TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

1.0.6 • Public • Published


Welcome to Aliascss!

AliasCSS or in short acss, is a post css processor/compiler means it lets you first define classnames in your html element then get processed to corresponig css declaration.

What it is?

With aliascss you can style your webpages using class attribute with post-define classname, for example

<h1 class="color-red font-size12px display-inline-block"> Hello world</h1>

OR, using shorthand

<h1 class="c-red fs12px dib"> Hello world</h1>

Here we have defined the color, font size, display properties of h1 element first, then aliascss will compiles and defines the classname with the corresponing property and value/s in the styles tag or stylesheets. Generally every aliascss classname hold single propery and value for it.

Getting Started



npm install aliascss


<script defer src=""></script>


If you know CSS then your know already Aliascss. Aliascss let you to apply css directly in the html with the help of post define classname. Let's assume we need to style our h1 element

<h1>Hello World!</h1>

Normally , we will apply style as shown below

   font-size: 18px;

Now , if we want same result using aliascss, then

<h1 class="c-gray fs18px">Hello World!</h1>

Or by using full semantic classname

<h1 class="color-gray font-size18px">Hello World!</h1>

Here if you look carefully the classname is doing dual responsibilty. one is defining classname and second is also defining css declaration for itself. In AliasCSS ecosystem we first use classname, then the compiler will define classname and corresponding property and value in the stylesheet/style tag. you dont have to use aliascss compiler in production.

Here are few other examples of post define classnames:-

Aliascss classnames Short-hand Corresponding style aplied
display-flex df display:flex
list-style-none lsn list-style:none
margin-left20px ml20px margin-left:20px
margin-top-20px mt-20px margin-top:-20px
border1px-solid-ccc b1px-s-ccc border:1px solid #ccc
backgound-color-10p20p30p bgc-10p20p30p background-color:rgb(10%, 20%, 30%)
opacity1 o1 opacity:1
opacity0d5 o0d5 opacity:0.5

There are two ways to use class name, either using shorhand e.g c-red m20px df p20p30px l-30px OR full semantic class name color-red display-flex padding20px30px left-30px

Selector and Psedu [ hover: focus: active: ]

We can also target psedu selector / element in your class name by using flags(-- or for shorhand -) e.g --hover or -h. For an example:-

<div class="bgc-cccccc --hover-bgc-yellow> Hi! i will change background color on hover</div>

Here by using --hover flag ( can be used -h shorthand flag) we are telling to use it in :hover state


flags short-flag corresponding css declaration
--active -a :active
--after -af ::after
--after-hover -afh ::after:hover
--before -bf ::before
--before-hover -bfh ::before:hover
--checked -ch :checked
--default -de :default
--disabled -di :disabled
--empty -em :empty
--enabled -en :enabled
--first-child -fc :first-child
--first-letter -fl ::first-letter
--first-line -fln ::first-line
--first-of-type -fot :first-of-type
--focus -fo :focus
--hover -h :hover
--hover-after -haf :hover::after
--hover-before -hbf :hover::before
--hover-target -htg :hover:target
--in-range -ir :in-range
--indeterminate -ind :indeterminate
--invalid -inv :invalid
--last-child -lc :last-child
--last-of-type -lot :last-of-type
--link -ln :link
--not- -n- :not
--nth-child- -nc- :nth-child
--nth-last-child- -nlc- :nth-last-child
--nth-last-of-type- -nlot- :nth-last-of-type
--nth-of-type- -not- :nth-of-type
--only-of-type -oot :only-of-type
--only-child -oc :only-child
--optional -op :optional
--out-of-range -oor :out-of-range
--placeholder -ph ::placeholder
--read-only -ro :read-only
--read-write -rw :read-write
--required -rq :required
--root -rt :root
--selection -s ::selection
--scrollbar -sb ::-webkit-scrollbar
--scrollbar-track -st ::-webkit-scrollbar-track
--scrollbar-thumb -stm ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb
--target -tg :target
--valid -v :valid
--visited -vi :visited


classname shorthand css Remarks
--hover-display-flex -h-df :hover{display: flex ;}
--focus-list-style-none -fo-lsn :focus{list-style:none;}
--nth-child-2n-margin-left20px -nc-2n-ml20px :nth-child(2n){margin-left:20px ;}

