
0.1.54 • Public • Published

Wireline CLI.

Commands Overview

$ wire help

wire [command]


  wire quit                              Quit                    [aliases: exit]
  wire build                             Build deployment bundle.
  wire create [serviceName]              Create project from template.
  wire custom_domain                     Custom domain support.
  wire deployment                        Deploy API.              [aliases: dep]
  wire domain                            Organization domains.    [aliases: dom]
  wire service                           Registry API.         [aliases: svc, s]
  wire stack                             Stack management.
  wire status                            Service status.         [aliases: stat]
  wire logs                              Service deployment logs.
  wire user                              Manage users.              [aliases: u]
  wire organization                      Manage organizations.      [aliases: o]
  wire invoke service function [params]  Invoke service.
  wire login                             Login with Wireline User Authority.
  wire dev                               Start local dev server.


  --version                      Show version number                   [boolean]
  --verbose, -v                                                 [default: false]
  --endpoint                             [default: "https://api.wireline.ninja"]
  --access_key, --accessKey
  --github_token, --githubToken
                           [default: "675726f7eba53943b70468d17b3f00e6e1d75b48"]
  --poll                                                            [default: 0]
  --help                         Show help                             [boolean]

wire build

Build the deployment bundle using the buildTool specified in service.yml.

Available options for buildTool are:

  • webpack: Runs a globally installed webpack.
  • yarn: Use yarn run build(*) to generate the bundle.
  • npm: Use npm run build(*) to generate the bundle.

If you want to define a specific task for wire that overrides build, you can define a task called build-wire. If build-wire is set, build is ignored.

Build deployment bundle.

  --version                      Show version number                   [boolean]
  --verbose, -v                                                 [default: false]
  --endpoint                             [default: "https://api.wireline.ninja"]
  --access_key, --accessKey
  --github_token, --githubToken
                           [default: "675726f7eba53943b70468d17b3f00e6e1d75b48"]
  --poll                                                            [default: 0]
  --help                         Show help                             [boolean]

wire create [serviceName]

Create project from template.

  --version                      Show version number                   [boolean]
  --verbose, -v                                                 [default: false]
  --endpoint                             [default: "https://api.wireline.ninja"]
  --access_key, --accessKey
  --github_token, --githubToken
                           [default: "675726f7eba53943b70468d17b3f00e6e1d75b48"]
  --poll                                                            [default: 0]
  --help                         Show help                             [boolean]
  --template, -t     [default: "https://github.com/wirelineio/service-template"]
  --path, -p
  --serviceName, --service-name
  --stackName, --stack-name

wire custom_domain

Custom domain support.

  wire custom_domain map    Map custom domain.                      [aliases: m]
  wire custom_domain unmap  Unmap custom domain.                   [aliases: um]
  wire custom_domain list   List custom domains.                   [aliases: ls]

  --version                      Show version number                   [boolean]
  --verbose, -v                                                 [default: false]
  --endpoint                             [default: "https://api.wireline.ninja"]
  --access_key, --accessKey
  --github_token, --githubToken
                           [default: "675726f7eba53943b70468d17b3f00e6e1d75b48"]
  --poll                                                            [default: 0]
  --help                         Show help                             [boolean]

wire domain

Organization domains.

  wire domain list  List domains.                                  [aliases: ls]

  --version                      Show version number                   [boolean]
  --verbose, -v                                                 [default: false]
  --endpoint                             [default: "https://api.wireline.ninja"]
  --access_key, --accessKey
  --github_token, --githubToken
                           [default: "675726f7eba53943b70468d17b3f00e6e1d75b48"]
  --poll                                                            [default: 0]
  --help                         Show help                             [boolean]

wire service

Registry API.

  wire service list                List services.                  [aliases: ls]
  wire service search              Find services by name.
  wire service versions            List service versions.           [aliases: v]
  wire service register            Register service.
  wire service unregister-version  Unregister service version.
  wire service unregister          Unregister service.
  wire service __clean             Clean/remove all services in a domain.
  wire service upload-assets       Upload service assets.
  wire service list-assets         List service assets.

  --version                      Show version number                   [boolean]
  --verbose, -v                                                 [default: false]
  --endpoint                             [default: "https://api.wireline.ninja"]
  --access_key, --accessKey
  --github_token, --githubToken
                           [default: "675726f7eba53943b70468d17b3f00e6e1d75b48"]
  --poll                                                            [default: 0]
  --help                         Show help                             [boolean]
  --force                        Force clean to ignore the domain and service
                                 whiteliest           [boolean] [default: false]

wire stack

Stack management.

  wire stack deploy            Deploy a stack.
  wire stack undeploy          Undeploy a stack.
  wire stack list              List stacks.                        [aliases: ls]
  wire stack __clean           Clean/remove all services in a domain.
  wire stack list-deployments  List stack deployments.             [aliases: ld]

  --version                      Show version number                   [boolean]
  --verbose, -v                                                 [default: false]
  --endpoint                             [default: "https://api.wireline.ninja"]
  --access_key, --accessKey
  --github_token, --githubToken
                           [default: "675726f7eba53943b70468d17b3f00e6e1d75b48"]
  --poll                                                            [default: 0]
  --help                         Show help                             [boolean]
  --force                        Force new stack deployment
                                                      [boolean] [default: false]

wire logs

Service deployment logs.

