In this Library, we Provide Some Basic Components to Build Your Application
- CurrencyField
- In customProps prop > TextBoxProps key changed to TextBoxIconProps (Impact Change)
- renderRightPlaceholderNode
- renderRightPlaceholderNode , rightPlaceholderCustomClass prop added for
- dataID & dataTestID
- support has been added for the
Component (v0 and v1).
- TagsMultiSelect
support has been added for the ListItem Component wrapper. - The
will be reflected asdataId
with the suffix "_Options".
- StatusDropdown
navigation has been implemented. -
- prop renamed asisFetchingOptions
. - Loader added for fetching listItem.
- Thread - default count 1 removed
- These changes added in v1 folders also.
- lookup/header/TicketHeader/TicketHeader - Close Icon Position Moved to Right end.
- Lookup - lookupClass prop added and xlarge size value added
- ToggleDropdown - Fixed popup issue fix
- RadioField - tooltip option provided
- TextareaField - onFocus prop supported
- Common providers update for v1 components
- CheckBoxField - getContainerRef prop supported
- RadioField - infoTooltip, disabled support added for the radio
- v1/RadioField - getRef, isBoxStyle props supported
- TagsMultiSelectField - infoText, isLocked, lockedInfoText, alignField props added, position relative added for parent.
- v1/TagsMultiSelect - handleSelectAll, needSelectAll, selectAllText, customClass, customProps props supported
- TextEditor - FireFox Focus Issue Fixed (Removed Visibility : Hidden)
needAutoClose prop added and removed type based autoclose code.
hideTime, needShadow, shadowCount, eleRef, id prop added
eleRef prop added
showMessage prop removed
changed in v1 also
globalnotification_default_box_shadow css variable removed
width 100% to 420px changed
shadow class added
- StatusListItem - customClass and children prop support given
- CommonEmptyState - description wrap css added
Drawer, IconButton, StatusDropdown, StatusListItem, Lookup - A11y changes.
useDragger - active issue fix.
- TagsMultiSelect - handleSelectAll, needSelectAll, selectAllText, customClass, customProps props supported
- Lookup - isFlexWrapper default prop value changed - isFlexWrapper prop renamed to isMinHeight
- Attachment provide disable support
- v1/RadioField - infoTooltip support added
- Drawer - zIndex auto increment issue fixed
- Lookup - Dragger Implemented
- Lookup Section - data-drag-container property removed in tag
- dot/src/lookup/header/lookupHeaderCommon.module.css - Title Padding Changed (removed absolute css for .closeContainer)
Drawer, Lookup - Enter Action support provided.
ActionButton, Link, AvatarStatus, ListLayout, StatusDropdown - Accessibility issue fixes.
- Setup => Header, Helptips folder components are converted to functional inside v1 folder
- Desktop Notification and Header Responsive Handled
- Provider desktopNotificationResponsiveId key supported
package dependency removed. - UserTime component deprecated.
- Comment component title prop added.
- v1/AlertHeader children shrink issue fix.
- DesktopNotification, DesktopNotificationHeader renderAlertIcon prop added inside v1 folder.
- color-variable-preprocessor version issue solved
- @zohodesk-private/color-variable-preprocessor version upgrade
- Attachment, AttachmentImage, RadioField, SelectField, TemplateIcon, SnippetIcon, PlusIcon, Upload, Loader, Avatar folder, SecondaryText folder, SecondaryPanel, SentimentStatus, PlusIcon, Message components are converted to functional inside v1 folder
- @zohodesk/hooks version update - 2.0.2
- AttachmentViewer Arrow Hover Color Rgba Issue Fixed
- AlertLookup, AlertHeader renderAlertIcon prop added inside v1 folder
- v1 => old errorstate components removed and version2 folder errorstate components moved to v1/errorstate folder.
- v1 => old alert components removed and version2 lookup folder alert components moved to v1/alert folder.
- Drawer - Unwanted zIndex increase issue fixed
- Drawer, Lookup - FocusScope component prop rename update.
