In this GiftBox we Provide FontIcons
- ReactTwotoneIcon --> ZD-TT-aiChatSummary icon have been moved from ReactAIIcon.
- ReactTwotoneIcon --> ZD-TT-aiInbox icon included.
- ReactAIIcon --> ZD-AI-aiChatSummary icon included.
- ReactGCFontIcon --> GC-combineOld icon included.
- ReactGCFontIcon --> GC-combine icon included.
- ReactGeneralFontIcon --> ZD-GN-fileMail, ZD-GN-rename, ZD-GN-fileUnknown, ZD-GN-filePpt, ZD-GN-fileDoc, ZD-GN-fileSheet, icon-fileSheet icons included.
- ReactGCFontIcon --> Zia 7 icons have been moved from gcFonts to the newly created rAI.
- ReactGCFontIcon --> 12 icons included.
prop supported
- ReactTwotoneIcon --> ZD-TT-ttComment, ZD-TT-ttCommentIn & ZD-TT-ttCommentOut icons included.
- ReactGCFontIcon --> 30 GC widget icons included.
- ReactReportsFontIcon --> ZD-RP-KPICards icon included.
- ReactTwotoneIcon --> ZD-TT-notificationBell icon modified.
- ReactProductUpdatesIcon --> ZD-PU-privacySecurity, ZD-PU-communityDashboard & ZD-PU-agentDetails icons included.
- ReactGCFontIcon --> Some block list icons replaced.
- ReactTwotoneIcon --> ZD-TT-selfservicePortal icon included.
- ReactGeneralFontIcon --> ZD-GN-agentportal icon included.
- ReactGCFontIcon --> 34 block list icons included.
- ReactTwotoneIcon --> ZD-TT-notificationBell icon included.
- ReactGeneralFontIcon --> ZD-GN-primaryContact and ZD-GN-wallet icons included.
- Icon not rendering in other CLIs ( default export and __esModule export conditional check added )
- ReactCustomizeFontIcon --> ZD-CM-formulaField icon included.
- ReactGeneralFontIcon --> ZD-GN-answerBot icon included.
- ReactTicketsFontIcon --> ZD-TK-botPositive and ZD-TK-botNeutral icons included.
- ReactReportsFontIcon --> ZD-RP-clrBulletChart, ZD-RP-clrCompare, ZD-RP-clrDialchart and ZD-RP-clrMetricCards icons again modified.
- ReactReportsFontIcon --> ZD-RP-clrBulletChart, ZD-RP-clrCompare, ZD-RP-clrDialchart and ZD-RP-clrMetricCards icons modified.
- ReactReportsFontIcon --> ZD-RP-clrBulletChart, ZD-RP-clrCompare, ZD-RP-clrDialchart and ZD-RP-clrMetricCards icons included.
- ReactGeneralFontIcon --> ZD-GN-instagram and ZD-GN-line icons included.
- ReactGeneralFontIcon --> ZD-GN-flagFill icon included.
- ReactTicketsFontIcon --> ZD-TK-ticketSpam, ZD-TK-ticketClosed, ZD-TK-ticketContexual, ZD-TK-ticketReopen and ZD-TK-tempPreview icons included.
- ReactTwotoneIcon --> ZD-TT-ttFilter icon included.
- ReactTicketsFontIcon --> ZD-TK-publicPrivatePin icon modified.
- ReactTwotoneIcon --> Added colors for in, out, and missed for ZD-TT-chTwitterDirect.
