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0.4.0-alpha.4 • Public • Published


Workaholic is a toolkit for parsing your files into Worker KV entries with a pipeline-like plugin system. It is...

  • Extensible - Customises the build and query with plugins
  • Batteries-included - Works out of the box with built-in plugins
  • No-code solution - Ships your data as an API without the need to write a worker

How is it different from serving assets files directly?

There are 2 main reasons you might want to use Workaholic:

  1. Preprocessing: Instead of re-processing the files every time on the server or client, the plugin system allows you to preprocess it once and save the result directly in Worker KV.
  2. Indexing: The KV List API is rather limited on how you can query entries and also costly compared to the Get call. Workaholic enables a simpler setup on building your own index which you can retrieve with a single Get.

How it works

Check the demo for details.

Is it production-ready?

No. This project starts with a simple script and eventually turns into an over-engineered solution with wider scope. It is experimental and probably buggy at the moment, but I wish this demo can give you an idea of what it is capable of for now.

Known issues

  • The tool does not take the max entry size (25MB) into account at the moment.
  • For plugins with custom setupQuery logic, it might fail if it imports any node packages, eg. fs / path.



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  • edmundhung
  • edmund-dev