TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

6.3.0 • Public • Published

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This package will be deprecated in favour of the new nx-executors package.
Migration commands to run in the workspace to update:

  1. nx migrate @webundsoehne/nx-builder@6.3.0
  2. nx migrate --run-migrations

This should fetch the last version and create a migrations.json file, linking to the @webundsoehne/nx-builders package. By running this, the migrations will remove deprecated packages, add new nx packages, update nx.json, package.json moving to the new packages.
After the migration validate the changes made did not override another config before committing them.


This package includes @nrwl/nx libraries for customizing the build and serve process.

Using It in Your Schematic

Additional to adding the configuration to the architect in your schematic some of the useful functionality is exported from the root of the project.

Ensuring Required Dependencies

The useful function of installing dependencies that are required by this builder is exported from the root of the package.

It returns a rule of ensuring the install of required dependencies where it can be used inside a chain[] in the initiation of your schematic.

import { addDepsToPackageJson } from '@nrwl/workspace'
import { Schema as BuilderSchema, AvailableBuilders } from '@webundsoehne/nx-builders/dist/schematics/init/main'

export default function (schema: NormalizedSchema): Rule {
  const builders = calculateDependencies(schema, true)

  return chain([
    // add builder and its dependencies
    addDepsToPackageJson(builders?.prod, builders?.dev),
    // call the init schematic with the items of your desire
    externalSchematic<BuilderSchema>('@webundsoehne/nx-builders', 'init', { items: [AvailableBuilders.TSC, AvailableBuilders.TS_NODE_DEV] })

Utilizing Types

It is the best way to ensure the types are defined for builders in the architecht of schematic.

import { TscBuilderOptions, TsNodeBuilderOptions } from '@webundsoehne/nx-builders'

export interface SchematicArchitect {
  [key: string]: any
  build: {
    executor: '@webundsoehne/nx-builders:tsc'
    options: TscBuilderOptions

  serve: {
    executor: '@webundsoehne/nx-builders:ts-node-dev'
    options: TsNodeBuilderOptions



Builder: @webundsoehne/nx-builders:tsc

This custom TypeScript compiler has additional properties to the generic one that can hard-swap TypeScript paths automatically and designating implicit dependencies for the packages that have dynamic imports where nx is not able to solve dependencies. Also in watch mode, this custom compiler runs tsc-watch instead of tsc --watch to be able to run scripts after building the package.


Build Mode

If you want to add this to an existing project or a new nx schematic, you can configure it as a minimum below. Where options fields must match with your directories.

architect.build = {
  executor: '@webundsoehne/nx-builders:tsc',
  options: {
    cwd: options.root,
    main: `${options.root}/src/main.ts`,
    outputPath: `dist/${options.directory}`,
    tsConfig: `${options.root}/tsconfig.build.json`,
    swapPaths: true,
    assets: [
        glob: '*',
        input: `${options.root}/config`,
        output: 'config'

Watch Mode

This custom implementation will swap TypeScript paths if desired, copy the required assets and pipe the output of runAfterWatch through a custom logger where it will prefix the name of the project to make it easily identifiable while running multiple packages in parallel.

You can do this in two ways.

  • If you are using the utilizing @webundsoehne/nx-builders:tsc as the build command, you can execute @nrwl/node to run another command.

To run this in watch mode you can use @nrwl/node and change the serve command of the package. While your builder is configured to use the @webundsoehne/nx-builders:tsc, @nrwl/node will just pass in watch parameter automatically. But if you want to add a command to run after you have to add the variable runAfterWatch in the build itself.