- setup/helptips/ListGroup/ListGroup data to text issue fixed
- propTypes Validated for ToggleDropDown,TagsMultiSelectField,StatusDropdown,ViewDropDown
Attachment, ListLayout focus-within css changes has been added
Attachment, Link, CommonEmptyState tabIndex added for screen reader
AddNeIcon, CompleteIcon, DeleteIcon, EditIcon, ReadUnreadIcon, SmartIcon Screen reader Fix
StatusDropdown, Lookup, AlertLookup a11y props added
- Proptypes and PlayGround Validated
utils and hooks packages entry added
mergeStyle and compileClassNames - used from
- Internal color-variable-preprocessor package implemented
- beta release removed and version changed to normal flow
Drawer, Lookup -
will be served bycustomProps
from now. -
ToggleDropDown -
navigation has been implemented.
- StatusListItem - TickIcon Vertical position Ui issue fixed
- Variable Replacer Issue Resolved again
- TableData - eleRef prop added.
- useDragger - parent querySelector validation added
- AvatarCollision missing color variables added
- data-test-id attribute added for all element which having data-id attribute to separate customization and automation
- Variable Replacer Issue Resolved
- useDragger - useDragger relative element boundary based position issue solved.
FreezeLayer -
changed to data-drag-parent
useDragger - useDragger Hook Fixed.
FreezeLayer -
attribute added. -
AlertHeader changed to
and convert to aucl
implemented in this component anddragBoundaryLimit
prop added for drag case.
- SetupDetailLayout - i18nKeys added.
- TextEditor - pre tag css style added.
TextEditor - pre tag css style reverted.
FreezeLayer - useDragger implementation reverted.
- TextEditor - pre tag css style added.
Drag Hook - useDragger boundary calculation added for custom boundary elements.
TagWithIcon - Contrast issue fix
- TextEditor - blockquote css style tag removed.
Drag Hook - useDragger hook added.
FreezeLayer - useDragger implemented
Alert Header - useDragger based attributes added
Section - useDragger based attributes added
- Drawer - CancelBubblingEffect reverted coz that produces many issues.
TagWithIcon - New component Added.
FreezeLayer - cancel click preventing issue solved.
option implemented through preprocess. Category key value added for all color variables. -
BoxShadow Values Separated for Contrast.
FreezeLayer - onClick event issue solved.
cancelBubblingEffect function replaced to all stopPropagation used placed
ToggleDropdown - customClass (customDropBox and customListBox) Support added.
StatusDropdown - align item value changed (center => baseline) and Line-height changed(18px => 20px)
ToggleDropdown, StatusDropdown, StatusListItem - Added New Prop
- FreezeLayer - converted to functional component
- FreezeLayer - Issue fix: While click on the freezelayer, drawer/any dialog box won't close if any text highlighted in the product.
AvatarFlip -
has been added. -
AvatarStatus -
prop added for all components. -
AvatarWithTeam -
prop has been added.
- ActionButton - arrowBoxDataId prop removed .
- dataSelectorId prop added for all components
- AvatarWithTeam - css variable changed due to the duplicate override issue
- Separator - New component added.
- ActionButton - button element margin issue fix(safari browser).
NewStar - Position and Font Size Increase Issue Solved.
MessageBanner -
mode issue fix. -
IconButton - customProps support.
ToggleDropdDown - Screen Reader fix.
ListLayout - Focus Indication fix.
- Screen Reader fix.
- Drawer, Lookup - Focus scope navigation support.
- Screen Reader support for some components. -
CustomResponsive - performance issue fix.
- Attachment => Text color added.
ToggleDropDown - Scroll End Loader added.
method imported from components package.isAnimate
prop in the ResponsiveDropBox component has been assigned as false. -
Common.js - deleted this file.
method imported from components package.
- AvatarThread => orange palette added.
- Alertlookup and version2 Alertlookup -> didmount code added for Enter key functionality.
- TextEditor => htmlVersion !Doctype html added and handleChange function performance changes.
- Action Button => innerClassName and popupGroup prop added.
- default props and proptype => removed from component file and made it as a separate file.
- AlertLookup V1 => isHtmlContent prop added
- ToggleDropDown , StatusDropdown => preventParentScroll implemented
- Svg path updated
- :focus in css removed
- renderLabelProps props added and Field Container Component Wrapped for => CheckBoxField, CurrencyField, DateField, MultiField, SelectField, TextareaField, TextBoxField
- TagsMultiSelect,TagsMultiSelectField => clickableTag prop added
- GridStencils => margin, width removed in css
- ResponsiveDropBox Implemented for all DropBox
- #999 instead of #a8b0bd color value in PureDark mode
- Attachment Viewer Footer Scroll Ui Fix, dataId fix
- list/SecondaryText/SecondaryText => happiness image width changed
- PureDark mode implemented via preprocess
- ToggleDropDown, DepartmentDropDown, StatusDropdown search empty text change (Oops to No results found)
- className prop added in ImportantNotes
- palette prop added in ModuleHeader
- palette prop added in TicketHeader
- TagMultiSelect id, onSelectTag prop added.