- ReactTwotoneIcon --> ZD-TT-chTwitterDirect icon modified
- ReactCustomizeFontIcon --> ZD-CM-function and ZD-CM-operater icons are included
- ReactGCFontIcon --> 90 new icons induclued
- ReactTwotoneIcon --> ZD-TT-chTwitterDirect icon is included
- ReactTicketsFontIcon --> ZD-TK-publicPrivatePin icon is included
- ReactChannelsFontIcon --> ZD-CH-fbMessenger and ZD-CH-telegram icon is included
- ReactTwotoneIcon --> ZD-TT-ttreschedule icon is included in rTwotone.css
- ReactTicketsFontIcon --> ZD-TK-reschedule icon is included in rTickets.css
- ReactCustomizeFontIcon --> Removed ZD-CM-selectPicklist and included ZD-CM-clrSinglePick & ZD-CM-clrMultiPick
- ReactCustomizeFontIcon --> ZD-CM-regEx icon is included in rCustomize.css
- ReactGeneralFontIcon --> ZD-GN-pinned icon is included in rGeneral.css
- ReactTwotoneIcon --> ZD-TT-allChannels included
- ZD-A11Y-colorBlindness icon breakage fix
ReactGeneralFontIcon --> The icons for ZD-GN-hearing, ZD-GN-learning, ZD-GN-mobility and ZD-GN-vision have been relocated from ReactGeneralFontIcon to ReactAccessibilityIcon. ReactAccessibilityIcon --> Newly created with 13 icons.
ReactGeneralFontIcon --> ZD-GN-customDashboard, ZD-GN-databaseEncryption and ZD-GN-myPins are included. ReactCustomizeFontIcon --> ZD-CM-selectPicklist included
ReactGeneralFontIcon --> ZD-GN-androidFill included.
ReactGeneralFontIcon --> ZD-GN-mesengerFill, ZD-GN-telegramFill and ZD-GN-sortingArrow are included.
ReactGeneralFontIcon --> ZD-GN-hearing, ZD-GN-learning, ZD-GN-mobility and ZD-GN-vision are included.
ReactTwotoneIcon --> ZD-TT-blocked and ZD-TT-ended are included.
ReactGeneralFontIcon --> ZD-GN-ticketOwner ZD-GN-smsAuth are included.
ReactGeneralFontIcon --> ZD-GN-jsonWebToken, ZD-GN-parentChild, ZD-GN-saml, ZD-GN-smsAuth are included & ReactGCFontIcon - GC-arrayOfImage, GC-arrayOfNumber are included.
ReactGCFontIcon --> GC-lineHight & ReactTicketsFontIcon - ZD-TK-customModule included.
ReactGeneralFontIcon --> ZD-GN-filterAdd modified & ReactTicketsFontIcon - ZD-TK-ziaTranslator' included.
ReactTicketsFontIcon --> ZD-TK-addResolution & ZD-TK-clearSchedule included.
AutomateFontIcon --> ZD-roundRobinSequential included.
ReactIntegrationsFontIcon --> ZD-GN-filterAdd included.
ReactIntegrationsFontIcon --> ZD-GN-rrSequential included.
ReactIntegrationsFontIcon --> ZD-GN-skipReplyall included.
ReactGeneralFontIcon --> ZD-GN-skipReplyall included. Finally the new twitter logo modified under TicketsFontIcon.
Again modified the new twitter logo under TicketsFontIcon.
Twitter new logo modified in TicketsFontIcon.
Twotone twitter new logo bg changed.
Twitter new logo modified in ticket-channels and rchennels.
Twitter new logo changes
ReactGeneralFontIcon -> ZD-GN-comma, ZD-GN-enter & ZD-GN-spaceBar modified
Readme file version corrected
ReactGeneralFontIcon -> ZD-GN-comma, ZD-GN-enter & ZD-GN-space included
ReactCustomizeFontIcon -> ZD-CM-modules included ReactGeneralFontIcon -> ZD-GN-ticketDetail included ReactSetupFontIcon -> ZD-SE-autitLog included ReactTwotoneIcon -> ZD-TT-customModule included
ReactTwotoneIcon -> ZD-TT-fbMessanger modified.
- ChannelsFontIcon -> ZD-xTwiiter included.
- ReactTopbandFontIcon -> ZD-TB-whatsApp modified.
- ReactTicketsFontIcon -> ZD-TK-makeLonger & ZD-TK-makeShorter included.
- Async remove issue fixed
- WordWrap css inheritance issue solved for RTL direction
- AyncComponent Removed Because Not Needed.
