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2.0.1 • Public • Published

Xano JavaScript SDK

The Xano JavaScript SDK is built in pure TypeScript. Under the hood the SDK uses Axios which is not only supported by all modern browsers but allows us to be compatible with NodeJS as well.

Questions, comments or suggestions? Let us know in the Xano Community

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What is Xano?

Xano is the fastest way to build a powerful, scalable backend for your app without code.

Xano gives you a scalable server, a flexible database, and a NO CODE API builder that can transform, filter, and integrate with data from anywhere. We want to enable you to validate AND grow your ideas quickly without limits or any of the barriers you might have encountered using other tools. 💪

Xano Links


Include our script tag directly from jsDelivr:

<script type="text/javascript" src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@xano/js-sdk@latest/dist/xano.min.js"></script>

OR use npm to install the Xano JS SDK module:

npm  install  @xano/js-sdk

OR use our pre-bundled JS bundle:

<script  type="text/javascript"  src="dist/xano.min.js"></script>


NodeJS users should use our XanoNodeClient instead of XanoClient. The documentation is the same, it just takes care of some inconsistencies from the web behind the scenes.

Since NodeJS isn't a browser, the storage configuration is defaulted to XanoObjectStorage.


Pre-baked Examples

Examples for all methods and simple use-cases can be found in the /examples folder.

Uploading a file

Uploading a file can be a pretty complex process but we tried our best to make it as easy as possible - simply include the file as a parameter just like you would any other:

const  file = document.getElementById("file").files[0];

xano.post("/file_upload", {
	file:  file,
	(response) => {
		// Success!
	(error) => {
		// Failure

NodeJS users should refer to our XanoFile class.

Connecting to Realtime

Connecting to realtime is as simple as supplying a channel name and listening for events. The client will automatically authenticate if the authToken setting is set.

import { XanoClient, XanoSessionStorage } from  "@xano/js-sdk";

const  xano = new  XanoClient({
	instanceBaseUrl:  "https://x8ki-letl-twmt.n7.xano.io/",
	realtimeConnectionHash: "1lK90n16tnnylJpJ0Xa7Km6_KxA",

const channel = xano.channel("some_channel");

// Listening to all events
channel.on(function(action) {
	console.log("Received action", action);

// Listening to specific events (full list in src/enums/realtime-action.ts)
channel.on("message", function(action) {
	console.log("Received message", action);

channel.message({ message: "Hello world!" });

Client Documentation


This is the primary client class of Xano. It can be instantiated with the following parameters:

Param Type Default Description
apiGroupBaseUrl string | null null API Group Base URL can be found on the API Group dashboard
authToken string | null null Auth token generated in Xano from a login route (ex. /auth/login). Depending on storage this value will persist when set/cleared
customAxiosRequestConfig Partial<AxiosRequestConfig> {} For extreme edge cases, you can override the default Axios config that the SDK uses. AxiosRequestConfig Documentation. Useful for ignoring SSL cert issues, etc
dataSource string | null null Name of the Xano Data Source to use as the X-Data-Source header
instanceBaseUrl string | null null URL of the Xano instance to make requests to (ex. https://x8ki-letl-twmt.n7.xano.io/)
realtimeAuthToken string | null null Auth token used when connecting to realtime. NOTICE: If not present, it will default to authToken until sunset on July 1st, 2024, then it will be required for realtime authentication. More details...
realtimeConnectionHash string | null null The connection hash found on the realtime settings panel within your instance workspace
responseObjectPrefix string | null null If the API response body is an object or an array of objects then this will prefix all keys with this value
storage XanoBaseStorage XanoLocalStorage The storage mechanism where we store persistant information like authToken


import { XanoClient } from  "@xano/js-sdk";

const  xano = new  XanoClient({
	apiGroupBaseUrl:  "https://x8ki-letl-twmt.n7.xano.io/api:jVuUQATw",


Checks to see if the authToken has been set.



console.log(xano.hasAuthToken()); // true


Sets the authentication token which makes future requests authenticated.

Depending on storage when configuring XanoClient this value could persist across browser reloads.

Param Type Description
authToken string | null Can be created from the /auth/login endpoint. null will clear the token




Checks to see if the realtimeAuthToken has been set.



console.log(xano.hasRealtimeAuthToken()); // true


Sets the realtime authentication token which is used on new realtime connections.

Depending on storage when configuring XanoClient this value could persist across browser reloads.

Param Type Description
authToken string | null Can be created from the /auth/login endpoint. null will clear the token




Checks to see if the dataSource has been set.



console.log(xano.hasDataSource()); // true


Sets the data source which makes future requests include the X-Data-Source header.

More information about data sources can be found here

Param Type Description
dataSource string | null The name of the data source to use




Makes a GET HTTP request to Xano.