- GridStencils UI fix.
- TagMultiSelect Keyboard Shortcut Issue Fixed
- editor fontsize prop added
- AttachmentViewer , AttachmentImage component added
- TagsMultiSelect => boxSize prop added.
- CurrencyField => formatCurrency call if check fixed (value will formatted when isActive is false)
- CheckBoxField, CurrencyField, DateField, MultiSelectField, PhoneField, RadioField, SelectField, TextBoxField, TextareaField, setup/header/Views/Views => Tooltip undefined case solved
- StatusDropdown => Enter, Down Arrow Shortcut issue solved
- TextEditor => editor focus issue fix
- Dot => Provider Config Added
- FreezeLayer => freezeLayer config added to control keyboard shortcut
- CurrencyField => formatCurrency prop added, exist formatCurrency function removed and moved to deprecated
- ActionButton => Loader Bg Fix reverted (Directly Fixed in Button Component)
- TextEditor => editor loading issue fix
- ActionButton => removeChildrenTooltip prop added , Loader Bg Fixed for Primary Palette
- AlertLookup,AlertLookup v2 => onEsc Prop added
- Read-only and disable class and style added in All Fields like TextBoxField, MultiSelect Field etc..
- isCopyTextEnabled prop added in Ripple Effect component.
- Linear Gradient - to Left direction fixed
- TicketHeader/ViewDropdown -> block layout fix
- Appearance css moved to assets
- css color variables updated.
- TagsMultiSelect => placeholderText key added in i18nKeys
- TextEditorWrapper => isEditorDefaultOpen setState Issue Check added
- TextEditor => Font-feature-setting added to fix calt symbol issue .
- bg,shadow,text,border based variables removed and renamed.
- blueDefaultTheme & blueDarkTheme class name added in Mode & Blue DotTheme files
- GlobalNotification, DesktopNotification => customProps prop added
- ListLayout => active, keyboarActive css priority fixed
- ListLayout => marginLeft fixed
- deprecated theme file moved to another place
- ListLayout => keyboardActive ui border added
- ListLayout => isKeyboardActive prop and ui added
- AvatarThread component -> getCustomThread prop added
- TextEditor => default font changed to Lato
- TextEditor => default font changed to Arial
- Messagebanner => FontSize Fixed
- TextEditor => PuviFont Version Updated
- CommonEmptyState missing dark palette variables moved under Themes folder files
- ListLayout -> needPointer prop added and hover css fix
- MessageBanner => dataId Prop added and margin fixed.
- Link => object spread solved.
- Custom fonts (Lato and Zoho Puvi) sent to Editor.
- Published but some issues are there
- transition variable implemented in all CSS
- TagMultiSelect => ListItem Data-Id Reverted
- AlphabeticList => vertical spaceing incremented
- AlphabeticList => vertical spaceing incremented, dataId prop added
- ToggleDropdown => on focusing input preventScroll disabled.
- ValidationMessage => toolip Prop Added
- TagsMultiSelect => dataId Changes
- list/Icons => width added tto avoid jurk
- Lookup,AlertLookup,AlertLookup2 => eventListeners Removed on UnMount
- Drawer => getTitleChildren prop added
- ToggleDropdown => on focusing input preventScroll disabled.
- ExternalLink, Link, AccountName, ContactName, SecondaryText/Email, SecondaryText/PhoneNumber, SecondaryText/TicketId, Subject => customProps prop added
- ReadUnReadIcon => icon Name fix
- TagsMultiSelect => scrollTop Issue Solved
- TagsMultiSelectField => keyPress index fixed
- ToggleDropDown => selectedId fix while opening the dropdown.
