VoiceIt Node JS wrapper
A Wrapper for using the VoiceIt Rest API.
Method 1
You can either download the respository and add its contents to your root project folder by cloning or clicking or here VoiceIt Node JS Library
Method 2
Otherwise you can easily download the VoiceIt Wrapper via the npm package manager simply via the command
npm install VoiceIt
Then initialize a VoiceIt Object like this with your own developer id
myVoiceIt = require('VoiceIt'); myVoiceIt.initialize('1d6361f81f3047ca8b0c0332ac0fb17d');//Pass your 32 character developer id as a parameter to the intialize method like shown above
Also check out the Demo.js demo that demonstrates how to make a createUser API call using the VoiceIt Node JS Wrapper.
Finally use all other API Calls as documented on the VoiceIt API Documentation page.