Abyiss JavaScript Client - WebSocket & REST APIs
JavaScript node.js client for the Abyiss Cryptocurrency API. This API is currently in the beta. The current version of the API is v1.0.7. as of this writing 10/28/21.
While the API is in beta, we will offer it as a free service and will not be charging any money. When we transition out of beta, we will offer it as a paid service. We suggest signing up for a free account to take advantage of our API and additional offers Sign Up.
We will be adding some of the additional features to this client libary and our API in roughly in this order:
- API Keys - This will allow you to access the API with a key attached to your free account.
- WebSockets - This will allow you to subscribe to real time cryptocurrency market data from the API.
- Npm Package - This will allow you to install the client as a pip package.
- Unified Endpoints - This will allow you get a unified view of the entire cryptocurrency market.
- CSV Export - This will allow you to export the market data to a CSV file.
- More Support - Add support for more currencies, exchanges, markets, symbols, timeframes, functions, indicators and more.
If you have any problems with this library, please open an issue request on Github. To find more information about Abyiss please visit Abyiss.com.
For any additional support please email us at contact@abyiss.com.
Getting Started
Currently to ping our API you can use the following URL endpoint:
To learn more about our other endpoints check out our website Abyiss.com/Documentation or continue reading below:
- Returns a 200-status code upon successful query.
- Returns a static object:
- ping: "Hello Abyiss"
- Example Response:
{"ping":"Hello Abyiss"}
Cryptocurrency Exchanges
- Returns a 200-status code upon successful query.
- Returns an array of all exchanges in the form of market objects that the API offers.
- Response market object properties:
- name: the official name of the exchange.
- id: the id of the exchange used within the API routes.
- Example Response:
[ { "name":"Binance", "id":"binance" }, { "name":"Binance US", "id":"binanceus" }, { "name":"Coinbase Pro", "id":"coinbasepro" }, { "name":"BitBay", "id":"bitbay" } ]
/v1/{exchange id}
- Returns a 200-status code upon successfully query.
- Returns objects with properties about the exchange.
- Response object properties:
- name: the official name of the exchange.
- id: the id of the exchange used within the api routes.
- url: the exchange's official website URL.
- hasTrades: a Boolean of whether the api can be used to query market trades on the exchange.
- hasAggregates: a Boolean of whether the api can be used to query market candle aggregates on the exchange.
- aggregateTimeframes: an object containing all the timeframes supported for market candle aggregates.
- Example Response:
{ "name":"Coinbase Pro", "id":"coinbasepro", "url":"https://pro.coinbase.com/", "hasTrades":true, "hasAggregates":true, "aggregateTimeframes": { "1m":60, "5m":300, "15m":900, "1h":3600, "6h":21600, "1d":86400 } }
/v1/{exchange id}/status
- Returns a 200-status code upon successful query.
- Returns an object with properties that describe an exchange's status.
- Response object properties:
- status: The status of the exchange. 'ok' is good.
- updated: Unix timestamp of last time the exchange’s status was updated.
- Example Response:
{ "status":"ok", "updated":1634929487916 }
/v1/{exchange id}/markets
- Returns a 200-status code upon successful query.
- Returns a list of all market ids on the exchange.
- Example Response:
/v1/{exchange id}/{market id}
- Returns a 200-status code upon successful query.
- Returns an object with properties about the market.
- Response object properties:
- exchange: The exchange id the market is on.
- symbol: The symbol of the market.
- active: Boolean whether the market is active on the exchange.
- base: The base of the market. eg: The quantity that is bought.
- quote: The quote of the market. eg: The currency being compared.
- percentage:
- taker:
- maker:
- spot:
- Example Response:
{ "exchange":"coinbasepro", "symbol":"BTC/USD", "id":"BTC-USD", "active":true, "base":"BTC", "quote":"USD", "percentage":true, "taker":0.005, "maker":0.005, "type":"spot" }
/v1/{exchange id}/{market id}/trades
- Returns a 200-status code upon successful query.
- Returns an array of recent trades that have occurred on an exchange for that market.
- Recent trade properties:
- exchange: The exchange id the trade occurred on.
- market: The market id - what was traded.
- id: The -exchange specific- unique id of the trade. Some exchanges do not have this.
- timestamp: The Unix timestamp that trade was executed.
- price: The quote currency price of the market.
- size: The quantity traded.
- cost: The quote cost: size * price.
- side: Whether the trade was a buy or sell.
- Example Response:
[ { "exchange":"coinbasepro", "market":"BTC/USD", "id":"225294919", "timestamp":"1634929741281", "price":60344.64, "size":0.00013204, "cost":7.967906265599999, "side":"buy" } ]
/v1/{exchange id}/{market id}/aggregates/{aggregate size}
- Returns a 200-status code upon successful query.
- Returns an array of recent aggregate candlesticks for a given aggregate size on a given market on a given exchange.
- aggregate size is exchange-specific and are listed in the endpoint: /v1/{exchange}
- Recent aggregate properties:
- exchange: The exchange id the aggregate was calculated on.
- market: The market id the aggregate was calculated on.
- timestamp: The Unix timestamp for the start of the aggregate calculation, which defines the aggregate's scope.
- open: The first, or opening, price of the aggregate's scope.
- high: The highest price recorded within the scope of the aggregate.
- low: The lowest price recorded within the scope of the aggregate.
- close: The last, or closing, price within the aggregate's scope.
- volume: The volume within the aggregate's scope.
- Example Response:
[ { "exchange":"coinbasepro", "market":"BTC/USD", "timestamp":1635171720000, "open":63217.48, "high":63224.51, "low":63167.99, "close":63182.8, "volume":7.6732551 } ]
- redirects to https://abyiss.com
- redirects to https://abyiss.com