- ReadUnreadIcon component added
- TextEditorField => isReadOnly Ui Given
- @zoho/SecurityJS library removed from depedency
- Message/Message => HtmlPurifier Removed
- GlobalNotification/GlobalNotification => HtmlPurifier Removed
- helptips/Link/Link => HtmlPurifier Removed
- PropTypes Validattion Fixes
- error state DataId and Common Css Fixes
- Docs Fixes
- CommonEmptyState => customClass prop added
- Inconvenience => svg image changed as old
- version2/errorstate/Inconvenience/Inconvenience => isButtonNeeded,className,isFluid,dataId,buttonText,onButtonClick,urlTarget,size prop added, subtitle,customClass prop removed
- OopsSomethingMiss , UnableToProcessRequest, WillBeRightBack, UrlNotFound added
- PermissionPlay, RequestUrlNotFound, UnableToProcess, , WillBack Removed
- UnauthorizedLogin updated and subtitle,customClass prop removed
- CTA gray based color changes
- AvatarThread => iconClass prop added
- ActionButton => palette prop added
- Lookup/Lookup => xmedium size added
- version2/lookup/AlertLookup/AlertLookup => isHtmlContent,scroll prop added
- 168 publish reverted
- Lookup/Lookup => childAnimationName prop added
- version2/lookup/AlertHeader/AlertHeader => html structure render fixed
- version2/lookup/AlertLookup/AlertLookup => align, childAnimationName prop added
- ToggleDropDown => focus null issue fixed.
- Drawer => stopImmediatePropagation added.
- ToggleDropDown => preventPopupClose prop added , unWanted Focus issue solved.
- TextEditorField => editorFocus prop changed to onFocus
- ContactName => className Duplication Entry Issue Fixed
- Palette-Based Folder Structure Changed.
- data-theme changed to data-mode
- data-palette changed to data-theme
- ActionButton => ClassName based changes
- PlusIcon => iconColor , palette prop removed
- Palette Based Color System Implemented
- TextEditor => editorInitialize global function calling to avoid global conflict
- formatCurrency function fix
- TextEditor => getCSRFCookieName,getCSRFCookie -> Paste Image Issue Fixed
- AvatarClose, AvatarCollision, AvatarIcon, AvatarStatus,AvatarThread,AvatatrUser, AvatarWithTeam, ToggleDropDown, SecondaryText => customProps prop added
- Comment,Thread => Button tag added
- AcccountName,ContactName,Email,PhoneNumber => a11y fixes
- Subject => children prop added
- Upload -> palette prop added
- General - formatCurrency function fix
- TextEditor - isNightMode prop added
- TextEditorWrapper - customProps prop added
- AlertLookup,AlertLookupNew => customProps Added and Footer check added
- ToggleDropdown => getFooter prop added
- GlobalNotification v2 => UI function Exported
- FreezeLayer - to avoid inner focus jerk issue, overflow hidden css added
- list/SecondaryText,list/UserTime => fontsize changed
- customProps prop given for all field components
- SelectDropdown component moved to deprecated
- FlipCard -> customProps prop added
- AlphabeticList,Attachment,AvatarUser,Comment,DepartmentDropDown,ContactName,TicketHeader,Message => i18nKeys prop supported
- ExternalLink/ExternalLink.js => simplehelp, dynnamicnavs protocol support for urls
- lookup/Lookup/Lookup.js => onKeyDown prop support
- lookup/header/Search/Search.js => onKeyDown prop support
- lookup/header/ModuleHeader/ModuleHeader.js => onSearchKeyDown prop support => keydown prop support - In forms, lookup close on esc key press
- dropdown/ToggleDropDown/ToggleDropDown.js => onDropDownOpen, onDropDownClose
- lookup/header/Search/Search.js => Component revamp for focus related issue => Clear icon added
- ToggleDropdown => shallowdiff comparision based state update fixed in compoentwillreceiveprops
- AlertLookup => v2 => submit button focus timeout issue fixed .
