a printable olio-based theme (with attributes instead of schema)
Daniel Taylor's aglio tool is a nice renderer for API Blueprints. Aglio comes with a handsomely-styled theme called olio. This repo contains a modified version of olio-attributes for printing. Changes:
- @hajimeni's changes in to add attributes to the aglio output
- removal of the schema's (in favor of attributes only)
- removal of the nav bar
- removal of the 'back to top' floating text
- expand all by default
$ sudo npm install -g aglio$ sudo npm install -g aglio-theme-olio-attributes$ aglio -t olio-attributes -i blueprint.apib -o MyAPI.html
Original License
Copyright © 2016 Daniel G. Taylor
This package is incremental changes on top of @hajimeni aglio-theme-olio-attributes
This packages (as changes to @hajimeni aglio-theme-olio-attributes) was developed with support from the National Motor Freight Traffic Association to produce standalone documentation for the Open Telematics API