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1.1.0 • Public • Published

Addons Transformer CLI for Amazon EKS


Addons Transformer for Amazon EKS is a solution that provides pre-launch validations of the partner software based on compatibility with Amazon EKS Third Party Addon guidelines, covering static and dynamic (deployment/runtime) aspects.


To implement this solution, you need the following prerequisites:

  • The AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) installed. The AWS CLI is a unified tool to manage your AWS services.
  • AWS CLI default profile should be configured to access your AWS Account.
  • Node version 18.12.1 or later.
  • NPM version 8.19.2 or later.
  • Helm CLI to interact with helm charts.


You can run make or execute to build this project and install the resulting library. In this case only the following are required:

Both of these install the suitable Node, Npm and Helm versions required.

Cloud Shell Installation

To quickly get started with this transformer, you can leverage CloudShell in the AWS Console. Some prerequisites you need:

  • Access to the helm chart to pull it
  • Install the Helm CLI in CloudShell using the following commands:
    $ curl -fsSL -o
    $ chmod 700
    $ ./
  • A GitHub token as required by The GitHub Service

To use this CLI in CloudShell,

  • Log into the AWS Console with a role that has access to the location of the helm chart
    • If the chart is in a private ECR repo, ensure the role can pull from that repo.
    • If the chart is in a public repo, ensure that there aren't any permissions restricting access to the public domain
  • Use the npm install command to directly install the CLI into the shell: npm i -g addons-transformer-for-amazon-eks
  • Follow steps in the Helm chart validation section for all other questions.


This npm module has the following features:

Helm chart validation

This NPM module accepts two kinds of input:

The module then performs static validation to attempt to find the following:

  • Finding occurrences of unsupported .Capabilities
  • Templates creating
  • Use of .Release.Service
  • Use of helm lookup function
  • Dependencies external to the main chart
  • Errors running helm lint see lint command below
  • Errors running helm template... (see template command below

If the chart is not in a public registry, login on it in advance is necessary, for example, for login on ECR:

export AWS_ACCOUNT=<Registry account> 
export AWS_REGION=<Registry region>
export CHART_NAME=<Helm chart name>
aws ecr get-login-password --region  eu-west-1 | helm registry login --username AWS --password-stdin ${ECR_HELM_REPOSITORY%%/*}

Helm lint command

helm lint --strict --with-subcharts $CHART_LOCATION

Helm template command

 --set k8version=$KUBERNETES_VERSION
 --kube-version $KUBERNETES_VERSION
 --namespace $ADDON_NAMESPACE

Request submission for onboarding the add-on to the program

This functionality creates a GitHub issue in the onboarding repository for starting the process. As input, it takes the path to a yaml template that should contain the vendor, product and the add-on required information. The json-schema for its creation can be found in this repo schema and an example in the doc/examples directory.

For validation the template, it supports the flag --dry-run that prevents the issue creation.

As it will run locally aws-sleek-transformer validate passing the file as input, it needs to be able to download the chart.


$ npm install -g addons-transformer-for-amazon-eks
$ addons-transformer-for-amazon-eks COMMAND
running command...
$ addons-transformer-for-amazon-eks (--version)
addons-transformer-for-amazon-eks/1.1.0 darwin-arm64 node-v18.19.1
$ addons-transformer-for-amazon-eks --help [COMMAND]
  $ addons-transformer-for-amazon-eks COMMAND


addons-transformer-for-amazon-eks create-issue FILE

Creates a Github Issue based in the input file

  $ addons-transformer-for-amazon-eks create-issue FILE [-d]

  FILE  Path to add-on input file

  -d, --dryRun  Validates the input file schema without creating the issue nor validating the chart

  Creates a Github Issue based in the input file

  This creates a Github Issue on the Sleek repository.

  It will validate the input file to match the schema

  $ addons-transformer-for-amazon-eks create-issue filename

See code: src/commands/create-issue.ts

addons-transformer-for-amazon-eks validate [HELMURL]

Validates the addon after pulling it from the helm repository.

  $ addons-transformer-for-amazon-eks validate [HELMURL] [-d <value> | [-f <value> | --helmUrl <value>] | ]
    [-r <value> |  | ] [-p <value> |  | ] [-v <value> | ] [--addonName <value>] [-n <value>] [--k8sVersions <value>]
    [--skipHooks] [--skipReleaseService]

  HELMURL  Fully qualified Helm URL of the addon

  -d, --directory=<value>       Path to the local addon folder
  -f, --file=<value>            Path to add-on input file
  -n, --addonNamespace=<value>  Add-on namespace
  -p, --protocol=<value>        Protocol of the helm hosting to use
  -r, --helmRepo=<value>        URL of the helm repo containing protocol and repo
  -v, --version=<value>         Version of the addon to validate
      --addonName=<value>       Name of the addon
      --helmUrl=<value>         Fully qualified URL of the Repo including version tag
      --k8sVersions=<value>     Comma separated list of supported kubernetes versions
      --skipHooks               Skip helm hooks validation
      --skipReleaseService      Skip .Release.Service occurrences

  Validates the addon after pulling it from the helm repository.

  This performs pre-launch validations of the partner software on compatibility with Sleek guidelines, covering static
  and dynamic (deployment/runtime) aspects.

  Runs the static analysis to find occurrences of:
  * .Capabilities
  * external helm dependencies

  It will perform a static validation on the device and then give you the option to submit it to the marketplace for
  runtime and further validation before it can be included in the EKS Console marketplace.

  The command can accept two different formats of inputs:
  * Fully qualified Helm URL to download
  * Deconstructed URL that requires Protocol, Repo, and Version to pull

  $ addons-transformer-for-amazon-eks validate oci://

  $ addons-transformer-for-amazon-eks validate -r -p oci -v x.x.x

  $ addons-transformer-for-amazon-eks validate -f ./input.yaml

  $ addons-transformer-for-amazon-eks validate -d ./addon-folder

  $ addons-transformer-for-amazon-eks validate --help

See code: src/commands/validate.ts



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  • elamaran11