- beta release removed and version changed to normal flow
ReactTicketsFontIcon -> ZD-TK-parentTicket & ZD-TK-childTicket included. file changes
ReactTwotoneIcon -> ZD-TT-fbMessanger included.
ReactTopbandFontIcon -> ZD-TB-sandboxMode included.
- data-test-id attribute added for all element which having data-id attribute to separate customization and automation
ReactTwotoneIcon -> ZD-TT-xls and ZD-TT-xls renamed.
ReactTwotoneIcon -> ZD-TT-xls and ZD-TT-xls included. ReactSetupFontIcon -> ZD-SE-api included.
CommonFontIcon -> ZD-videoCall and ZD-telephoneHandset included. ReportsFontIcon -> ZD-RP-graphView included.
ReactTwotoneIcon -> ZD-TT-zia included.
ReactMarketplaceFontIcon -> ZD-GN-accessibility modified.# 1.0.0-beta.126
ReactTwotoneIcon: -> ZD-TT-supportPlan included. ReactCustomizeFontIcon -> ZD-CM-terminate included.
ReactGCFontIcon: -> GC-arrayIcon, GC-dropoff, GC-click, GC-boolean, GC-jumpstate included.
ReactCustomizeFontIcon -> ZD-CM-npsOk, ZD-CM-npsGud, ZD-CM-npsBad, ZD-CM-cesGud, ZD-CM-cesOk, ZD-CM-cesBad, ZD-CM-primaryField included.
ReactMarketplaceFontIcon -> ZD-GN-accessibility modified.
- ReactGeneralFontIcon -> ZD-TB-defaultTicket included & ReactMarketplaceFontIcon -> ZD-GN-accessibility modified.
- ReactGeneralFontIcon -> ZD-GN-marketplace & ReactMarketplaceFontIcon -> ZD-MP-bolt and ZD-MP-allApps modified.
- ReactGeneralFontIcon -> ZD-GN-marketplace & ReactMarketplaceFontIcon -> ZD-MP-bolt and ZD-MP-allApps included.
- index direct import feature added from package
- ReactGCFontIcon -> GC-inputlocation modified.
- ReactGCFontIcon -> GC-inputlocation included.
- Icons - Icon Code Optimized.
- ReactGCFontIcon -> GC-urlbutton included.
- ReactGCFontIcon -> GC-agent included.
- ReactGCFontIcon -> GC-blocks, GC-connection, GC-request & GC-response included.
- ReactIntegrationsFontIcon -> ZD-IG-inSalesIQ included.
- CustomizeFontIcon -> ZD-zdIm included.
- ReactTwotoneIcon -> ZD-TT-imTelegram modified and ZD-TT-ttLocation, ZD-TT-ttAttach, ZD-TT-ttHash included.
- ReactCutomizeFontIcon -> ZD-CM-cus based icons renamed to happinessLevel.
- ReactCustomizeFontIcon -> ZD-CM-cus1, ZD-CM-cus2, ZD-CM-cus3, ZD-CM-cus4, ZD-CM-cus5, ZD-CM-cus6, ZD-CM-cus7, ZD-CM-cus8, ZD-CM-cus9, ZD-CM-cus10 included.
- ReactGCFontIcon -> GC-dynamicButton included.
- ReactGeneralFontIcon -> ZD-GN-wmsSun & ZD-GN-wmsMoon modified.
- ReactTwotoneIcon -> ZD-TT-imLine, ZD-TT-imASAP, ZD-TT-mp3, ZD-TT-pdf, ZD-TT-mp4, ZD-TT-image, ZD-TT-zip, ZD-TT-unknown, ZD-TT-txt, ZD-TT-code modified.
- ReactTwotoneIcon -> ZD-TT-imLine, ZD-TT-imASAP, ZD-TT-mp3, ZD-TT-pdf, ZD-TT-mp4, ZD-TT-image, ZD-TT-zip, ZD-TT-unknown, ZD-TT-txt, ZD-TT-code added.
- ReactMarketplaceFontIcon -> ZD-MP-placeholder13 file renamed.
