What is this?
A simple, customizable data validator for javascript.
- Lots of validation methods
- Control pass or fail on missing values for most methods
- Invert boolean result for all methods (not)
- Configure custom validations for list inclusion and regex matching
- No dependencies
Sweet! How do I get it?
npm install alyze --save
bower install alyze --save
What's the Setup?
For Node
var alyze = ; alyze;
To get a validator instance:
var valyzate = alyze;
Configuration options (...
) are optional in both cases above.
For the Browser
Then you can do
How does all this work?
Configuration Options
All configuration options are aptional.
alyze /* OR */ alyze
{ boolean }
For short-circuiting methods, the value that is immediately returned when test value isnull
, or included inasMissing
. The default isfalse
. -
{ array }
Additional values to be treated as 'missing'. You might want to specify an empty string when working with web form data, for instance. -
{ object }
Specify custom validation methods (.config()
only). See the Extension Methods section for more details. -
{ function }
Errors caught during validation are logged. Specify the log function here (.config()
Validation Methods
Some notes about the validation methods.
- All methods are generally designed to perform the simplest check possible (granularity).
- All methods accept a test value as the first argument.
- The test value is coerced to the proper type as necessary.
- All methods have an inverse (
) version. - Many methods short-circuit for missing values by immediately returning
Non Short-Circuiting
These methods will evaluate missing test values.
Existence/Identity Methods
valyzate /* OR */ valyzatenot
- exists ( v ) - Is not
and notnull
? - falsey ( v ) - Evaluates to
? - missing ( v ) - Is
, or anyasMissing
value? - null ( v ) - Is equal to null?
- self ( v ) - Is equal to itself?
- truthy ( v ) - Evaluates to
? - undefined ( v ) - Is equal to
Type Of Methods
These methods perform typeof
checks on the test value.
valyzatetype /* OR */ valyzatenottype
- boolean ( v )
- func ( v )
- object ( v )
- of ( v, string ) - Is type of the specified type?
- number ( v )
- same ( v, any ) - Type matches comparison value's type?
- string ( v )
- undefined ( v )
Instance Of Methods
These methods perform instanceof
checks on the test value.
valyzateinstance /* OR */ valyzatenotinstance
- array ( v )
- boolean ( v )
- date ( v )
- error ( v )
- func ( v )
- number ( v )
- object ( v )
- of ( v, class ) - Is instance of
? - string ( v )
String Type Of Methods
These methods perform Object.prototype.toString
checks on the test value.
valyzatestype /* OR */ valyzatenotstype
- array ( v )
- boolean ( v )
- date ( v )
- error ( v )
- func ( v )
- null ( v )
- number ( v )
- object ( v )
- of ( v, string ) - String type is
? - regexp ( v )
- same ( v, any ) - String type matches comparison value's string type?
- string ( v )
- undefined ( v )
These methods return onMissingValue
when they encounter a missing test value.
Core Methods
valyzate /* OR */ valyzatenot
- after ( v, date = today ) - Comes after
? - array ( v ) - Is an array?
- before ( v, date = today ) - Comes before
? - between ( v, a, b ) - Is between
(inclusive)? - boolean ( v ) - Is a boolean value?
- configurable ( v, prop ) - Can the object property be configured or deleted?
- cube ( v ) - Is the cube root an integer?
- date ( v ) - Is a valid date?
- dawn ( v ) - Date falls in the (average) dawn hour (6)?
- discrete ( v ) - Does adding 1 to value change it?
- divisibleBy ( v, num ) - Is divisible by
? - dusk ( v ) - Date falls in the (average) dusk hour (18)?
- email ( v ) - Is a valid email address?
- empty ( v ) - Has length of zero?
- enumerable ( v, prop ) - Is the object property enumerable?
- equal ( v, any ) - Is equal to (
)? - even ( v ) - Is an even number?
- extensible ( v ) - Is the object extensible?
- false ( v ) - Is equal to
? - finite ( v ) - Is a finite number?
- float ( v ) - Is a floating point number?
- frozen ( v ) - Is object frozen?
- func ( v ) - Is a function?
- hasKey ( v, str ) - Has the property?
- hasOwn ( v, str ) - Directly has (own) property?
- hour ( v, num ) - Date falls in hour (0-23)?
- infinity ( v ) - Is
? - integer ( v ) - Is a whole number?
- itemIn ( v, array ) - Is included by
? - json ( v ) - Can be parsed as JSON?
- length ( v, num ) - Is of length
? - less ( v, any ) - Is less than?
- like ( v, any ) - Is similar to (
)? - longer ( v, num ) - Is length greater than
? - match ( v, re, flgs ) - Matched by
pattern? - midnight ( v ) - Date falls in the midnight hour (0)?
- minute ( v, num ) - Date falls in minute (0-60)?
- month ( v, num ) - Date falls in month (0-11)?
- monthDay ( v, num ) - Date falls in day of month (1-31)?
- more ( v, any ) - Is more than?
- nan ( v ) - Is not a number?
- negative ( v ) - Is value less than 0?
- noon ( v ) - Date falls in the midday hour (12)?