  --poll                                                            [default: 0]
  --help                         Show help                             [boolean]

wire user

Manage users.

  wire user list    List users.                                    [aliases: ls]
  wire user update  Update user.

  --version                      Show version number                   [boolean]
  --verbose, -v                                                 [default: false]
  --endpoint                             [default: "https://api.wireline.ninja"]
  --access_key, --accessKey
  --github_token, --githubToken
                           [default: "675726f7eba53943b70468d17b3f00e6e1d75b48"]
  --poll                                                            [default: 0]
  --help                         Show help                             [boolean]
  --enabled                                                            [boolean]

wire organization

Manage organizations.
  wire organization list    List organizations.
  wire organization create  Create an organization.

  --version                      Show version number                   [boolean]
  --verbose, -v                                                 [default: false]
  --endpoint                             [default: "https://api.wireline.ninja"]
  --access_key, --accessKey
  --github_token, --githubToken
                           [default: "675726f7eba53943b70468d17b3f00e6e1d75b48"]
  --poll                                                            [default: 0]
  --help                         Show help                             [boolean]

wire invoke service function [params]

Invoke service.

  --version                      Show version number                   [boolean]
  --verbose, -v                                                 [default: false]
  --endpoint                             [default: "https://api.wireline.ninja"]
  --access_key, --accessKey
  --github_token, --githubToken
                           [default: "675726f7eba53943b70468d17b3f00e6e1d75b48"]
  --poll                                                            [default: 0]
  --help                         Show help                             [boolean]
  --service, -s
  --function, -f
  --params, -p                                                   [default: "{}"]

wire login

Login with Wireline User Authority.

  --version                      Show version number                   [boolean]
  --verbose, -v                                                 [default: false]
  --endpoint                             [default: "https://api.wireline.ninja"]
  --github_token, --githubToken
  --poll                                                            [default: 0]
  --help                         Show help                             [boolean]

wire dev

Start local dev server.

  --help                         Show help                             [boolean]
  --port, -p    

Local usage

wire command will be available under darkstar root folder using npx. We need to make sure it is built first:

$ cd darkstar/@wirelineio/cli
$ yarn build
$ cd ../..
$ npx wire help


Use webpack --watch or yarn build --watch to watch the files during development. Then you can execute the binary ./bin/wire.js


If there are errors on running yarn build or installing the cli globally, try again after the following cleanup steps:

$ npm uninstall -g "@wirelineio/cli"
$ cd darkstar
$ git clean -xdf
$ yarn

Bash Alias

A bash alias can be created to run the CLI from source but appear like a global install.

$ cat ~/.bash_aliases
alias wire='babel-node ~/projects/wireline/darkstar/sub/cli/src/main.js'
$ source ~/.bash_aliases
$ wire status


An authenticated session with Wireline User Authority is required to use the CLI. Alternatively, an Access Key could be used. In case of missing, an error is displayed.

$ wire domain list

Error: Missing Access Key. Set WRL_ACCESS_KEY or create ~/.wireline/credentials

Obtaining a session

$ wire login

Access Key

An Access Key could be used as another authentication option.

Generating Access Key

The access key could be generated from profile page in console.

Setting Access Key

The access key can be set in multiple ways.

Command Line Argument

$ wire domain list --access-key abc123

Environment Variable

Set the 'WRL_ACCESS_KEY' environment variable in your shell session OR ~/.bash_profile (or equivalent).

export WRL_ACCESS_KEY=abc123

Credentials File

Set 'WRL_ACCESS_KEY' in ~/.wireline/credentials.

$ cat ~/.wireline/credentials

GitHub Access Token

Creation of a new project from template requires github access token. This step is temporary and would be omitted once service-template is public.

See https://help.github.com/articles/creating-a-personal-access-token-for-the-command-line for more info. repo scope is required.

Setting GitHub Access token

  • export WRL_GITHUB_TOKEN=token
  • CLI param --githubToken=token



List Domains.

$ wire domain list



Create from template:

$ wire create --template https://github.com/wirelineio/service-template --path my-service

By default, if no template is passed then https://github.com/wirelineio/service-template is used. You can also provide a service name, stack name and domain to configure the service.yml and stack.yml files.

