy elemental: False
Version number meaning: x.y.z
is major
is minor
is bug fix
Commit messages must follow:
Beta vx.y.z
Initial plugin to create the elemental resources to host a livestream
- (Changes in details)
Please note this uses lambda functions to deploy the resources as there is no cloudformation support for elemental yet.