Bootstrap Icons
wovoui-icons are imported from Bootstrap 5 icons. There are more than 1800 icons. And in the future, if Bootstrap provides some more icons, those will be available too as soon as possible.
Getting Started
Using NPM
npm install @wovosoft/wovoui-icons
Using yarn
yarn add @wovosoft/wovoui-icons
Using Icons as Vue Component
Icon Components use SVGs provided by bootstrap-icons. So, importing bootstrap-icon style is optional.
<Activity :size="5"/>
<Alarm :size="5"/>
import {Activity, Alarm} from "@wovosoft/wovoui-icons";
export default {
components: {Activity, Alarm}
Using Icons by CSS
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
@import url("");
import "bootstrap-icons"
<Bi icon="alarm"/>
import {Bi} from "@wovosoft/wovoui-icons";
export default {
components: {Bi}