$ wire create my-service --stack-name my-stack --domain mydomain.com --path ./my-service
Template downloaded.
Configuring Service.
Configuring Stack.

      Next Steps:
        - cd /Users/janedoe/wire/my-service
        - npm install
        - wire build
        - wire service register --domain mydomain.com
        - wire stack deploy

Build Service.

$ wire build

Register Service.

$ wire service register --domain example.com

Domain           Name                            Version         Content Hash                                                            Versions
example.com      my-service                      0.0.1           a3fb985afeec9d8f84cbcd902ad7a0d8611bb4e1ca19416eb70b520ada722fa3

List Services.

$ wire service list --domain example.com

Domain           Name                            Version         Content Hash                                                            Versions
example.com      my-service                      0.0.1           a3fb985afeec9d8f84cbcd902ad7a0d8611bb4e1ca19416eb70b520ada722fa3        1

Search Services.

$ wire service search --name my

Domain           Name                            Version         Content Hash                                                            Versions
example.com      my-service                      0.0.1           a3fb985afeec9d8f84cbcd902ad7a0d8611bb4e1ca19416eb70b520ada722fa3        1

$ wire service search --domain example.com --name my

Domain           Name                            Version         Content Hash                                                            Versions
example.com      my-service                      0.0.1           a3fb985afeec9d8f84cbcd902ad7a0d8611bb4e1ca19416eb70b520ada722fa3        1

List Service Versions.

$ wire service versions --name my-service --domain example.com

Domain           Name                            Version         Content Hash
example.com      my-service                      0.0.1           a3fb985afeec9d8f84cbcd902ad7a0d8611bb4e1ca19416eb70b520ada722fa3

Upload Service Assets.

$ wire service upload-assets --domain example.com

Service                         Version         File Content Hash                                                       Upload Required     URL
my-service                      0.0.1           5891b5b522d5df086d0ff0b110fbd9d21bb4fc7163af34d08286a2e846f6be03        Yes                 https://s3.amazonaws.com/wireline-service-static-assets/a379a6/my-service/0.0.1/a/b/hello.txt
my-service                      0.0.1           e258d248fda94c63753607f7c4494ee0fcbe92f1a76bfdac795c9d84101eb317        Yes                 https://s3.amazonaws.com/wireline-service-static-assets/a379a6/my-service/0.0.1/a/b/world.txt

List Service Assets.

$ wire service list-assets --domain example.com --name my-service --ver 0.0.1

Service                         Version         File Content Hash                                                       Upload Required     URL
my-service                      0.0.1           5891b5b522d5df086d0ff0b110fbd9d21bb4fc7163af34d08286a2e846f6be03                            https://s3.amazonaws.com/wireline-service-static-assets/a379a6/my-service/0.0.1/a/b/hello.txt
my-service                      0.0.1           e258d248fda94c63753607f7c4494ee0fcbe92f1a76bfdac795c9d84101eb317                            https://s3.amazonaws.com/wireline-service-static-assets/a379a6/my-service/0.0.1/a/b/world.txt

Unregister Service Version.

$ wire service unregister-version --domain example.com --name my-service --ver 0.0.1

Unregistered Service Versions:

Domain           Name                            Version         Content Hash                                                            Versions
example.com      my-service                      0.0.1           a3fb985afeec9d8f84cbcd902ad7a0d8611bb4e1ca19416eb70b520ada722fa3

Unregister Service. Removes all versions of a service.

$ wire service unregister --domain example.com --name my-service

Unregistered Service:

Domain           Name                            Version         Content Hash                                                            Versions
example.com      my-service

Clean Services. Removes all versions of all services in a domain. Services that are in use by a stack will not be deleted.

$ wire service __clean --domain example.com

The following services were found in a stack. Can not delete service in use.

Domain           Name                            Version         Content Hash                                                            Versions
example.com      testing                         0.0.1           14572256c1ed05eb0a3243aa281d1d09e2392f466efe08c383aaccdff54cefdf        1

Deleting services.

Domain           Name                            Version         Content Hash                                                            Versions
example.com      my-service-1
example.com      my-service-2
example.com      my-service-3

List all deployments by serviceId. The serviceId is a combination of domain and service name, domain-name/service-name.

$ wire deployment list --serviceId example.com/my-service

Domain              Stack Name          Name                Service                            Endpoint Url                                                    Version   Status
example.com         my-stack-1          my-deployment-1     wrn::my-service                    https://7743ktnqcf.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/dev      0.0.1     DONE
example.com         my-stack-2          my-deployment-2     wrn::my-service                    https://okmg81ap65.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/dev      0.0.1     DONE


Deploy Stack.

