
1.6.0 • Public • Published

Webmethods.io connector builder

Commitizen friendly wmiocli


  npm i @webmethodsio/wmiocli -g

NOTE: On Windows OS use default command prompt.

BREAKING CHANGES: We have removed the logger.log API use this.$log(params) inside your action for debugging.

Issue On Windows [ISSUE]: https://github.com/SBoudrias/Inquirer.js/issues/570


Get Started

Webmethods.io wmio connector builder is a Command Line Interface tool for webmethods.io wmio. It lets you build your own connectors for Webmethods.io wmio. Using Webmethods.io wmio connector builder you can deploy your connector to Webmethods.io and share it with others.


Following are the commands which Webmethods.io wmio connector builder supports.


Use this command to display all the connectors created by current user.

  // command options -f or --filter="published=true"
  wmio connectors

Sample Output:

| App Name  |      Version    |      created_at          |
|---------- |-----------------| -------------------------|
| Github    |   1.0           | 2017-06-19T14:22:23.485Z |
| Facebook  |   2.0           | 2017-06-20T11:11:24.485Z |
| Gmail     |   2.0           | 2017-06-23T10:03:22.485Z |


Use this command to add an authentication for your connector.

  wmio auth


Use this command to add a new trigger, action, lookup.

  wmio create trigger new_push
  wmio create action create_user
  wmio create lookup list_users


Use this command for building and deploying the connector on wm.io.

  wmio deploy


Use this command for download a zip file of your connector.

  wmio download


Use this command to list all the commands you can use.

  wmio help

Sample Output:

|  Command    |    Example                           |                      Info                                  |
|----------   |--------------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------|
| connectors  |   wmio connectors                    | Lists all the connectors of the current user               |
| auth        |   wmio auth                          | Adds an authentication for your connector                  |
| create      |   wmio create trigger trigger_name   | Adds a new trigger, action and lookup                      |
| deploy      |   wmio deploy                        | Builds and deploys connector on Webmethods.io              |
| download    |   wmio download                      | Downloads zip of your connector                            |
| help        |   wmio help                          | Lists all the commands                                     |
| init        |   wmio init example                  | Initializes a new connector                                |
| login       |   wmio login                         | Login to Webmethods.io wmio account                        |
| logout      |   wmio logout                        | Logout from Webmethods.io wmio account                     |
| versions    |   wmio versions                      | Lists all the versions of your current connector           |
| oauth       |   wmio oauth deploy                  | Deploy custom user oauth to Webmethods.io wmio             |
| attach      |   wmio attach lookup                 | To attach lookup in any specific actions or triggers field |
| detach      |   wmio detach lookup                 | To detach lookup in any specific actions or triggers field |
| postman     |   wmio postman [file.json]           | To import action from postman collection exported json     |
| swagger     |   wmio swagger [swagger.json|yaml]   | To import action from swagger file                         |
| migrate     |   wmio migrate                       | To migrate a connector to other region                     |


Use this command to create an initial project.

  wmio init [path] [foldername] --template=minimal
  wmio init example
  • Options
    • template - Optional template argument. Default minimal


Use this command for configuring your deploy key and logging into Webmethods.io

  wmio login
  // or
  wmio login https://mytenanturl.webmethods.io user@softwareag.com developer_key


Use this command for deleting access token from your home directory.

  wmio logout


Use this command for displaying all the versions and their status of the current connector.

  wmio versions

Sample Output:

| App name  |   Version     |  Status   |
|---------- |:------------: |-----------|
| Github    |      1        | Published |
|           |      2        | Pending   |


To import all swagger api calls as an action in connector.

  wmio swagger <swagger file path>


To deploy custom user oauth to Webmethods.io

  wmio oauth deploy

attach lookup

To attach lookup in any specific action's or trigger's input field.

  wmio attach lookup

detach lookup

To detach lookup in any specific action's or trigger's input field.

  wmio detach lookup


To create actions from postman collections exported json

  wmio postman [box-exported-v2.1.json]


Short hand for wmio create action action_name

  wmio action action_name command


Short hand for wmio create trigger trigger_name

  wmio trigger trigger_name


Short hand for wmio create lookup lookup_name

  wmio lookup lookup_name


To test and run your action/triggers/auth locally provided you fill the mock_input in your action/trigger/file. By default port 8088 is used for listening webhook events you can change the port by setting ENV variable i.e (linux) PORT=9099 wmio test | (windows) set PORT=9099


Displays current logged in user information.


Unpublishes the connector which is published or global and it's respective actions/triggers will not be visible.


Migrates the connector you own to other account in different region.

wmio migrate

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