Sparse Merkle tree implementation in TypeScript.
A sparse Merkle tree is a data structure useful for storing a key/value map where every leaf node of the tree contains the cryptographic hash of a key/value pair and every non leaf node contains the concatenated hashes of its child nodes. Sparse Merkle trees provides a secure and efficient verification of large data sets and they are often used in peer-to-peer technologies. This implementation is an optimized version of the traditional sparse Merkle tree and it is based on the concepts expressed in the papers and resources below.
- Rasmus Dahlberg, Tobias Pulls and Roel Peeters. Efficient Sparse Merkle Trees: Caching Strategies and Secure (Non-)Membership Proofs. Cryptology ePrint Archive: Report 2016/683, 2016.
- Faraz Haider. Compact sparse merkle trees. Cryptology ePrint Archive: Report 2018/955, 2018.
- Jordi Baylina and Marta Bellés. Sparse Merkle Trees.
- Vitalik Buterin Fichter. Optimizing sparse Merkle trees.
You can install @zk-kit/smt
package with npm:
npm i @zk-kit/smt --save
or yarn:
yarn add @zk-kit/smt
You can also load it using a script
tag using unpkg:
<script src=""></script>
or JSDelivr:
<script src=""></script>
import { ChildNodes, SMT } from "@zk-kit/smt"
import sha256 from "crypto-js/sha256"
import { poseidon2, poseidon3 } from "poseidon-lite"
// Hexadecimal hashes.
const hash = (childNodes: ChildNodes) => sha256(childNodes.join("")).toString()
// Create the SMT with an Hexadecimal (SHA256) hash.
const tree = new SMT(hash)
// 0
// Big number hashes.
const hash2 = (childNodes) => (childNodes.length === 2 ? poseidon2(childNodes) : poseidon3(childNodes))
// Create the SMT with a BigNumber (Poseidon) hash.
const tree2 = new SMT(hash2, true)
// 0n
// Add nodes to the SMT.
tree.add("2b", "44")
tree.add("16", "78")
tree.add("d", "e7")
tree.add("10", "141")
tree.add("20", "340")
// 31ee2a59741c9c32a32d8c7fafe461cca1ccaf5986c2d592586e3e6482a48645
// Get the value of the leaf.
const value = tree.get("16")
// 78
// Update the value of the leaf.
tree.update("16", "79")
// 79
// Delete the leaf.
// undefined
// Compute the proof of membership for the leaf.
const membershipProof = tree.createProof("2b")
// Compute the proof of membership for a previously deleted leaf.
const nonMembershipProof = tree.createProof("16") // This key has been deleted.
entry: [ '2b', '44', '1' ],
matchingEntry: undefined,
siblings: [
root: 'c3c023c84afc0a7bab1dbebcef5f7beaf3d6af4af98e8f481620dec052be7d0d',
membership: true
entry: [ '16' ],
matchingEntry: undefined,
siblings: [
root: 'c3c023c84afc0a7bab1dbebcef5f7beaf3d6af4af98e8f481620dec052be7d0d',
membership: false
// Verify the proofs.
console.log(tree.verifyProof(membershipProof)) // true
console.log(tree.verifyProof(nonMembershipProof)) // true