Similary , we can also tell aliascss classname to use selector by using '_' at the begining class name . eg:-

<div class="_h3-c-white _p-fs14px"" >
   <h3>Hello World</h3>
   <p> Welcome to AliasCSS </p>

AliasCSS will compile above classnames as below:-


._h3-c-white h3{
   color:white ;
._p-fs14px p{
   font-size:14px ;

Selector Guide Table

Aliascss Classsname compiled
_div-df ._div-df div{..}
__div-df ._div-df > div{..}
___div-df ._div-df + div{..}
____div-df ._div-df ~ div{..}
_all-c-red ._all-c-red *{..}

Targeting Devices [ Making Responsive ]

To target Device , we can simply add device prefix at the very begening of classname. for eg:-

<p class="xs-dn">This will not show in smmaler device</p>

or using semantic classname

<p class="xs-display-none">This will not show in smaller devices</p>

Device Guide Table

AliasCSS Device Prefix CSS Selector
print @media print
xs @media (max-width : 576px)
sm @media (min-width : 576px)
md @media (min-width : 768px)
lg @media (min-width : 992px)
xl @media (min-width : 1200px)
hd @media (min-width : 1408px)
_sm @media (max-width : 576px)
_md @media (max-width : 768px)
_lg @media (max-width : 992px)
_xl @media (max-width : 1200px)
_hd @media (max-width : 1408px)

Any of the above prefix can be used, these prefix must be the at the begining of the classnames. Few examples:-


<div class="xs-flex-direction-column">...</div>
//using shorthand <div class="xs-fdc">...</div>


@media (max-width : 768px) {
            flex-direction: column ;


<div class="xs_p-flex-direction-column">...</div>
//using shorthand <div class="xs_p-fdc">...</div>


@media (max-width : 576px) { 
    .xs_p-flex-direction-column p{
        flex-direction: column ;


<div class="tab-width500px">...</div>
//using shorthand <div class="tab-w500p">...</div>


@media (min-width : 768px){
         width:500px ;

Classname Defination Guide

Rules for defining classnames
  • In general every aliasCSS classnames are derived from css property and value we want to apply.i.e display-flex, color-red, wigth100px, margin-left2rem etc, similary short-hand classnames are also derived for first letter of property follwed by every first letter after '-'followed by first letter of value and evry first letter after '-' if it has any. For Example
display:flex => df or display-flex
font-weight-bold=> fwb or font-weight-bold
animation-timing-function: ease-in-out => atfeio or animation-timing-function-ease-in-out
width:100px => w100px or width100px 
width:-100px => w-100px or width-100px

if there is '-' in classname before length or numeric unit it will treated as negative value. e.g w100px => width:100px , w-100px =>width:-100px , margin100px=> margin:100px, margin-100px => margin:-110px, fs-12px => font-size:-12px; fs12px=> font-size:12px; Becarefull when using '-' before numeric value.

  • Repace "." with d and "%" with p, note this only appicable to numeric and length unit . "d" must be between two numeric value. i.e d5 not != .5, use 0d5 => 0.5
Acss shorthand Css
margin0d75rem m0d75rem margin:0.75rem
margin-0d75rem m-0d75rem margin:-0.75rem
width50p w50p width:50%
opacity0d5 o0d5 opacity:0.5

Length [property whose value are in length ]

Syntax:- property[-]?[value]

classname shorthand css Remarks
margin100px m100px margin:100px
margin1em m1em margin:1em
margin50p m50p margin:50% Use 'p' for %
margin0d5rem m0d5rem margin:0.5rem use 'd' for .
margin20px30px20px40px m20px30px20px40px margin:20px 30px 20px 40px
margin-20px30px-20px40px m-20px30px-20px40px margin:-20px 30px -20px 40px
margin-left150px ml150px margin-left:150px
border-radius15px br15px` border-radius:15px
max-width500px xw500pc max-width:500px
min-width300px mw300p min-width:300px


Color by name and Hexadecimal value

Syntax:- [color|c] - [name| hexadecimal value without #]

classname shorthand css Remarks
color-red c-red color:red
color-cccccc c-cccccc color:#cccccc
color-fff c-fff` color:#fff
border-color-yellow bc-yellow border-color:yellow
background-color-red bgc-red background-color:red