This function returns a Promise that resolves to XanoResponse on success and XanoRequestError on failure.

Param Type Required Description
endpoint string yes The endpoint starting with a / (ex. /users)
params object no URL params to attach to the request
headers object no Key/value pair of headers to send with the request


xano.get("/users", {
	sort_by:  "name",
	(response) => {
		// Success!
	(error) => {
		// Failure


Makes a POST HTTP request to Xano.

This function returns a Promise that resolves to XanoResponse on success and XanoRequestError on failure.

Param Type Required Description
endpoint string yes The endpoint starting with a / (ex. /users)
params object no body params to attach to the request
headers object no Key/value pair of headers to send with the request


xano.post("/users", {
	first_name:  "Justin",
	last_name:  "Albrecht",
	(response) => {
		// Success!
	(error) => {
		// Failure


Makes a PATCH HTTP request to Xano.

This function returns a Promise that resolves to XanoResponse on success and XanoRequestError on failure.

Param Type Required Description
endpoint string yes The endpoint starting with a / (ex. /users)
params object no body params to attach to the request
headers object no Key/value pair of headers to send with the request


xano.patch("/users", {
	first_name:  "Justin",
	(response) => {
		// Success!
	(error) => {
		// Failure


Makes a PUT HTTP request to Xano.

This function returns a Promise that resolves to XanoResponse on success and XanoRequestError on failure.

Param Type Required Description
endpoint string yes The endpoint starting with a / (ex. /users)
params object no body params to attach to the request
headers object no Key/value pair of headers to send with the request


xano.put("/users", {
	last_name:  "Albrecht",
	(response) => {
		// Success!
	(error) => {
		// Failure


Makes a DELETE HTTP request to Xano.

This function returns a Promise that resolves to XanoResponse on success and XanoRequestError on failure.

Param Type Required Description
endpoint string yes The endpoint starting with a / (ex. /users)
params object no body params to attach to the request
headers object no Key/value pair of headers to send with the request


xano.delete("/users/1", {
	optional:  "abc",
	(response) => {
		// Success!
	(error) => {
		// Failure


Makes a HEAD HTTP request to Xano.

This function returns a Promise that resolves to XanoResponse on success and XanoRequestError on failure.

Param Type Required Description
endpoint string yes The endpoint starting with a / (ex. /users)
params object no URL params to attach to the request
headers object no Key/value pair of headers to send with the request


xano.head("/users/1", {
	optional:  "abc",
	(response) => {
		// Success!
	(error) => {
		// Failure


The response class of a successful GET/POST/PATCH/PUT/DELETE/HEAD request.

Function Params Return Type Description
getBody objectPrefix: string any
  • If the API response is JSON it will be the JSON encoded result
  • If the API response is text then it will be the text result
  • If objectPrefix is set and the response is a JSON object or an array of objects then all keys will be prefixed with this value
  • objectPrefix will take priority over setting it on XanoClient through responseObjectPrefix
getHeaders object key/value pairs of the response headers
getStatusCode number The status code of the HTTP request


xano.get("/users").then((response) => {
	const  body = response.getBody();
	const  headers = response.getHeaders();
	const  statusCode = response.getStatusCode();


The response class of a failed GET/POST/PATCH/PUT/DELETE/HEAD request.

This class extends the JS Error class.

Param Type Return Type Description
getResponse function XanoResponse Returns XanoResponse to get more information like HTTP status, headers, etc
message string string A generic human readable error message


	(response) => {},
	(error) => {
		const  xanoHttpResponse = error.getResponse();
		const  body = xanoHttpResponse.getBody();
		const  headers = xanoHttpResponse.getHeaders();
		const  statusCode = xanoHttpResponse.getStatusCode();


XanoFile is a class for NodeJS only!

The XanoFile class is required to upload a file from the NodeJS file system.

Param Type Description
name string The name of the file
buffer Buffer Buffer of the file


const  fs = require("fs/promises");
const  fileName = "512x512bb.jpg";

fs.readFile("./" + fileName).then(
	(imageBuffer) => {
		const  xImage = new  XanoFile(fileName, imageBuffer);

		xano.post("/file_upload", {
			image:  xImage,
			(response) => {
				// Success!
			(error) => {
				// Error


The XanoBaseStorage class is extended for storing/retrieving information like the authToken.