- ReactMarketplaceFontIcon -> ZD-MP-placeholder13 included.
- ReactGeneralFontIcon -> ZD-GN-money included.
- ReactGeneralFontIcon -> ZD-GN-premium included.
- ReactGCFontIcon -> GC-deskLogo included.
- ReactIntegrationsFontIcon -> ZD-IG-searchZoho included.
- ReactTwotoneIcon -> ZD-TT-imWeChat, ZD-TT-imtwillio, ZD-TT-imTelegram, ZD-TT-imLine, ZD-TT-imASAP included
- ReactGeneralFontIcon -> ZD-GN-wmsSun and ZD-GN-wmsMoon modified. ZD-GN-configuaration included.
- FontFamily Generated
- ReactGCFontIcon -> GC-inputFile path modified
- ReactGCFontIcon -> GC-inputFile added
- ReactGeneralFontIcon -> ZD-GN-wmsSun and ZD-GN-wmsMoon added
- TicketsFontIcon -> ZD-analytics and ZD-customer added
- ReactTwotoneIcon -> ZD-TT-instaIMIn, ZD-TT-instaIMOut and ZD-TT-instaIMMissed added
- ReactTwotoneIcon -> ZD-instaIM added
- TicketsFontIcon -> ZD-instaIM removed for duplicate
- TicketsFontIcon -> ZD-instaIM added
- ReactGCFontIcon -> GC-object, GC-number, GC-arrayOfString & GC-arrayOfObject added
- ReactGCFontIcon -> GC-dynamicInfo & GC-staticInfo added
- CommunityFontIcon -> ZD-moderaterTick added
- ReactGeneralFontIcon -> ZD-GN-read updated
- ReactGeneralFontIcon -> ZD-GN-unread updated
- ReactGeneralFontIcon -> ZD-GN-accessibility updated
- ReactTicketsFontIcon -> ZD-TK-read , ZD-TK-unRead removed for duplicate
- ReactGeneralFontIcon -> ZD-GN-read and ZD-GN-unread added
- TicketsFontIcon -> ZD-prediction added
- CommonFontIcon -> ZD-accessibility added
- ReactGeneralFontIcon -> ZD-accessibility added
- ZD-TK-readUnread removed
- ZD-TK-read , ZD-TK-unRead added
- ZD-TK-prediction added
- ReactTicketsFontIcon => ZD-TK-originalView removed , ZD-TK-readUnread added
- ReactGeneralFontIcon => ZD-GN-showOriginal removed
- ReactGCFontIcon => GC-dynamicCard, GC-staticCard added
- GC-cloud added
- ZD-CM-ticketID added
- ZD-GN-doubleTick,ZD-GN-bounce added
- Rtl Fixed for ZD-menu1,ZD-TK-thread,ZD-TB-menu
- ZD-ticketView,ZD-GN-department,ZD-TK-ticketView,ZD-TB-features
- ZD-GN-template added
- ZD-TT-web issue fixed
- ZD-GN-contactInformation,ZD-GN-relatedDetails,ZD-TK-languageDetector,ZD-TT-skills added
- ZD-TT-reply, ZD-GN-skills added
- ZD-GN-placeholder,ZD-GN-gift,ZD-GN-freeTrial added
- ZD-GN-insertHtml updated
- GC-button added
- Tested
- ReactCustomizeFontIcon => ZD-CM-formula added
- ReactTwotoneIcon => ZD-TT-moreApps added
- ZD-zdCRMQueueNew path fixes
- ZD-TK-ticketVisible,ZD-TK-ticketInvisible added
- icon-paidUser modified in rTickets.css
- icon-paperPlane modified in rGeneral.css
- icon-contactInformation,.icon-listening icons added in rCallBar.css
- icon-relatedDetails added in rTickets.css
- 2Tone Web Icon Path Changes
- path2 color changes (red(d63a3a)=>de3535,green(35b556)=>26a942,blue(2e8abe)=>0a73eb)
- Twotone icons Path color fixes
- font-face fix
- font-face issue fix
- ZD-arrow1 rtl added
- FontIcon Folder Removed
- triangleAlert,questionStroke,annoncement added in ZD-TT
