A 1-1 network pipe that auto discovers other peers using mdns
npm install -g airpaste
On one machine run
echo hello world | airpaste
On another one run
If the two machines are on the same network the second one will now print hello world
Optionally you can provide an pipe name as the second argument
echo only streams to test | airpaste test
That way the output only gets send to another user doing airpaste test
Sharing files
You can use airpaste to share files across the network by piping them to/from airpaste
On one machine do
airpaste < my.file
On another
airpaste > my.file
Since airpaste just outputs to stdout you can also do stuff like piping movies/music to mplayer (or any other program that supports streaming to stdin)
On one machine
airpaste | mplayer -
On another
airpaste < movie.mp4
You can also use this module from node
var airpaste =var stream =processstdin
Optionally you can pass a namespace to airpaste()