Xano supplies four Storage classes by default:

Class Name Storage Mechanism Persistant NodeJS Compatible
XanoCookieStorage document.cookie yes no
XanoLocalStorage localStorage yes no
XanoSessionStorage sessionStorage yes no
XanoObjectStorage Object no yes

Each class that extends XanoBaseStorage share the following functions:

Function Params Return Type Description
clear void Clears all storage keys
getAll Record<string, string> Returns all data stored in XanoBaseStorage
getItem key: string string | null Returns the value for the key, or null if not set
removeItem key: string void Removes the key and value from storage
setItem key: string, value: string void Updates storage for key with value


import { XanoClient, XanoSessionStorage } from  "@xano/js-sdk";

const  xano = new  XanoClient({
	apiGroupBaseUrl:  "https://x8ki-letl-twmt.n7.xano.io/api:jVuUQATw",
	storage:  new  XanoSessionStorage(),

Realtime Documentation

Every Xano instance comes with a realtime socket server that can be enabled on a per-workspace basis that supports Xano to client messaging, client to public channel messaging, client to private channel messaging, and client to client (private) messaging.


Connects the XanoClient to a realtime websocket channel.

This function returns an instance of XanoRealtimeChannel

Param Type Required Description
channel string yes The channel name you want to join
options Partial<IRealtimeChannelOptions no Channel options to connect to the channel with


const channel = xano.channel("stats", {
	presence:  true,


If you are connected to the realtime websocket server this will trigger a reconnect. This function is usefull after updating your realtimeAuthToken to trigger re-authentication.



XanoRealtimeChannel.on (all events)

The on returns an event stream that can be subscribed to with a success and error function:

Param Type Required Description
onAction CallableFunction<XanoRealtimeAction> yes A callback function that gets called when the channel receives an action
onError CallableFunction<XanoRealtimeAction> no A callback function that gets called when the channel receives an error message


	(action) => {
		// Success!
	(error) => {
		// Failure

XanoRealtimeChannel.on (specific events)

The on returns an event stream that can be subscribed to with an action, success function, and error function:

Param Type Required Description
action ERealtimeAction yes The action you want to subscribe to
onAction CallableFunction<XanoRealtimeAction> yes A callback function that gets called when the channel receives an action
onError CallableFunction<XanoRealtimeAction> no A callback function that gets called when the channel receives an error message


// Using the string action
	(action) => {
		// Success!
	(error) => {
		// Failure

// Using the typescript enum:
	(action) => {
		// Success!
	(error) => {
		// Failure


Sends a message from the client to the channel

Param Type Required Description
payload any yes Any JSON stringable payload to send to the channel
options Partial<XanoRealtimeActionOptions> no Action options to send with the action


// Send a message to only other authenticated users in a channel
channel.message({ message: "Hello world!" }, {
	authenticated: true


Sends a message from the client to the channel.

Presence is only available on channels joined with XanoRealtimeChannelOptions.presence set to true

Returns an array of XanoRealtimeClient


const users = channel.getPresence();


Sends a message to realtime requesting the latest channel history. The response will be sent through the history action

History is only available on channels with message history enabled



channel.on('history', function(action) {
	console.log('history', action);


Leaves the channel and disconnects from the realtime websocket server if its the last open channel. You will need to create a new XanoRealtimeChannel instance to rejoin or interact with the channel again.




Sends a private message directly to the XanoRealtimeClient client.


const presence = channel.getPresence();

for (const client of presence) {
	client.message({ message: "Saying hello to everyone in private!" });


Sends a message to realtime requesting the latest channel history. The response will be sent through the history action

History is only available on channels with message history enabled



channel.on('history', function(action) {
	console.log('history', action);


Leaves the channel and disconnects from the realtime websocket server if its the last open channel. You will need to create a new XanoRealtimeChannel instance to rejoin or interact with the channel again.

Param Type Default Description
history boolean false Returns the channel message history on join (if its enabled on a channel)
presence boolean false Subscribes to channel presence to see who else is in the channel and events when others join/leave
queueOfflineActions boolean true In the event of a disconnect, or when sending actions before the channel connection is established, actions will be put in a queue and sent as soon as the connection is established


Presence user or initiator of a action

Param Type Default Description
extras Record<string, any> {} When authenticated this is the extras that are configured with the auth token
permissions Record<{ dbo_id: number; row_id: number}> { dbo_id: 0, row_id: 0} Permissions are set through the authToken supplied when configuring XanoClient. dbo_id is the table ID that the client is authenticated with, row_id is the row of the client
socketId string Internal socket ID used for sending private actions


The action payload sent and received through the XanoRealtimeChannel

Param Type Default Description
client? XanoRealtimeClient {} The authenticated client that initiated the action
action ERealtimeAction The action sent/received
options XanoRealtimeActionOptions Options sent with the action
payload Record<string, any> The payload sent with the action


The action options when sending and receiving actions through the XanoRealtimeChannel.message

Param Type Default Description
authenticated? boolean false If the action received is for authenticated clients only
channel string The channel name that the action is intended for
socketId string The socketId for the recipient or sender of the action

TypeScript support

This package includes TypeScript declarations. We support projects using TypeScript versions >= 3.1.



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