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0.2.20 • Public • Published

Wonderland Cloud - Command Line Interface (CLI)

This package provides a CLI client and a node library for interacting with Wonderland Cloud services.


wl-cloud [resource] [command] ... [--help | -h]

The following resources are available:
- server
- page
- subscription
- api


Here are some common examples on how to use the CLI tool:

Multi User Server Debugging

wl-cloud server debug <your-server-name>

This command will connect to your custom server via web sockets and forward all console.log messages of your custom server to your local console.

It also listens to file changes in your custom server code directory and automatically packs, uploads, and restarts your server on change.

You can set the needed configuration values either via command line argument or via environment variables.

To authenticate, place the downloaded token file from the Wonderland Engine Account page into your project folder and rename it to wle-apitoken.json. Never commit this file to your version control, keep it local only.

The wl-cloud command will automatically find it and authenticate.

Multi User Server Update

wl-cloud server update <your-server-name>

This command will pack and upload the local server project and deploy it to your server at given server URL.

Publish mode

This command allows you to publish your Wonderland Engine project as a static page deployment which will be hosted by us. When you execute the command for the first time, a local deployment.json file will be created in your work directory or by specifying the config location via the --config=yourConfigPath. If a config file is present, it will always be used first and the command arguments for project-name and projectLocation will be ignored. To explicitly create a new project deployment instead of overwriting the existing deployment, provide a new --config path.

Once you have an existing config, you can also change the access or withThreads flag inside your config file and use it to update you already existing project.

[!NOTE] When creating a new project deployment, a page domain with new SSL certs is provisioned. As stated by Google, the SSL certs provisioning process can take up to 24h, so please be patient, if everything worked successfully, the custom domain usually works within max 30 minutes after creation.

Available commands

  • create your-page-name ./path/to/deploy --access unlisted|public [--noThreads] Creates a new page with the your-page-name name from ./path/to/deploy with either public or unlisted access. Name and path are mandatory for creating. if you add the --noThreads flag, the additional response headers for enabling the WLE threads feature are omitted
  • update [your-page-name] ./path/to/deploy Updates an existing page
  • list List all of your pages
  • delete your-page-name Deletes your page
  • get your-page-name Load remote page state and info

Best use practices

It is recommended to use relative paths for the deployment location and the config locations. This way you can easily share the projects pages configurations via collaborative software versioning tools such as git or SVC.

For example, you could have 2 project deployed, one public for production and one private for development preview. In this example we expect, that a wle-apitoken.json file is present in the work directory. It is strongly advised to add this file to your .gitignore file and inject it via environment variables in your CLI, a simple shell script for this could look like this:

Encoding an existing wle-apitoken.json file to base64 and print to cmd

cat ./wle-apitoken.json | base64

Decoding your base64 encoded wle-apitoken.json file from CI env vars

echo $WLE_API_TOKEN_BASE64 | base64 -d > ./wle-apitoken.json

Initial project initialization for dev and prod


export PAGE_CONFIG_LOCATION=./projectConfigs/prod.json && export ACCESS=public && npm exec wl-cloud page create my-fancy-project ./deploy


export PAGE_CONFIG_LOCATION=./projectConfigs/dev.json && export ACCESS=unlisted && npm exec wl-cloud page create my-fancy-project ./deploy

Scripts for publishing dev and prod in package.json

The visibility settings for the pages are set when initially creating the page and are retained on page updates.

  "scripts": {
    "publish:prod": "wl-cloud page update --config ./projectConfigs/prod.json",
    "publish:dev": "wl-cloud page update --config ./projectConfigs/dev.json"

Full CI script example using GitLab-CI and headless WonderlandEngine + wl-cloud cli

  image: wonderlandengine/editor:latest
  stage: deploy
    - echo $WLE_API_TOKEN_BASE64 | base64 -d > ./wle-apitoken.json
    - npm i
    - WonderlandEditor --windowless --credentials "$WLE_CREDENTIALS" --package --project ./MyFancyProject.wlp
    - npm run publish:prod
    key: ${CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG}
      - cache/
  artifacts: [ ]
    # only run pipeline on default branch changes
      when: on_success
  # Avoid downloading artefacts
  needs: [ ]

Available command line config arguments

  • --config path (optional) specify the location of your config file for publishing
  • --access public | unlisted (optional) allow listing your page in the public page explorer

Example usage (first time usage)

Authentication is done either via --authToken argument option or via a wle-apitoken.json in your work directory.

Command line

npm exec wl-cloud page create my-fancy-project ./deploy

Command line with env args for auth token

export WLE_CREDENTIALS=YOUWLAPITOKEN && npm exec wl-cloud page create my-fancy-proejct ./deploy

package.json script

  "scripts": {
    "page:new": "wl-cloud page create my-fancy-project ./deploy"

This command will upload and publish the Wonderland Engine project page with the name my-fancy-project in the relative ./deploy directory. Once the project is published and deployed, a deployment.json with the actual projectName, the absolute projectLocation, a flag if the project is public isPublic, the full project url of the GCP bucket fullProjectUrl and your custom domain projectDomain will be created. If no --access type flag is provided then project page will either use the value from the existing deployment.json or will default to unlisted, meaning that the page cannot be found in the UI via the page explorer.