- fsize => font_size css variables
- size => fsize
- icon(zd_font_icons) selector added
- fsize variables implemented
- ZD-CM-customAction added
- ZD-languageDetector,ZD-RP-reportRedirection,ZD-TK-crm,ZD-TT-directFacebook, ZD-TT-directFacebook,ZD-TT-directFacebookOut,ZD-TT-directFacebookMissed,ZD-TT-forwardDraft,ZD-TT-draft,ZD-TT-remoteAssist,ZD-TT-conversation added
- ZD-TK-handshakMode,ZD-TT-draft removed
- ReactTwotoneIcon => product,ticket,gamescope added
- ReactIntegration => intInvoice,intSubscription added
- ReactGeneralFontIcon => added ZD-GN-clearFilter
- ReactTwotoneIcon => added ZD-TT-whatsApp in , out , missed
- ZD-EF-fileAdobe removed
- ZD-EF-filePdf,ZD-TK-commentPath,ZD-TK-followStroke,ZD-TT-flagFill added
- TwoTone Icons Added
- ZD-TK-paiUser replaced to ZD-TK-paidUser
- ZD-MP-placeholder12 added in ReactMarketplaceFontIcon
- follow,forward,forwardFill,showOriginal,unFollow added in ReactGeneralFontIcon
- appltmacro renamed to applyMacro in ReactTicketsFontIcon
- ZD-TK-forword removed from ReactTicketsFontIcon
- ZD-TB-overPhone icon Fixed
- Icon Render Fix
- GC-gclogo added, style Variable added to reduce css file size
- GcFonts Added
- ZD-MP-placeholder10,ZD-MP-placeholder11 added
- Icons Added in GC
- roundComment,scheduleReply added in ReactTickets
- mobile,building,fontcolor removed from rGeneral
- enterpriceplanPlan,freePlan,mobile,overPhone,overWeb,rofessionalPlan,standerdPlan,statusFill,statusStroke added in rTopband
- GC Icons Group Added
- IconsAdded in React Topband and React General
- ZD-CH-mailOutBound,ZD-CH-callOutBound,ZD-TK-primaryFolder added
- commentFlled Issue Fix
- IntegrationsFontIcon,CallBar group removed
- REACT 2PX Icons Added
- LHS Icons Updated
- LhsFontIcons and Telephony FontIcons Added
- ZD-tableView icon added in TicketsFontIcon
- IntegrationsFontIcon prefix 2px removed
- Integrations Group Created
- Renamed "icon-Frame" to "icon-subscription" in Tickets FontIcon
- Newly added IntegrationsFontIcons(icon-zohoProject,.icon-link,.icon-deLink )
- happinessBad,happinessGood,happinessOk Icons Added in TicketsFontIcon
- TicketChannel Family Name Issue
- Channel Icons Fixed , Color Added
- Frame, chDraftNew , chDirectFB Added
- Line Height Issue Fixed
- Rtl Implemented for Navigation Based Icons
- ZD-books1 removed from ticketfonticon group
- ZD-channelPhoneIn, ZD-channelPhoneOut Icon Fixed
- icon-Invoice1 removed
- Css Missing Issue Fix
- TicketChannel Added
- icon-tableTask,.icon-tableTicket,.ico n-tableContact,.icon-tableAccount,.icon-multipleLine,.icon-table,.icon-percentageBar,.icon -pie,.icon-line,.icon-funnel,.icon-stackedBar,.icon-bar,icon-barGraph,.icon-barLineGraph, .icon-dialMeter,.icon-donutChart,.icon-lineGraph,.icon-listGraph,.icon-multilineGraph,.ico n-pieChart,.icon-pieChartFill,.icon-tableChart,.icon-wordCloud
- menu1, socialZoomOut, returns Icon Added
- editdDraft Name SpellFix to editDraft
- ASYNC Implement