Restriction validation for your app
Creating Restriction Rules/ Read only messages for your app
import { READ_ONLY, SHOW, HIDE } from '@zohodesk/permissions'
const restrictionRules = {
<group-name>: {
<features>: {
<feature-action-1>: [SHOW, READ_ONLY], //In array 1th position meant can we show ?, 2st position meant to can we readOnly ?
<feature-action-2>: [SHOW, READ_ONLY],
<feature-action-3>: [HIDE]
const readyOnlyMessages = {
<group-name>: {
<features>: {
<feature-action-1>: message ,
<feature-action-2>: message ,
<feature-action-3>: message
Restriction Rules
const restrictionRules = {
tickets: {
isSpam: {
secondaryContact: [SHOW, READ_ONLY],
timeline: [HIDE],
mergeTicket: [SHOW, READ_ONLY],
edit : [SHOW]
bluePrintApplied: {
status: [SHOW, READ_ONLY],
move: [HIDE],
edit : [HIDE]
contacts: {
anonymous_users : {
edit: [HIDE],
follow: [HIDE],
add_tickets: [SHOW, READ_ONLY],
add_products: [SHOW]
Read Only Messages
const readOnlyMessages = {
contacts: {
anonymous_users: {
edit: 'support.contacts.edit.field.locked',
add_tickets: 'support.add_tickets.field.locked',
add_products: 'support.add_products.field.locked'
Permissions for your app
const permission = {
"tickets" : {
create: true,
delete: true,
edit: true,
export: true,
import: true,
view: true
license for your app
const license = {
agentAllowed: true,
agentMaxCount: "100",
manualTimeTrackingAllowed: true,
ticketTemplateAllowed: true,
timeTrackingAllowed: true,
twilioAllowed: true,
webFormsAllowed: true
How to use in app
import { PermissionProvider } from '@zohodesk/permissions'
Restriction handling into your app using util methods
How to use the it.
import { restrictionProviderUtils } from '@zohodesk/permissions';
restrictionProviderUtils.getRestriction(features=[...], group-name , feature-action-1);
Restriction handling into your app using components
How to use the it.
import { RestrictionValidator } from '@zohodesk/permissions';
<RestrictionValidator module={group-name}
features={features [] or feature string}
action={feature or action}>
return (<span>
<Icon name='ZD-addNew' iconClass={iconClass} /> Add product
- we will add few props based on the restriction values - ReadOnly, readOnlyMessage
: false
- By default, we will return null. In this case children won't be rendered.
<RestrictionValidator module={group-name}
features={features [] or feature string}
action={feature or action}>
<YourComponent />
- you can handle the show/hide 'isShow' into you component, simply passing props
<RestrictionValidator module={group-name} handleShowHide={false}
features={features [] or feature string}
action={feature or action}>
return (<span>Add Contact</span>)
return (<span>
<Icon name='ZD-addNew' iconClass={iconClass} /> Add product
License and Permission validation for your app
import { licensePermissionCheckHOC } from '@zohodesk/permissions';
validation : {
license : ... ,
permission : ...
customValdation : {...},
Fallback : func..
- used to verify with user license. *
, Any other
- used to verify with user permissions. *
, Any other
- Means all.
License Permission validation in connected components
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import { compose } from 'redux';
import { getPermission } from 'provider';
import { ALL , licensePermissionCheckHOC } from '@zohodesk/permissions';
export defult compose(connect(...),
validation : {
license : ALL,
permission : getPermission("tickets", "create")
customValdation : {...},
Fallback : func..
License Permission validation in connected components AND OR Operations ==> && , ||
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import { compose } from 'redux';
import { getPermission } from 'provider';
import { ALL , licensePermissionCheckHOC } from '@zohodesk/permissions';
export defult compose(connect(...),
validation : {
license : ALL,
permission : getPermission("tickets", "create") + "&&"+ getPermission("tickets", "edit")
customValdation : {...},
Fallback : func..
License Permission validation with custom permission checks.
let YourComponentNew = licensePermissionCheckHOC({
validation : {
license : ALL,
permission : ALL
customValdation : {
canMove :(props)=>{
let { module , checkMoveOption } = props;
let permission = `${module}_view`;
permission += `&&${module}_crossDepartmentMove`
return {
permission ,
obj : true,
falseObj : false
Fallback : func..
<YourComponentNew module="tickets" checkMoveOption={true} />
<YourComponentNew module="tasks" checkMoveOption={true} />
License Permission validation with your app using util methods
import { licensePermissionProviderUtils } from '@zohodesk/permissions';
let {licenseSuccess, permissionSuccess, permissionProps, failedCases} = licensePermissionProviderUtils.getLicensePermissionCheck({
license : ALL,
permission : ALL
if(licenseSuccess && permissionSuccess){
return <Component />
License Permission validation with LicensePermissionHandler direct handling.
import { LicensePermissionHandler } from '@zohodesk/permissions';
license : ALL,
permission : ALL