- number ( v ) - Is a number?
- object ( v ) - Is a non-null object?
- odd ( v ) - Is an odd number?
- positive ( v ) - Is value greater than 0?
- quad ( v ) - Is the quad root an integer?
- regexp ( v ) - Is a regular expression pattern?
- reversible ( v ) - Is string the same when reversed?
- sealed ( v ) - Is object sealed?
- second ( v, num ) - Date falls in second (0-60)?
- shorter ( v, num ) - Is length smaller than
? - square ( v ) - Is the square root an integer?
- string ( v ) - Is a string?
- thenable ( v ) - Has a
property that is a function? - trimable ( v ) - Has whitespace at beginning or end?
- true ( v ) - Is equal to
? - url ( v ) - Is a valid URL?
- weekDay ( v, num ) - Date falls in day of week (0-6)?
- writable ( v, prop ) - Can the object property value be changed?
- year ( v, num ) - Date falls within year?
- zero ( v ) - Is equal to
String Inclusion/Composition Methods
These methods test if a string value is composed of or includes a given set of characters.
Each of these methods can be passed an optional count
- if
is undefined or null, test value must be composed of only the implied character(s). - if
is >= 0, test value must contain implied character(s) exactlycount
times. - otherwise (
is < 0), test value must contain implied character(s) at leastcount
(absolute value) times.
All of these methods are ASCII character based.
valyzate /* OR */ valyzatenot
- alpha ( v, count ) - Has letters?
- alphanumeric ( v, count ) - Has letters or numbers?
- binary ( v, count ) - Has 1's or 0's?
- decimal ( v, count ) - Has numbers 0 through 9 (same as .numeric())?
- hexadecimal ( v, count ) - Has numbers or letters A through F?
- lowercase ( v, count ) - Has lower case characters?
- numeric ( v, count ) - Has numbers 0 through 9 (same as .decimal())?
- octal ( v, count ) - Has numbers 0 through 7?
- printable ( v, count ) - Has printable characters?
- punctuation ( v, count ) - Has special characters?
- ternary ( v, count ) - Has 2's, 1's or 0's?
- uppercase ( v, count ) - Has upper case characters?
- whitespace ( v, count ) - Has whitespace characters?
- word ( v, count ) - Has word characters (letters, numbers, underscores)?
Day of Week Methods
These methods test if a date falls on a specific day of the week.
valyzate /* OR */ valyzatenot
- sunday ( v )
- monday ( v )
- tuesday ( v )
- wednesday ( v )
- thursday ( v )
- friday ( v )
- saturday ( v )
Month of Year Methods
These methods test if a date falls in a specific month.
valyzate /* OR */ valyzatenot
- january ( v )
- february ( v )
- march ( v )
- april ( v )
- may ( v )
- june ( v )
- july ( v )
- august ( v )
- september ( v )
- october ( v )
- november ( v )
- december ( v )
These methods can be added through the extend
config parameter. They are applied to class prototypes to make them available on all validator instances.
Includer Methods
These methods check if test value is included in a list of values and are short-circuited for missing values.
valyzatein /* OR */ valyzatenotin
- daysAbbr ( v ) - In list of 3-char day abbreviations?
- daysName ( v ) - In list of day names?
- monthsAbbr ( v ) - In list of 3-char month abbreviations?
- monthsName ( v ) - In list of month names?
These methods are derived from arrays or strings found in the extend
object passed to configuration.
The above makes the following method available:
Matcher Methods
These methods check if test value matches a regular expression pattern and are short-circuited for missing values.
valyzatematches /* OR */ valyzatenotmatches
These methods are derived from RegExp
items found in the extend
object passed to configuration.
The above makes the following method available:
Custom Methods
These methods perform a custom check on the test value and are short-circuited for missing values.
valyzatem /* OR */ valyzatenotm
- ccNumber ( v ) - Is a valid credit card number?
These methods are derived from functions found in the extend
object passed to configuration.
Custom methods should return a boolean value, and they may also have additional parameters.
The above makes the following method available:
List Element Validators
These methods deal with test values that are arrays and test every value in the array.
Note that:
- All validation methods (including Extension methods) have versions that test array elements.
- Short-circuiting and negation rules apply in the same manner as a method's non-array counterpart.
- For missing array values in short-circuited methods a result of
is assumed for that value. - Each method returns the same result as the non-array version if passed a non-array value.
'All' Methods
These methods return true if every value in the test array passes the given test.
valyzateall/* OR */valyzatenotall
Other method groups on the validator object also have all
For instance, to use Type Of methods, do
valyzatealltype/* OR */valyzatenotalltype
A short-circuited all
method will return false
if any array value is missing.
'Any' Methods
These methods return true if at least one value in the test array passes the given test.
valyzateany/* OR */valyzatenotany
Other method groups on the validator object also have any
For instance, to use Instance Of methods, do
valyzateanyinstance/* OR */valyzatenotanyinstance
A short-circuited any
method will skip over missing array values.
What Else?
{ dist files } { updates } { feedback } { license } { versioning }
Please be sure to check 'updates' link when upgrading to a new version.
npm test
Happy Validating!