Make sure to use latest version! Sometimes there are api URL changes...
npm i ainasepics
Get started
Methods Return type .get('name-here') Promise<{ url: string }> .getMultiple({ name: 'name-here', limit: 5 }) Promise<{ results: [{ url: string }, ...] }> -
Available names
- These names are used for the .get method. Example: await ainasepics.get('name-here');
- Gifs:
baka | bite | blush | bored | bully |
chase | cheer | cringe | cry | cuddle |
dance | facepalm | glomp | handhold | happy |
hi | highfive | hug | kiss | laugh |
lick | love | nervous | nom | nope |
panic | pat | poke | pout | punch |
run | sad | shrug | slap |
- Images:
cat | dog | fox |
wolf |
Usage example:
const ainasepics = require("ainasepics")
.then(imageData => console.log(imageData.url)) // random pat gif url is logged.
.catch(err => console.error(err));
// imageData is this object:
/* {
url: string
ainasepics.getMultiple({ name: 'cat', limit: 5 }) // Limit cannot be over 5
.then(search => console.log(search.results))
.catch(err => console.error(err));
/* search.results is an array of results:
{ url: 'link_here' },
{ url: 'link_here' },
{ url: 'link_here' },
{ url: 'link_here' },
{ url: 'link_here' }
- The package name is not because of a person, animal or any character; It is a name I "invented" based on my username.