- version 2 errorstates added => inconvenience,PermissionPlay,RequestUrlNotFound,UnableToProcess,UnauthorizedLogin,UnauthorizedLogin,WillBack
- CheckBoxField , CurrencyField, DateField, MultiSelectField, SelectField, TextBoxField, TextEditorField, TextareaField => lock icon size increased to 13
- SelectField, DateField => iconOnHover prop added
- list/Comment => hover color added in css
- list/SecondaryText/AccountName => secondaryAccountHref,secondaryAccountClick,secondaryAccountText props added
- list/Thread => hover color added in css
- ZD-blockDownArrow icon changed to ZD-down in all components
- TextEditorWrapper => needInlineAttachment prop added
- TextEdiitorField => needInlineAttachment prop added
- TextEditor => Drag and Drop Image Upload and Paste ClipBoard Image Upload feature added
- MultiSelectField => onFocus prop added
- TagMultiSelect, TagMultiSelectField clear text after select option issue fixed
- Responsive Ui Fix added in all ErrorStates
- lookup/header/ModuleHeader => closeTitle prop added
- ImportantNotes -> html structure changes
- SelectField -> onFocus Prop Added
- TagsMultiSelect -> Children prop removed, htmlId prop added
- TagsMultiSelectField Added
- TextEditor -> isEditorDefaultOpen prop fixed for blur event
- TextEditorField -> children,ePhiData prop added
- TextEditorWrapper -> isEditorDefaultOpen prop added
- TextEditor -> BlockQuote Indent Margin Fix
- ExternalLink -> onClick prop added
- TextEditor -> Underline Empty Issue Fixed
- TextEditor -> Underline Empty Fix solved
- MultiSelectField -> children, customChildrenClass Added
- TextBoxField -> children prop added, TextBox component replaced with TextBoxWithIcon
- TextEditor - WillReceiveProps editor undefined fix
- EditionPage => empty svg image changed to EmptyCrmPotential (Before we used EmptyEdition SVG)
- CurrencyField Added
- PhoneField => number pattern formatted
- TextBoxField => onFocus prop added
- TextEditorField - dataId fixes
- TextEditor WilReceiveProps Fix
- Drawer - default size added
- Drawer - Header - isBoxIcon prop added
- ToggleDropDown - has Icon check Added for every List
- ePhiData Prop added in TextBoxField, PhoneField
- DesktopNotification DataId Fix
- Cli Update
- ToastMessage A11y Changes
- list/ListLayout a11y changes
- MultiSelectField => Focus Ref Issue Solved
- TextEditorField => dataId fix
- IconButton => dataIsHtml Prop Added
- TextEditorWrapper => editor focused 300 timeout
- A11y Changes
- TextEditor Code Fix
- Theme Changes
- Lookup => large size added
- ActionButton => dropBoxPosition prop renamed as defaultPosition , (position,getContainerRef,getTargetRef prop added)
- SelectField => children prop added
- TagsMultiSelect => borderColor,needBorder,getTextBoxChildren prop added
- Attachment - Theme Color Changes
- List => SecondaryText - Theme Color Changes
- TagsMultiSelect, TextEditor, TextEditorField Added
- SelectField => isDefaultSelectValue,placeHolder prop added
- TextBoxField => needReadOnlyStyle, isClickable prop added
- ListStencils , ToastMessage => DarkTheme Css Added
- isDarkMode props removed for all components
- DateField => i18nKeys prop added
- StatusDropdown => dotted issue fixed
- Fields => Data Id and htmlId fixed in all field based components
- DateField => timeZone prop added
- Added the character '#' in the AlphabeticList component.
- A11y Changes
- Drawer => Header padding changes
- CommonEmptyState => palette -> dark,default added and isDarkMode prop removed
- AvatarIcon,AvatarWithTeam => borderOnActive,borderOnHover prop added
- Theme Changes In all Components
- a11y changes in ToggleDropDown,StatusDropdown
- dataId Changes in CommonEmptyState - no impacts
- Loader - auto zIndex added
- DotNew - size prop added
- BluePrintStatus - isOverdue prop removed for color fix
- AvatarUser - alternateSrc prop added
- --zdt prefix added for theme variables
- Components added
- form => fields => CheckBoxField, DateField, MultiSelectField, PhoneField, PhoneField, RadioField, SelectField, TextareaField, TextBoxField, ValidationMessage
- form => layout => Section, Field
- Drawer => drawer model portal removed, hereafter need to send inner portal name through innerPortalName prop.
- Alert Lookup => a11y added
- package update in components library
- commonAlerts based files moved to version2 folder
- Drawer RHS padding CSS fixes
- Theme Based Changes (no Impacts)
- list> Subject ==> isDotted prop added
- ToggleDropDown => isDarkMode prop added for inner ListItem
- Attachment,Upload,Thread ui fixes
- ModuleHeader => dataId added
- FreezeLayeer => snow palette bg changed
- commonAlerts components added
- Drawer,FreezeLayer,ToastMessage -> default value setted as needAutoZindex:true
- Theme Implemented For Component Package
- a11y fixes
- customClass Prop added in setup table based components
- Ui Fixes in FormAction,ToggleDropDown,DepartmentDropDown,ConatctName,Thread,UserTime.
