TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

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AFLB ¯_(ツ)_/¯



npm i aflb

Huge anime action gifs with no external dependencies.

SFW Action Gifs

Function Description
angry Gets a URL of a angry image/gif
baka Gets a URL of a baka image/gif
bite Gets a URL of a bite image/gif
bloodsuck Gets a URL of a bloodsuck image/gif
blush Gets a URL of a blush image/gif
bored Gets a URL of a bored image/gif
kissCheek Gets a URL of a kissing cheek image/gif
cheek Gets a URL of a squeeze cheeks image/gif
clap Gets a URL of a clap image/gif
cringe Gets a URL of a cringe image/gif
cry Gets a URL of a cry image/gif
dance Gets a URL of a dance image/gif
drink Gets a URL of a drink image/gif
facedesk Gets a URL of a facedesk image/gif
fight Gets a URL of a fight image/gif
happy Gets a URL of a happy image/gif
hate Gets a URL of a hate image/gif
highfive Gets a URL of a highfive image/gif
horny Gets a URL of a horny image/gif
kill Gets a URL of a kill image/gif
hand Gets a URL of a hand image/gif
laugh Gets a URL of a laugh image/gif
lick Gets a URL of a lick image/gif
lurk Gets a URL of a lurk image/gif
meow Gets a URL of a meow image/gif
nom Gets a URL of a nom image/gif
feed Gets a URL of a feed image/gif
hug Gets a URL of a hug image/gif
nuzzle Gets a URL of a nuzzle image/gif
kiss Gets a URL of a kiss image/gif
pat Gets a URL of a pat image/gif
tickle Gets a URL of a tickle image/gif
scare Gets a URL of a scare image/gif
scared Gets a URL of a scared image/gif
poke Gets a URL of a poke image/gif
smug Gets a URL of a smug image/gif
stare Gets a URL of a stare image/gif
panic Gets a URL of a panic image/gif
nya Gets a URL of a nya image/gif
salute Gets a URL of a salute image/gif
sing Gets a URL of a singing image/gif
shrug Gets a URL of a shrug image/gif
choke Gets a URL of a choke image/gif
grin Gets a URL of a grin image/gif
music Gets a URL of a listen to music image/gif
love Gets a URL of a shows love image/gif
drawing Gets a URL of a drawing image/gif
pout Gets a URL of a pout image/gif
run Gets a URL of a run image/gif
sad Gets a URL of a sad image/gif
forehead Gets a URL of a kiss forehead image/gif
watching Gets a URL of a watch tv image/gif
walking Gets a URL of a walking image/gif
plaid Gets a URL of a plaid image/gif
cooking Gets a URL of a cooking image/gif
shower Gets a URL of a take shower image/gif
game Gets a URL of a game image/gif
murr Gets a URL of a murr image/gif
raise Gets a URL of a raise to hands image/gif
sake Gets a URL of a drink sake image/gif
shoot Gets a URL of a shoot image/gif
revert Gets a URL of a turn back image/gif
sip Gets a URL of a all sip image/gif
sipTea Gets a URL of a sip tea image/gif
sipCoffee Gets a URL of a sip coffee image/gif
sipCacao Gets a URL of a sip cacao image/gif
sipJuice Gets a URL of a sip juice image/gif
slap Gets a URL of a all slap/punch/hit image/gif
slapAss Gets a URL of a slap ass image/gif
slapCheek Gets a URL of a smack image/gif
sleep Gets a URL of a all sleep image/gif
sleepSolo Gets a URL of a solo sleep image/gif
sleepTogether Gets a URL of a together sleep image/gif
smile Gets a URL of a smile image/gif
smoke Gets a URL of a smoke image/gif
steal Gets a URL of a steal image/gif
stockings Gets a URL of a stockings image/gif
sweeties Gets a URL of a sweeties image/gif
wasted Gets a URL of a wasted image/gif
wave Gets a URL of a wave image/gif
tease Gets a URL of a wave image/gif
wink Gets a URL of a wink image/gif
sex Gets a URL of a (NO NSFW) sex image/gif
cuddle Gets a URL of a cuddle image/gif

SFW Other Gif/Image

Function Description
mix Gets a URL of a cute neko, kitsune image/gif
neko Gets a URL of a cute neko image/gif
nekoImg Gets a URL of a cute neko image
nekoGif Gets a URL of a cute neko gif
kitsune Gets a URL of a cute kitsune image


NSFW content is not yet available, coming soon..

Function Description
ass Gets a URL of a ass image
ahegao Gets a URL of a ahegao image
bdsm Gets a URL of a bdsm image
blowjob Gets a URL of a blowjob image
boobjob Gets a URL of a boobjob image
cum Gets a URL of a cum image
elves Gets a URL of a elves image
hentai Gets a URL of a hentai image
hentai_gif Gets a URL of a hentai gif
masturbation Gets a URL of a masturbation image
neko_nsfw Gets a URL of a neko nsfw image
panties Gets a URL of a panties image
tentacle Gets a URL of a tentacle image
thighs Gets a URL of a thighs image


I added a typings file and will be working to improve it. This allows editors like VSC to use intellisense/autocomplete to suggest functions and help out with parameters and to see what you'll be receiving as a result of function calls.


Await/Async example

const client = require('aflb');
const aflb = new client();

async function getKissImage() {
  console.log(await aflb.sfw.kiss());




Standart Usage

const client = require('aflb');
const aflb = new client();




Usage in Embed

const { MessageEmbed } = require('discord.js')
const client = require('aflb');
const aflb = new client();

const embed = new MessageEmbed().setImage(aflb.sfw.kiss())



Embed Usage

Extended Examples

The examples show only the import of the sfw / nsfw module, in case you don't need the second part.

Import only sfw content

const client = require('aflb');
const { sfw } = new client();




Import only nsfw content

const client = require('aflb');
const { nsfw } = new client();




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1.68 MB

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  • animeflame