🌟 Slack achievement and reward tracking for your team and its members
Before getting started you will need to have nodejs (>=6) & npm. You will also need to get a Slack API key for your team.
Why a legacy token? These allow you to interact with the Slack Realtime API with the required permissions to correctly track events.
$ npm i -g accomplish
Note: On first run a .env file, data directory and config files will be created, as well as downloading the required emoji data and then closing. Please add your Slack/Pushover keys to the .env file before running again.
accomplish is fire-and-forget - designed to sit and quietly do its thing, and as such once configured and run there isn't any further input from the user.
$ accomplish
Once run, the tool will run setup, get team users before moving on to waiting for incoming events from Slack.
Note: You can add either a
flag to the command to get more detailed information.
There are two types of configuration files located in the data
directory in the root of this project - achievements/*.json
and blacklist.json
. Additionally another directory, storage
will be created called which contains the achievement progress of team members.
Documentation coming soon
Blacklist contains a list of ids
or usernames
you would like to be immune run this list against; some poeple may not want to be included. Any time a trigger is about to be run the incoming data is validated and one of the checks will be to ensure the user is not restricted
or on the blacklist
Built With
- Grunt - Task runner
- Slack - Third-party Slack client
- Chalk - Terminal output formatting
- Winston - Logging
Please read CONTRIBUTING.md for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
We use semver for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
- Jamie Holdroyd - Moltin
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details