- Thread => align prop added
- Image => htmlId prop added
- Drawer => onBodyClick prop added for body click preventcase
- needAutoZindex prop added in freeze layer and Drawer
- Provider Changes
- SetupDetailLayout DataId Changes
- ToggleDropDown Temp Fix for Rerender Issue
- AllY fixes in IconButton
- fsize => font_size css variables replacement
- ToastMessage => needClose prop fixed
- Size => fsize
- Secondary text hover color added
- Department Dropdown Icon Fixes
- CommonEmptyState => darkMode fix
- SetupDetailLayout => dataId Added
- Setup Header Search => customClass prop Added
- IconButton => isNeedEffect prop added
- Responsive Updated in Drawer
- Message => onClick Prop added
- Message => Html Purifier added for Message Prop
- ActionButton => OnHover Fix
- ToggleDropDown => isDarkMode, palette added
- CommonEmptyState => isDarkMode added
- list/Thread => icon soze changed
- AvatarCollsion => bordersize changed
- RippleEffect Based Changes Pushed
- Component Version Update
- IconButton => borderOnHover prop removed and hoverType prop added
- ToggleDropDown => RippleEffect Added
- Lookup Search => isFocus Fix
- Upload Component Preview mode Fixed
- dotcommon.module.css removed, audio image removed
- Attachment Color changes, SubtabLayout Footer Type implemented
- PeerDependencies Added
- Text => cursor pointer fix
- Version update for components library
- TableHover.css Added
- StatusList Bullet Fix
- Adding tool tip for Ticket channel Icons in 'ChannelIcon', 'FlipCard' & 'AvatarFlip' components
- Event Fix in IconButton
- Icon Button A11Y
- ToastMessage Custom prop added
- StatueListItem bulletColor Prop Changes
- Dependent Package Updates
- Upload => abort upload support added
- ExternalLink => Issue with URLs with Uppercase characters fixed
- ToggleDropDown => Title Reposition
-list/SecondryPanel/SecondryPanel => Container changes
- Package Update
- AlertLookup DataId fix
- DotNew => data-title added
- ActionButton => arrowBoxSize added
- Upload => hovercolor changes
- AvatarWithTeam => teamClassName added
- Package update
- Table Components Css name change
- FlipCard,AvatarFlip => isFilledCheckbox added
- package Update
- ToggleDropdown SelectedId issue Fixed => need to check
- CommonEmptyState Props Changed
- SVG Version Updated
- ToggleDropDown, StatusDropDown - Hover issue Fix
- Components Package Update
- AvatarIcon => extra Palette added (gray,dark)
- listIcons names updated
- ListStencils Updated
- ChannelIcons New Names changed
- package update
- iconButton => onMouseDown,onMouseOver Added
- AlertHeader => iconClass prop added, addEndUser type removed
- AlertLookup => needIcon,iconName,iconClassiconSize ,customClass prop added
- ToggleDropDown => onClick moved to onMouseDown, and Icon Fix
- StatusDropDown => onClick moved to onMouseDown, and Icon Fix
- Component Version Update
- ToggleDropdown => isToggleStateNeeded added
- LookupSearch => isBoxed Option Added
- Component version update
Package Updates
AvatarStatus => statusTitle added
AvatarFlip => iconSize added and css cleared
SecondaryText/AccountName ==> isBold removed and added fontWeight
SecondaryText/ContactName ==> isBold removed and added fontWeight
SecondaryText/Email ==> added fontWeight
SecondaryText/PhoneNumber ==> added fontWeight
StatusDropdown => title added
getActivitiesIconObj function added
- Package Update
- Package Update
- Drawer Close Animation Fx
- ToggleDropDown IconClass Added
- Avatar Status Size and Position Fixed
- DateFormat Based Component Removed
- Toggle DropDown added onClick for the selectedValue - "value" prop name
- ToggleDropDown Separator Added
- Package Update for Icon and Components
- Renamed SVG Folder to small case
- On Hold Date issue Fix
- MessgeBanner link newtab issue fix
- TimeInfo Fix
- icon package update
- customClass Added for Drawer and Freezelayer
- icon version update
- component version update
- i18n version update
- Added onLookupClick function in AlertLookup component
- Svg Package Version Update only
- Version update for SVG package