Example usage (fist time usage deploy public project)

Command line

ACCESS=public && npm exec wl-cloud page create my-fancy-proejct ./deploy

package.json script

  "scripts": {
    "project:new": "wl-cloud page create my-fancy-project ./deploy --access unlisted"

Example usage (fist time usage deploy public page and save config to dedicated location)

export ACCESS=public && export PAGE_CONFIG_LOCATION=./deployments/production.json && npm exec wl-cloud page create my-fancy-proejct ./deploy

Example usage (change existing project (deployment.json in workDir) access type to unlisted)

export ACCESS=unlisted npm exec wl-cloud page update

Example usage (change existing project (config json in provided config location) access type to public)

export ACCESS=public && export PAGE_CONFIG_LOCATION=./config/example-config.json &&  npm exec wl-cloud page update

Deploying and working with apis

npm exec wl-cloud api create my-api-name 80 strm/helloworld-http env1=value1,env2=value2

This command will create a hello world application listening on port 80 with the image strm/helloworld-http and the environment values env1=value1 and env2=value2.

Updating single api properties

Updating env values

If you want to change or add env values to your current api deployment, you can do this via the command below. Please note, that existing env vars will be overwritten.

npm exec wl-cloud api update my-api-name env env1=value1,env2=value2

The parser also supports env vars with comma separated values as in the example below

npm exec wl-cloud api update my-api-name env env1=value1,env2=inner1,inner2,inner3

If you want to remove all env vars and only add the provided ones, use example below

npm exec wl-cloud api update my-api-name env env1=value1,env2=value2 --updateEnv=false

Updating port value

If you want to change the port value, you can use the command below

npm exec wl-cloud api update my-api-name port 1234

Updating image value

If you want to change the used image, use the command below. This will trigger a new deployment. Please note, that if the pod fails to start, a rollback to the previously working version is being performed.

npm exec wl-cloud api update my-api-name image my-image-registry.com/my-image-name:tagname

Updating dockerConfigBase64 value

If you want to change the docker secret for your private registry you can do this with the command below.

npm exec wl-cloud api update my-api-name dockerConfigBase64 my-image-registry.com/my-image-name:tagname

Working with private registries

If you want to use a private docker registry, then you need to provide a docker login secret encoded in base64. You can generate one by using this command.

kubectl create secret docker-registry --dry-run=true docker-regcred \
--docker-server=https://index.docker.io/v1/ \
--docker-username=xxx \
--docker-password=xxx \
--docker-email=yourmail@yourdomain.com \
-o yaml > docker-secret.yaml

This will generate a .yaml file with the following content

apiVersion: v1
  .dockerconfigjson: eyJhdXRocyI6eyJodHRwczovL2luZGV4LmRvY2tlci5pby92MS8iOnsidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ4eHgiLCJwYXNzd29yZCI6Inh4eCIsImVtYWlsIjoieW91cm1haWxAeW91cmRvbWFpbi5jb20iLCJhdXRoIjoiZUhoNE9uaDRlQT09In19fQ==
kind: Secret
  creationTimestamp: null
  name: docker-regcred
type: kubernetes.io/dockerconfigjson

Then you can copy the value for .dockerconfigjson and use it as the 4th argument when creating an api:

npm exec wl-cloud api create my-api-name 80 strm/helloworld-http eyJhdXRocyI6eyJodHRwczovL2luZGV4LmRvY2tlci5pby92MS8iOnsidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ4eHgiLCJwYXNzd29yZCI6Inh4eCIsImVtYWlsIjoieW91cm1haWxAeW91cmRvbWFpbi5jb20iLCJhdXRoIjoiZUhoNE9uaDRlQT09In19fQ 

Creating an api with env vars and docker config api.ts

npm exec wl-cloud api create my-api-name 80 strm/helloworld-http env1=value1,env2=value2 eyJhdXRocyI6eyJodHRwczovL2luZGV4LmRvY2tlci5pby92MS8iOnsidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJ4eHgiLCJwYXNzd29yZCI6Inh4eCIsImVtYWlsIjoieW91cm1haWxAeW91cmRvbWFpbi5jb20iLCJhdXRoIjoiZUhoNE9uaDRlQT09In19fQ 

Adding an api route to a page

If you want to add a new api route to a page deployment, you need to have the Pages with Apis subscription. Then you can run this command to deploy your my-api-name at my-api-path on your page-name. The skipPrefix value is optional and is false per default. By setting stripPrefix to true, the api path will be removed from the forwarded request url.

npm exec wl-cloud page add-api page-name my-api-name my-path [skipPrefix]

Example router with stripPrefix set to false for an api on api path example-api-path

router.get('/example-api-path/hello-world', (req, res) => res.status(200).json({message: 'hello world'}));

Example router with stripPrefix set to true for an api on api path example-api-path

router.get('/hello-world', (req, res) => res.status(200).json({message: 'hello world'}));

This will publish your api on the https://page-name.cloud.wondeland.dev/my-path url.

Removing an api route from a page

To remove an api route from a page you can use this command.

wl-cloud page delete-api page-name my-api-name

What is Wonderland Cloud?

Wonderland Cloud is a set of cloud services specialized for 3D and XR web experiences, provided by Wonderland.

The available services provided include multi-user servers optimized for 3D and VR web apps, as well as free 3D web app hosting.




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