Creates a tree for fast and efficient autocomplete string queries. The library doesnt rely on external libs. (Trie search structure).
O(m) efficiency (where m is the length of a search string).
The repo includes a full english dictionary (data.json) decoded into a tree format, and ready for autocomplate use.
Node.js install
npm install actree
var acTree = require("actree");
#letterNode - create a word
var node = new acTree.letterNode("someword");
#addToTree - create a tree / add to tree
var tree = acTree.addToTree(null,node);
#autocomplete - find all the words in tree that start with input text
var res = acTree.autocomplete(tree,"some");
call this function from <FILE.JS> that included acTree, and run it with node input: node <FILE.JS> <input search words with spaces>
var res = acTree.autocompleteInput(tree);
call this function to recreate a new tree in data.json from sampleList file
actree.createJSONTree() ;
call this function to view an existing usage sample
actree.useJSONTree() ;
actree.useJSONTree() ;