A configurable environment for running Tymly instances.
$ npm test
Before starting, please set following environment variables:
Variable Name | Description |
PG_CONNECTION_STRING | Connection string pointing to a specific PostgreSQL database, e.g. PG_CONNECTION_STRING=postgres://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/my_test_db . |
TYMLY_AUTH_SECRET | A secret or private key used when signing JWT Tokens. For example TYMLY_AUTH_SECRET=Shh! . |
TYMLY_AUTH_AUDIENCE | Specifies an audience (aud ) alongside TYMLY_AUTH_SECRET when signing a JWT, e.g. TYMLY_AUTH_AUDIENCE="I am the audience!".
TYMLY_PLUGINS_PATH | Plugin directories to use at boot-time, ; delimited if multiple sources. For example: TYMLY_PLUGINS_PATH="/plugins/production/*-plugin;/plugins/development/*-plugin" . |
TYMLY_BLUEPRINTS_PATH | Exactly the same as TYMLY_PLUGINS_PATH , but used to specify the location(s) of blueprints to load at boot time, e.g. TYMLY_BLUEPRINTS_PATH="/blueprints/production/*-blueprint;/plugins/development/*-blueprint" . |
TYMLY_EXCLUDED_PLUGIN_NAMES | A ; delimited string of plugin names ('i.e. the top-level directory name) to exclude from the boot process.` |
TYMLY_EXCLUDED_BLUEPRINT_NAMES | A ; delimited string of blueprint names ('i.e. the top-level directory name) to exclude from the boot process.` |
TYMLY_ADMIN_USERID | Identifies a username (that will be decoded from incoming JWT tokens) which should be treated as an administrator. For example: TYMLY_ADMIN_USERID=bigboss . |
TYMLY_ADMIN_ROLES | Indicates which roles should be automatically granted to the user identified by TYMLY_ADMIN_USERID (delimited by , ). For example: TYMLY_ADMIN_ROLES=tymly_admin . |
DEBUG | We use the debug package, where Tymly plugin and state names equate to debug modules, for example: DEBUG=tymly,processingCscFiles,-express . |
$ npm run start