architect.build = {
  executor: '@webundsoehne/nx-builders:tsc',
  options: {
    cwd: options.root,
    main: `${options.root}/src/main.ts`,
    outputPath: `dist/${options.directory}`,
    tsConfig: `${options.root}/tsconfig.build.json`,
    runAfterWatch: 'NODE_SERVICE=server yarn start',
    swapPaths: true,
    assets: [
        glob: '*',
        input: `${options.root}/config`,
        output: 'config'

architect.serve = {
  executor: '@webundsoehne/nx-builders:execute',
  options: {
    buildTarget: '${options.name}:build',
    // this will inject options to the tsc-watch builder
    inject: {
      // you have to have a valid command since this will be run inside the
      runAfterWatch: 'yarn start -r source-map-support/register',
      sourceMap: true,
      environment: {
        NODE_ENV: 'develop'
  • Directly overwriting the serve command.
architect.serve = {
  executor: '@webundsoehne/nx-builders:tsc',
  options: {
    cwd: options.root,
    main: `${options.root}/src/main.ts`,
    outputPath: `dist/${options.directory}`,
    tsConfig: `${options.root}/tsconfig.build.json`,
    watch: true,
    runAfterWatch: 'NODE_SERVICE=server yarn start',
    swapPaths: true,
    assets: [
        glob: '*',
        input: `${options.root}/config`,
        output: 'config'

Ignore assets

You can exclude certain files or directories that are copied over in the assets option, using the ignore property. It takes an array of glob expressions that match the desired files/directories to be excluded.

assets: [
    glob: '*',
    ignore: ['**/*.ts'],
    input: `${options.root}/config`,
    output: 'config'

For more information about globbing patterns please refer to fast-glob documentation.


Builder: @webundsoehne/nx-builders:ts-node-dev

This ts-node-dev will run the project in the source folder directly, where all the assets will be in place. It is configured to register TypeScript paths as default. It will pipe the output through a custom logger where it will prefix the name of the project to make it easily identifiable while running multiple packages in parallel.


If you want to add this to an existing project or a new nx schematic. You can configure it as minimum below. Where options fields must match with your directories.

architect.serve = {
  executor: '@webundsoehne/nx-builders:ts-node-dev',
  options: {
    cwd: options.root,
    main: join(options.root, 'src/main.ts'),
    tsConfig: join(options.root, 'tsconfig.json'),
    environment: {
      NODE_SERVICE: 'server'


Builder: @webundsoehne/nx-builders:run

Run a cli like webpack from node_modules. The logs from it will be appended with the application name, and you can run anything and create a custom task with it.


If you want to add this to an existing project or a new nx schematic. You can configure it as minimum below. Where options fields must match with your directories.

architect.serve = {
  executor: '@webundsoehne/nx-builders:run',
  options: {
    // ...
  • Command and args will be interpolated by jinja and all the options will be passed in the builder itself. So jinja templating is possible.
  • You can either run this in node mode which will find the node binary you target from the node_modules or in the command mode.
  • Watch mode keeps alive the process even if it crashes.
 * Options for run builder
export interface RunBuilderOptions extends JsonObject {
   * process current working directory
   * this will spawn the process from the current working directory so most of the plugins will work as expected
  cwd: string

  /** command */
  command: string

  /** append arguments to the command */
  args?: string | string[]

  /** run with interactive mode, will not parse through the logger */
  interactive: boolean

  /** run with node */
  node: boolean

  /** pass in node options when running as node */
  nodeOptions?: string

  /** keep alive the process if it crashes */
  watch: boolean

  /** environment variables */
  environment?: Record<string, string>


Builder: @webundsoehne/nx-builders:execute

This builder is a jumper to run another builders first then run a shell command in selected working directory if you so desire.


architect.anything = {
  executor: '@webundsoehne/nx-builders:execute',
  options: {
    // ...

These options are valid for this builder.

  • It will first run for waitUntilTargets to run builders in workspace.
  • It will then run buildTarget builder.
    • You can inject options to buildTarget through inject key.
  • Then it will change to cwd if defined and run shell command runAfter.
    • You can inject environment variables through environment key-
 * Options for execute
export interface ExecuteBuilderOptions extends JsonObject {
   * Run the command in a working directory
  cwd?: string
   * The target to build before starting the process
  buildTarget: string
   * Run after the tasks has been finished building
  runAfter?: string
   * Wait until targets to finish before executing
  waitUntilTargets?: string[]
   * Watch parameter for passing in to the target
  watch?: boolean
   * inject schematic options to the target
  inject?: Record<string, any>
   * keep alive the process
  keepAlive?: boolean
   * Inject env variables to the run after build
  environment?: Record<string, string>




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