Position DOM element at X,Y or next to another element
npm i @yaireo/position -S
UMD file link:
import position from '@yaireo/position'
// the element wished to be positioned in a certain place
target: targetElement,
// reference DOM element or an Object like so: {x:10, y:20}
ref: refElement,
// [optional] default target plaement string, relative to the ref
// first string value is horizontal and then vertical placement. Examples:
// 'left center', 'right below', 'center center'
placement:'center above',
// [optional] distance from reference element
offset: [20],
// [optional] by default the positioning updates within a RequestAnimationFrame callback,
//but this can cause painting delays when resizing or scrolling fast.
useRaf: false,
This scripts places an element next to another element (at a certain prefered relative place). If you want to update the targer's position (relativce to the referece) when the page scrolls or resizes I advice adding observers:
const observerCallback = () => position({ target:targetElement, ref:refElement })
// create observers instances
const resizeObserver = new ResizeObserver(observerCallback)
const intersectionObserver = new IntersectionObserver(observerCallback, {root:document, threshold:1})
// start observing (using the instances created above)
This script adds CSS variables (custom properties) on the target element:
CSS Variable |
pos-left |
pos-top |
pos-target-width |
pos-target-height |
pos-ref-width |
pos-ref-height |
pos-ref-left |
pos-ref-top |
window-scroll-y |
window-scroll-x' |
Using the above mix of variables, write this CSS in your code to position the target:
--x: calc(var(--pos-left) + var(--window-scroll-x));
--y: calc(var(--pos-top) + var(--window-scroll-y));
position: absolute;
z-index: 999999;
top: 0;
left: 0;
transform: translate(calc(var(--x) * 1px),
calc(var(--y) * 1px));