Color by rgb/rgba




RGB is represented by 3 digit [000-255] for each R G and B value, Incase of percentage 'p' should be used to represent '%'. Alpha can be represent by either decimal or percentage value, 'd' should be used in palce of ' . '.

classname shorthand css Remarks
color-000000000 c-000000000 color:rgb(000,000,000)
color-024245100 c-024245100 color:rgb(024,245,100)
color-1110230450d5 c-1110230450d5 color:rgba(111,023,045,0.4)
border-color-11122200050p bc-11122200050p border-color:rgba(111,222,000,50%)
background-color-30p40p60p bgc-30p40p60p background-color:rgb(30%,40%,60%)

Color in HSL /HSLA

Syntax [colcor|c]-[000-359][0-100]p[0-100]p

In hsl() first three digit represent Hue or h followed by percentge of 'saturation ' followed by percentage of light, optionally followed by alpha in percentage of decimal

classname shorthand css Remarks
color-25050p30p c-25050p30p color:hsl(250,50%,30%)
color-25050p30p50p c-25050p30p50p color:hsla(250,50%,30%,50%)
color-11150p0p0d5 c-1110230450d5 color:hsla(111,50%,0%,0.5)

Border | Border-Radius| Box-Shadow


classname shorthand css Remarks
border1px-solid-red b1px-s-red border:1px solid red
border1px-solid-30p40p50p b2px-s-30p40p50p border:1px solid rgb(30%,40%,50%)
border-bottom2px-dashed-cccccc bb2px-ds-cccccc border-bottom:2px dashed #cccccc


classname shorthand css Remarks
border-radius5px br5px border-radius:5px
border-radius10px5px br10px5px border-radius:10px 5px
border-radius5px10px30px4px br5px10px30px4px border-radius:4px 10px 30px 4px
border-bottom-left-radius5px60px bblr5px60px border-bottom-left-radius:5px 60px ;
border-top-right-radius6p btrr6p border-top-right-radius:6% ;


classname shorthand css Remarks
box-shadow1px2px3px4px-pink bxs1px2px3px4px-pink box-shadow:1px 2px 3px 4px pink
box-shadow0px2px-000000000 bxs0px2px-000000000 box-shadow:0px 2px rgb(000,000,000)
box-shadow-2px-2px-cccccc bxs-2px-2px-cccccc box-shadow:-2px -2px #cccccc
box-shadow0px2px-000000000--2px5px1px-red bxs0px2px-000000000----2px5px1px-red box-shadow:0px 2px rgb(000,000,000),2px 5px 1px red Multiple Box-shadow


classname shorthand css Remarks
font-family-serif ff-serif font-family:serif
font-family-san-serif ff-san-serif font-family:san-serif
font-family-Times_New_Roman ff-Times_New_Roman font-family:"Times New Roman" Use'_' for space
font-family-Times_New_Roman--Times--serif ff-Times_New_Roman--Times--serif font-family:"Times New Roman" , Times , serif Multiple Fonts


classname shorthand css Remarks
transform-rotate45deg tf-r45deg transform:rotate(45deg)
transform-scale2--rotate25deg tf-s2--r25deg transform:scale(2) rotate(25deg) Multiple value
transform-rotate45deg tf-r45deg transform:rotate(45deg)
transform-rotate3d1_-1_1_45deg tf-r3d1_-1_1_45deg transform:rotate3d(1, -1, 1, 45deg)
transform-matrix0d8_0d7_-0d8_0.866_0_0 tf-m0d8_0d7_-0d8_0.866_0_0 transform:matrix(0.8, 0.7, -0.8, 0.866, 0, 0)
transform-rotateX45deg tf-rx45deg transform:rotateX(45deg)
transform-rotate45deg tf-r45deg transform:rotate(45deg)
transform:-scaleX2 tf-sx2 transform:scaleX(2)
transform-skew45deg_-45deg tf-sk45deg transform:skew(45deg, -45deg)
transform-translate20px_10px tf-t20px_10px transform:translate(20px, 10px)
transform-rotate45deg tf-r45deg transform:rotate(45deg)
transform-rotate45deg tf-r45deg transform:rotate(45deg)