$ wire stack deploy

Name                            Service                         Version     Status              Content Hash                                                            Endpoint                                                        Custom Domain
my-deployment                   wrn::my-service                 0.0.1       IN_PROGRESS         db3d7f01cd04e3a5415889ea3465dec9ff591fece72fd9d1bf149de64cd33bb0        https://aycfckvvvc.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/dev

$ wire stack deploy

Name                            Service                         Version     Status              Content Hash                                                            Endpoint                                                        Custom Domain
my-deployment                   wrn::my-service                 0.0.1       DONE                db3d7f01cd04e3a5415889ea3465dec9ff591fece72fd9d1bf149de64cd33bb0        https://aycfckvvvc.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/dev

Force Deploy Stack.

$ wire stack deploy --force

Name                            Service                         Version     Status              Content Hash                                                            Endpoint                                                        Custom Domain
my-deployment                   wrn::my-service                 0.0.1       IN_PROGRESS         db3d7f01cd04e3a5415889ea3465dec9ff591fece72fd9d1bf149de64cd33bb0        https://aycfckvvvc.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/dev

List Stacks.

$ wire stack list --domain example.com

Domain           Name                            Status          Deployments
example.com      my-stack                        DONE            1

List Deployments. If no options are specified the domain and name from the stack.yml file in the CWD are used.

$ wire stack list-deployments --domain example.com --name my-stack

Name                            Service                         Version     Status              Content Hash                                                            Endpoint                                                        Custom Domain
my-deployment                   wrn::my-service                 0.0.1       DONE                db3d7f01cd04e3a5415889ea3465dec9ff591fece72fd9d1bf149de64cd33bb0        https://aycfckvvvc.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/dev

Undeploy Stack (Delete Stack).

$ wire stack undeploy

Name                            Service                         Version     Status                Content Hash                                                            Endpoint                                                        Custom Domain
my-deployment                   wrn::my-service                 0.0.1       DELETE_IN_PROGRESS    db3d7f01cd04e3a5415889ea3465dec9ff591fece72fd9d1bf149de64cd33bb0        https://aycfckvvvc.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/dev

Clean Stacks (Delete all stacks in a domain).

$ wire stack __clean --domain example.com

Undeploying the following stacks

Domain           Name                            Status          Deployments
example.com      my-stack-1                        DONE            1
example.com      my-stack-2                        DONE            1
example.com      my-stack-3                        DONE            1

Custom Domains


$ wire custom_domain map --deployment my-deployment --subdomain my-service.wireline.ninja

Domain           Stack                           Deployment                      Custom Domain                   Endpoint
example.com      my-stack                        my-deployment                   my-service.wireline.ninja       https://aycfckvvvc.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/dev

List ('Custom Domain' column).

$ wire stack list-deployments --domain example.com --name my-stack

Name                            Service                         Version     Status              Content Hash                                                            Endpoint                                                        Custom Domain
my-deployment                   wrn::my-service                 0.0.1       DONE                db3d7f01cd04e3a5415889ea3465dec9ff591fece72fd9d1bf149de64cd33bb0        https://aycfckvvvc.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/dev      my-service.wireline.ninja


$ wire custom_domain unmap --deployment my-deployment --subdomain my-service.wireline.ninja

Domain           Stack                           Deployment                      Custom Domain                   Endpoint
example.com      my-stack                        my-deployment                                                   https://aycfckvvvc.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/dev


View Logs.

$ wire logs --domain example.com --stack my-stack --deployment my-deployment --function test

Timestamp        Message
1524810170579    START RequestId: 68e545da-49e3-11e8-882f-b33e49cd91ae Version: $LATEST
1524810170582    2018-04-27T06:22:50.582Z	68e545da-49e3-11e8-882f-b33e49cd91ae	[[METRIC:START]]: {}
1524810170585    2018-04-27T06:22:50.585Z	68e545da-49e3-11e8-882f-b33e49cd91ae	[[METRIC:SUCCESS]]: {}
1524810170586    END RequestId: 68e545da-49e3-11e8-882f-b33e49cd91ae
1524810170586    REPORT RequestId: 68e545da-49e3-11e8-882f-b33e49cd91ae	Duration: 6.70 ms	Billed Duration: 100 ms 	Memory Size: 1024 MB	Max Memory Used: 56 MB

Dev Server

Start a local dev server with:

$ wire dev 

This will start an dev server on port 3000 (or you can specify the port with -p XXXX).

It will read the service.yml to configure the endpoints and the webpack.config.js for watching and compiling the handlers.

Static assets

When the service.yml includes a staticAssets configuration a second server will be listening on port 8080 to serve static content. The static server will hotreload content using a webpack-dev-middleware and reading a config file named webpack-client.config.js.

This file can override the static port and config by using the devServer configuration.

Local overrides

By default, services and assets can be overridden using wireline.yml file. The dev server will look for a wireline_local.yml and if present, automatically use it to override configurations.


View API status.

$ wire status





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