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0.3.5 • Public • Published


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This started out as an opinionated winston setup, but I quickly realized I just wanted a winston decorator because trying to come up with unified logging is hard.

This decorator adds a public member, logger, which you can prepopulate with your own instance of a winston logger or feed it options to do it for you.

I'm going to use this for a few weeks before tagging v1 because I want to make sure it's actually as simple as it should be.

You might also be interested in @wizardsoftheweb/cli-logs-with-winston. It provides a QOL .bin script that can automatically decorate existing files and generate pre-decorated skeletons.


npm install @wizardsoftheweb/logs-with-winston

In a dev environment, you might also consider installing the generator package:

npm install --save-dev @wizardsoftheweb/cli-logs-with-winston


In the interest of keeping the final package as small as possible, none of the tests are installed. Instead, you'll need to clone the repo.

git clone https://github.com/wizardsoftheweb/logs-with-winston.git
cd logs-with-winston
npm install
npm t



LogsWithWinston(input?: LoggerInstance | LoggerOptions)

input is an existing LoggerInstance, a LoggerOptions object that can be passed to winston to create a new LoggerInstance, or an object that won't do anything.

I've also exported an interface, ILogsWithWinston, that you can use for implements to appease code editors.


I keep more in-depth usage examples on GitHub.


Polluting the global namespace is generally considered a bad idea, so why would you do it on NPM?


These percentages are pretty arbitrary. Today's 47% could be tomorrow's 90% or vice versa.

Main Features

Once all of these are finished, I'll release v1. Until then, v0 should be used with caution, because it's not stable.

Progess Feature
100% Add decorator
100% Test
100% Export the full namespace
100% Compile declaration file
70% Compile docs from source Write docs
0% Publish package on npm

Eventual features

These are things I'd like to add, but probably won't be included in v1. If not, they'll most likely constitute one or more minor version increments.

Progess Feature
0% Greenkeeper (or similar) integration
50% Move examples to subdirectory
50% Add build step for examples/README
0% Provide a container for testing/examples
0% Add bin script to attach implements filler

Package Sidebar


npm i @wizardsoftheweb/logs-with-winston

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  • thecjharries