Read ADC (MCP3008) using spi
Read values from an MCP3008 connected to an raspberry pi using spidev
Usage / Example
ADC = require 'adc-pi-spi'options = tolerance: 10 #default = 10 pollInterval: 200 #default = 200 channels: 0123#default = [0] adc='/dev/spidev0.0'options adcon 'change' consolelog 'channel 'channel'is now'value processon 'SIGTERM' adcclose processon 'SIGINT' adcclose processon 'exit' adcclose
- ADC(device:String,[options:Array])
- ADC.state([channel:Number])
- ADC.close()
-, callbackfunction))
Setting up a new ADC. Options are optional. The device name is the full path to the spi device, like /dev/spidev0.0
options = tolerance: 10 #default = 10 pollInterval: 200 #default = 200 channels: 0123#default = [0] adc='/dev/spidev0.0'options
Retrieve the current state of the inputs. If no channel is given, the function will return the values of all defined channels (see options). If a channel is given, the function will return only the value of the choosen channel.
The values are absolute values from the adc (e.g. 0..1023 if you are using a 10Bit chip)
Close the spi device, callback: function())
Read the current value of the channel. Note: state() uses the buffered state which is updated automatically each pollInterval (see options). Read always reads the actual data without updating the state().
Change-Event will not fire if the difference between the current and the last value is lower than the tolerance
The ADC is polled every pollInterval milliseconds.
The ADC channels to monitor, state() and events only contains theese channels
Fires if a channel value changes more than the tolerance value. The events has two parameters:
- channel: Number the number of the channel which changed
- value: Number the absolute value of the channel
### Example
adcon 'change'consolelog 'channel 'channel'is now'value