- Version update for SVG package
- Version update for SVG package
- Component version update
- customClass prop added for error state components
- Component Package Version Update
- dataId Fixes for TimeInfo,Duedate,CreateTime,UserTime
- ActionButton Added
- CommonEmptyState => getChildren Prop Added
- IconButton => isBold Added
- @zohodesk/components, @zohodesk/i18n version updates
- dateFormat => CreateTime added
- dateFormat => DueDate Added
- utils => Common => getDateKeyWithParam added
- permission Package removed
- statusDropdown removed nad statusDropdownNew Component Renamed as statusDropdown
- loader, message, messagebanner, new start components added
- In StatusListItem prop option added statusType === 'Completed'
- AvatarThread => needBorder,needBackground added
- Drawer => SubDrawer Option Added
- ToggleDropDown title Fix, DataId Fix
- AlertLookup DataId Changed
- In AvatarUser, added avatar Icon Option, AvatarUser Delete Hover Bg Color Added
- list => Comment => className prop Added
- list => icons => Completeicon => iconSize Prop Added
- list => icons => EditIcon => iconSize Prop Added
- ListLayout => footer Prop Removed and Basic Padding Removed, Here after include Import Padding from moduleList.module.css
- Unused Css removed from listCommon.module.css
- StatusDropdownNew => onTogglePopup Issue Fixed
- ToggleDropDown Key Handling Fix.
- isBold added in AccountName
- isBold added in ContactName
- AvatarThread Icon position changed
- In SubtabLayout, subtabfooter added, then tertiary type added in SubtabHeader
- In ToggleDropdown, Max-width 100% added css fix for shrink
- DeleteIcon => iconSize Prop added
- Subject => className Prop Added
- Components Package Update
- IconButton Children Prop Added
- IconButton Palette Added
- miniDescription Prop added ModuleHeader Component
- OnClick prop added For Lookup Component
- StatusDropDownNew Component Added
- StatusListItem Component Added
- Avatar User - Bgg added for portal icon
- In StatusText => isBold prop removed and fontWeight introduced
- Subject - isBold prop removed and fontWeight introduced
- Version update for permission library.
- Version update for permissions library.
- ExternalLink Regex Fix
- ToggleDropdown - arrowIconPosition Added
- Lookup MakWidth Fix for Responsive
- dataId Fix Added for errorStates
- Alphabetical Dotted Fix
- Upload Component CSS Fix
- Attachment, Upload Component Added
- Dot Component Issue and SecondaryPanel List Dotted Fixed
- Toast Message component functionality fix.
- DataId Changes for ChannelIcon
- Ticked Id Link Fix
- ImportantNotes Implemented
- ErrorState ZIndex Fix
- Changing the 'falseObj' key to 'failure' inconsistency with permission library.
- Updating components library to latest
- TicketId Link Added
- Avatar User Palette Added
- IconButton Added
- Adding tourId in FlipCard, AvatarFlip, and GridIcons component.
- Adding SvgMask support and tourId in the FreezeLayer component.
- Lookup Unified
- GridIcon Component Added
- Dot Color Changes
- Permission package update
- Onclick option added for TableRow Component, Avatar Icon Data-Id Fixed and Container Changed, Avatar Based Components Css Provider Implemented
- Icon Update
- ChannelIcon Update
- AlertLookup Data-Id Fix
- DeleteLookupHeader Removed
- Lookup text Bold prop Included
- Toggle Dropdown Children Fix
- SVG Version Updated
- ErrorState Fix
- Toggle Dropdown onScroll implemented,
- Data Id Fixes
- AlertLookup Setcion ClassName Support
- Table Onclick Functions
- TableData align Prop Fix
- Svg Exported
- External Link Fix, Data-Id Change
- Toggle Dropdown Fix
- Externel Link XSS Fix
- AlertLookup custom-header Fix
- ToastMessage DataId Added
- Alert Header Fix
- Proxima Update
- Image and Setup Table Components Moved
- ErrorState Components, Setup Based Components Moved
- CommonEmptyState Added, Avatar Icon Palette Added, Lookup Header Close Added
-Drawer, Toast Message, Loader, Toggle DropDown update
- List, Lookup, Layout, FreezeLayer, SVG Published
- Permission Checkup
- Test Publish