classname shorthand css Remarks
transition-all0d5s tn-all0d5s transition:all 0.5s
transition-width0d35s tn-width0d35s transition:width 0.5s
transition-width-0d35s tn-width-0d35s transition:width 0.5s '-' used before numeric time unit will not taken as negative value
transition-transform0d35s tn-transform0d35s transition:transform 0.35s


classname shorthand css Remarks
filter-blur4px fl-b4px filter:blur(4px)
filter-unset flu fliter:unset
filter-brightness50p--blur4px--invert50p fl-br50p--b4px--i50p filter:brightness( 50% ) blur( 4px ) invert( 50% )
filter-drop-shadow8px8px10px-gray fl-ds8px8px10px-gray filter:drop-shadow( 8px 8px 10px gray )
filter-hue-rotate40deg fl-hr40deg filter:hue-rotate( 40deg )


classname shorthand css Remarks
background-linear-gradient-red-blue bg-lg-red-blue background:linear-gradient( red, blue )
background-linear-gradient-red_10p-blue_90p bg-lg-red_10p-blue_20p background:linear-gradient( red 10%, blue 90% )
background-repeating-linear-gradient-red_10p-blue_90p bg-rlg-red_10p-blue_20p background:repeating-linear-gradient( red 10%, blue 90% )
background-linear-gradient-to-right-red_10p-blue_90p bg-lg-tr-red_10p-blue_90p background:linear-gradient(to right, red 10%, blue 90% )
background-linear-gradient45deg-red_10p-blue_90p bg-lg45deg-red_10p-blue_90p background:linear-gradient(45deg, red 10%, blue 90% )
background-radial-gradient-red_10p-blue_90p bg-rg-red_10p-blue_90p background:radial-gradient( red 10%, blue 90% )
background-repeating-radial-gradient-circle-blue_5p-skyblue_23p bg-rrg-circle-blue_5p-skyblue_23p background:repeating-radial-gradient( circle, blue 5%, skyblue 23% )
background-conic-gradient-red-blue bg-cg-red-blue background:conic-gradient( red, blue )

CSS Variable

classname shorthand css Remarks
color--var--name c--var--name color: var(--name)
width--var--side-bar-width w--var--side-bar-width width: var(--side-bar-width)

NPM Guide

With npm version there are lots of exrta front-end / workflow feature we can use out of the box.

npm intstall aliascss

To Compiler folder from command line

npx aliascss 'public/*.html' 'public/css/acss.ccc'

output css file must be there if not it should be created manully.

Guide-npx aliascsss 'glob-patterm' 'path/to/output/style.css'

Watch for files

npx aliascss 'public/*.html' 'public/css/acss.ccc' --watch


 "scripts": {
    "aliascss-build": "aliascss 'public/*.html' 'public/css/aliascss.css'",
    "aliascss-watch": "aliascss-build --watch"


.aliascss.config.js gives you more feature and power to the workflow.


Basic structure of config file

export let config= {
    //input files in glob pattern to get compiled

    //Output css file , must exist or should be created manully if not exist

    //Truncate the css file , you should let it true unless you know what your are doing

			'main':"rgb(12,23,45)",// now you can use bgc-main


    // predine classname and
		'outline-color':'color: blue',
		//now you can use it with device or seduo --hover-outline-color
    //if you want to add some css statement 
            --bg-color: teal;

            font-family:BlinkMacSystemFont , -apple-system , "Segoe UI" , Roboto , Oxygen , Ubuntu , Cantarell , "Fira Sans" , "Droid Sans" , "Helvetica Neue" , Helvetica , Arial , sans-serif , "Apple Color Emoji" , "Segoe UI Emoji" , "Segoe UI Symbol" , "Noto Color Emoji";


	// group classname in single classname
		'container':'p15px border1px-solid-light',
		'row':'--hover-filter-blur1px '
    //if some of the classname collide with other CSS framework like bootstrap , tailwindcss
    //You wanna  tell aliasccss to ignore it...
	ignore:['fs12px', 'c-red'],


Now you can do,

npx aliascss-ts --config


npx aliascss-ts --config --watch


 "scripts": {
    "aliascss-build": "aliascss-ts --config'",
    "aliascss-watch": "aliascss-ts  --config --watch"

Package Sidebar


npm i aliascss-ts

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